Electronic Commerce , commonly known as e-commerce is a type of industry where the bying and selling of products or services is conducted over electronic system such as the internet and other computer networks
2 (No Transcript) 3 Types of E-commerce
1) Business-To-Business (B2B)
3) Business-To-Government(B2G)
4 Business-To-Business (B2B)
It consists of largest form of Ecommerce.This model defines that Buyer and Seller are two different entities.It is similar to manufacturer issuing goods to the retailer or wholesaler.
5 (No Transcript) 6 Business-To-Consumer
1) It is the model taking businesses and consumer interaction. The basic concept of this model is to sell the product online to the consumers
2) B2C is the direct trade between the company and consumers. It provides direct selling through online .
7 (No Transcript) 8 Business-To-Government
1) Business to Goverment is a variation of the term business to business
2)The concept that businesses and government agencies can use central websites to exchange information and do business with each other more efficiently than they usually can off the Web.
9 (No Transcript) 10 Consumer-To-Consumer
There are many sites offering free classifieds , auctions and forums where individuals can buy and sell thanks to online payment systems like PayPal where people can send and receive money online with ease. eBays auction service is a great example of where person-to-person transactions take place everyday since 1995
11 (No Transcript) 12 Why Use E-commerce
1) Low Entry Cost
2) Reduces Transaction costs
3) Access to the Global Market
4) Secure Market share
13 (No Transcript) 14 Services of Ecommerce
Store management
Online marketing
Online stores Storefront development and product presentation