Psychological Disorders

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Psychological Disorders


Chapter 14 Psychological Disorders PowerPoint Presentation by Jim Foley – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Psychological Disorders

Chapter 14
  • Psychological Disorders
  • PowerPoint Presentation
  • by Jim Foley

A Psychological disorder is
  • A significant dysfunction in an individuals
    cognitions, emotions, or behaviors.

More Understandings about disorders
  • Disorders are diagnosed when there is
    dysfunction, behaviors which are considered
    maladaptive because they interfere with ones
    daily life
  • Disorders are diagnosed when the symptoms and
    behaviors are accompanied by Distress, suffering.
  • New definition (DSM 5) a disturbance in the
    psychological, biological, or developmental
    processes underlying mental functioning.

The Medical Model
The discovery that the disease of syphilis causes
mental symptoms (by infecting the brain)
suggested a medical model for mental illness.
  • Psychological disorders can be seen as
    psychopathology, an illness of the mind.
  • Disorders can be diagnosed, labeled as a
    collection of symptoms that tend to go together.
  • People with disorders can be treated, attended
    to, given therapy, all with a goal of restoring
    mental health.

The Biopsychosocial Approach
Classifying Psychological Disorders
  • The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
  • Its easier to count cases of autism if we have a
    clear definition.
  • Versions DSM-IV-TR, DSM-V (May 2013)
  • The DSM is used to justify payment for treatment.
  • Its consistent with diagnoses used by medical
    doctors worldwide.
  • Why create classifications of mental illness?
    What is the value of talking about diagnoses
    instead of just talking about individuals?
  • Diagnoses create a verbal shorthand for referring
    to a list of associated symptoms.
  • Diagnoses allow us to statistically study many
    similar cases, learning to predict outcomes.
  • Diagnoses can guide treatment choices.

The Five Axis of Diagnosis
Anxiety Disorders Our self-protective,
risk-reduction instincts in overdrive
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder Painful worrying
  • Panic Disorder Fear of the next attack
  • Phobias Dont even show me a picture
  • OCD I know it doesnt make sense, but I cant
    help it
  • PTSD Stuck Re-experiencing Trauma
  • Causes of Anxiety Disorders
  • Fear Conditioning
  • Observational Learning
  • Genetic/Evolutionary Predispositions
  • Brain involvement

GAD Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • Emotional-cognitive symptoms include worrying,
    having anxious feelings and thoughts about many
    subjects, and sometimes free-floating anxiety
    with no attachment to any subject. Anxious
    anticipation interferes with concentration.
  • Physical symptoms include autonomic arousal,
    trembling, sweating, fidgeting, agitation, and
    sleep disruption.

Panic Disorder Im Dying
  • A panic attack is not just an anxiety attack.
    It may include
  • many minutes of intense dread or terror.
  • chest pains, choking, numbness, or other
    frightening physical sensations.
  • a feeling of a need to escape.
  • Panic disorder refers to repeated and unexpected
    panic attacks, as well as a fear of the next

Specific Phobia
  • A specific phobia is more than just a strong fear
    or dislike. A specific phobia is diagnosed when
    there is an uncontrollable, irrational, intense
    desire to avoid the some object or situation.
    Even an image of the object can trigger a
    reaction--GET IT AWAY FROM ME!!!--the
    uncontrollable, irrational, intense desire to
    avoid the object of the phobia.

Some Fears and Phobias
  • Which varies more, fear or phobias? What does
    this imply?

Some Other Phobias
Agoraphobia is the avoidance of situations in
which one will fear having a panic attack.
Social phobia an intense fear of being watched
and judged by others, often showing as a fear of
possibly embarrassing public appearances.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder OCD
  • Obsessions are intense, unwanted worries, ideas,
    and images that repeatedly pop up in the mind.
  • A compulsion is a repeatedly strong feeling of
    needing to carry out an action, even though it
    doesnt feel like it makes sense.
  • When is it a disorder?
  • Distress when you are deeply frustrated with not
    being able to control the behaviors
  • or
  • Dysfunction when the time and mental energy
    spent on these thoughts and behaviors interfere
    with everyday life

Common OCD Behaviors
Percentage of children and adolescents with OCD
reporting these obsessions or compulsions
  • Common pattern RECHECKING Although you know that
    youve already made sure the door is locked, you
    feel you must check again. And again.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder PTSD
About 10 to 35 percent of people who experience
trauma not only have burned-in memories, but also
four weeks to a lifetime of
  • repeated intrusive recall of those memories.
  • nightmares and other re-experiencing.
  • social withdrawal or phobic avoidance.
  • jumpy anxiety or hypervigilance.
  • insomnia or sleep problems.
  • Which people develop PTSD?
  • Those with sensitive emotion-processing limbic
  • Those who are asked to relive their trauma as
    they report it
  • Those previously traumatized

Observational Learning and Anxiety
  • Experiments with humans and monkeys show that
    anxiety can be acquired through observational
    learning. If you see someone else avoiding or
    fearing some object or creature, you might pick
    up that fear and adopt it even after the original
    scared person is not around.
  • In this way, fears get passed down in families.

