Title: Stop Smoking Newton Aycliffe
1Stop Smoking Newton Aycliffe
2 The village pharmacy provides a Prescription in
Newton Aycliffe, we offer very competitive prices
on private prescriptions, we can community
pharmacy adjacent to the jubilee medical practice.
3The Village Pharmacy
The Village Pharmacy located on Burn Lane, Newton
Aycliffe. We provide a number of services,
including a collection and delivery service for
all the surgeries in Newton Aycliffe - Jubilee
Medical Group, Pease Way, Bewick Crescent, and
provide the services Stop Smoking, Emergency
Contraception, "c" card, Chlamydia screening and
Pregnancy Testing, etc.
4For more information or services comment via
Email thevillagepharmacy_at_intrapharm.com Telephon
e/Fax No. 01325 311297 Website