Title: The sustainability of Swedish fiscal policy
1The sustainability of Swedish fiscal policy
- Thomas Eisensee
- Senior Economist
2The ageing of the population
- Demographics
- Lower fertility (TFR 1.85)
- Rising longevity (Women 82.5?86.5, Men 78.3 ?
83.3) - Immigration (12 foreign born)
- Fundamental problem
- Fewer workers
- More retirees
- Implies higher expenditure and lower tax revenue
(even at constant taxes)
3Is Swedish Fiscal Policy sustainable?
- The Government provides two answers
- Given taxes and expenditures Central Government
gross debt does not increase beyond its present
level - The present discounted value of Central
Government primary surpluses equals the current
level of outstanding debt.
4Evaluating Fiscal Policy
- Sustainability is the ultimate objective
- The Expenditure ceiling and the Surplus target
are intermediary objectives - An analysis of principle is required how are the
intermediary objectives linked to the ultimate
objective? - Some considerations
- Several paths for debt are sustainable
- Intergenerational equity
- Efficiency (tax-smoothing)
- There are trade-offs
- Future generations are better off
- Precautionary savings to meet unexpected shocks
to the economy