Cognition and Anxiety
  • Cognition includes worried thoughts, as well as
    interpretations, appraisals, beliefs,
    predictions, and ruminations.
  • Cognition includes mental habits such as
    hypervigilance (persistently watching out for
    danger). This accompanies anxiety in PTSD.
  • In anxiety disorders, such cognitions appear
    repeatedly and make anxiety worse.

Mood Disorders
  • Major depressive disorder MDD is
  • more than just feeling down.
  • more than just feeling sad about something.
  • Bipolar disorder is
  • more than mood swings.
  • depression plus the problematic overly up mood
    called mania.

Criteria of Major Depressive Disorders
Major depressive disorder is not just one of
these symptoms. It is one or both of the first
two, PLUS three or more of the rest.
  • Depressed mood most of the day, and/or
  • Markedly diminished interest or pleasure in
  • Significant increase or decrease in appetite or
  • Insomnia, sleeping too much, or disrupted sleep
  • Lethargy, or physical agitation
  • Fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day
  • Worthlessness, or excessive/inappropriate guilt
  • Daily problems in thinking, concentrating, and/or
    making decisions
  • Recurring thoughts of death and suicide

Depression is Everywhere
  • Depression shows up in people seeking treatment
  • Phobias are the most common (frequently
    experienced) disorder, but depression is the 1
    reason people seek mental health services.
  • Depression appears worldwide
  • Per year, depressive episodes happen to about 6
    percent of men and about 9 percent of women.
  • Over the course of a lifetime, 12 percent of
    Canadians and 17 percent of USA residents
    experience depression.
  • Depression The Common Cold of Disorders?
  • Although both are common (occurring frequently
    and pervasively), comparing depression to a cold
    doesnt work.
  • Depression
  • is more dangerous because of suicide risk.
  • has fewer observable symptoms.
  • is more lasting than a cold, and is less likely
    to go away just with time.
  • is much less contagious.
  • Anddepressive pain is beyond sniffles.

Bipolar Disorder
  • Bipolar disorder was once called
    manic-depressive disorder.
  • Bipolar disorders two polar opposite moods are
    depression and mania.

Mania refers to a period of hyper-elevated mood
that is euphoric, giddy, easily irritated,
hyperactive, impulsive, overly optimistic, and
even grandiose.
Contrasting Symptoms Contrasting Symptoms
Depressed mood stuck feeling down, with Mania euphoric, giddy, easily irritated, with
exaggerated pessimism social withdrawal lack of felt pleasure inactivity and no initiative difficulty focusing fatigue and excessive desire to sleep exaggerated optimism hypersociality and sexuality delight in everything impulsivity and overactivity racing thoughts the mind wont settle down little desire for sleep
Understanding Mood Disorders
  • Why are mood disorders so pervasive, especially
    among women?

Women, starting in adolescence, appear to
ruminate more, have deeper sadness then men,
encounter more stressors, and report their
depression more readily.
Biology of Depression Genetics
  • Evidence of genetic influence on depression
  • DNA linkage analysis reveals depressed gene
  • twin/adoption heritability studies

Biology of Depression The Brain
  • Brain activity is diminished in depression and
    increased in mania.
  • Brain structure smaller frontal lobes in
    depression and fewer axons in bipolar disorder
  • Brain cell communication (neurotransmitters)
  • more norepinephrine (arousing) in mania, less in
  • reduced serotonin in depression

Understanding Mood Disorders The
Social-Cognitive Perspective
Discounting positive information and assuming the
worst about self, situation, and the future
Self-defeating beliefs such as assuming that one
(self) is unable to cope, improve, achieve, or be
Depression is associated with
Stuck focusing on whats bad
Depressive Explanatory Style
How we analyze bad news predicts mood.
Problematic event
Assumptions about the problem
The problem is
The problem is
The problem is
  • Mood/result that goes along with these views

Depressions Vicious Cycle
  • A depressed mood may develop when a person with a
    negative outlook experiences repeated stress.

The depressed mood changes a persons style of
thinking and interacting in a way that makes
stressful experience more likely.
  • the mind is split from reality, e.g. a split from
    ones own thoughts so that they appear as

Psychosis refers to a mental split from reality
and rationality.
  • Schizophrenia symptoms include
  • disorganized and/or delusional thinking.
  • disturbed perceptions.
  • inappropriate emotions and actions.

Positive and Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia
Positive presence of problematic behaviors
Negative - absence of healthy behaviors
  • Flat affect (no emotion showing in the face)
  • Reduced social interaction
  • Anhedonia (no feeling of enjoyment)
  • Avolition (less motivation, initiative, focus on
  • Alogia (speaking less)
  • Catatonia (moving less)
  • Hallucinations (illusory perceptions), especially
  • Delusions (illusory beliefs), especially
  • Disorganized thought and nonsensical speech
  • Bizarre behaviors

Schizophrenia SymptomsProblems in Thinking and
  • Disorganized speech, including the word salad
    of loosely associated phrases
  • Delusions (illusory beliefs), often bizarre and
    not just mistaken most common are delusions of
    grandeur and of persecution
  • Problems with selective attention, difficulty
    filtering thoughts and choosing which thoughts to
    believe and to say out loud

? ! ? !
? ! ? !
Schizophrenia SymptomsDisturbed Perceptions
Youre evil!
Am I evil?
  • People with schizophrenia often experience
    hallucinations, that is, perceptual experiences
    not shared by others.
  • The most common form of hallucination is hearing
    voices that no one else hears, often with
    upsetting (e.g. shaming) content.
  • Hallucinations can also be visual,
    olfactory/smells, tactile/touch, or

Schizophrenia SymptomsInappropriate Emotions
and Actions
  • Odd and socially inappropriate responses such as
    looking bored or amused while hearing of a death
  • Flat affect facial/body expression is flat
    with no visible emotional content
  • Impaired perception of emotions, including not
    reading others intentions and feelings
  • The schizophrenic body exhibits symptoms such as
  • repetitive behaviors such as rocking and rubbing.
  • catatonia, such as sitting motionless and
    unresponsive for hours.

Onset and Development of Schizophrenia
  • Course of Schizophrenia
  • Acute/Reactive Schizophrenia In reaction to
    stress, some people develop positive symptoms
    such as hallucinations.
  • Recovery is likely.
  • Chronic/Process Schizophrenia develops slowly,
    with more negative symptoms .
  • With treatment and support, there may be periods
    of a normal life, but not a cure.
  • Without treatment, this type of schizophrenia
    often leads to poverty and social problems.
  • Onset Typically, schizophrenic symptoms appear
    at the end of adolescence and in early adulthood,
    later for women than for men.
  • Prevalence Nearly 1 in 100 people develop
    schizophrenia, slightly more men than women.
  • Development The course of schizophrenia can be
    acute/reactive or chronic.

Subtypes of Schizophrenia
Understanding Schizophrenia
  • Whats going on in the brain in schizophrenia?

Abnormal brain structure and activity
  • Too many dopamine/D4 receptors help to explain
    paranoia and hallucinations its like taking
    amphetamine overdoses all the time.
  • Poor coordination of neural firing in the frontal
    lobes impairs judgment and self-control.
  • The thalamus fires during hallucinations as if
    real sensations were being received.
  • There is general shrinking of many brain areas
    and connections between them.

Understanding Schizophrenia
  • Schizophrenia is more likely to develop in babies
  • during and after flu epidemics.
  • in densely populated areas.
  • a few months after flu season.
  • after mothers had the flu during the second
    trimester, or had antibodies showing viral
  • The lesson is to
  • Are there biological risk factors affecting early

Biological Risk Factors
Schizophrenia is somewhat more likely to develop
when one or more of these factors is present
  • low birth weight
  • maternal diabetes
  • older paternal age
  • famine
  • oxygen deprivation during delivery
  • maternal virus during mid-pregnancy impairing
    brain development

get flu shots with early fall pregnancies.
Understanding Schizophrenia
  • Are there genetic risk factors? If so, we would
    see more similar schizophrenia risk shared
    between identical twins than fraternal twins
    (graph below). Do we?

Genetic Factors
If one twin has schizophrenia, the chance of the
other one also having it are much greater if the
twins are identical.
Having adoptive siblings (or parents) with
schizophrenia does not increase the likelihood of
developing schizophrenia.
Understanding Schizophrenia
Genetic and Prenatal Causes
  • Even in quadruplets, genetics do not fully
    predict schizophrenia.
  • This could be because of environmental
  • First difference twins in separate placentas.
  • The Genain quadruplets share genes and all have
    schizophrenia but at different levels of
    severity genes may interact with environment to
    produce this pattern.

Only one of two twins has the enlarged ventricles
seen in schizophrenia.
  • Dissociation a separation of conscious
    awareness from thoughts, memory, bodily
    sensations, feelings, or even from identity.
  • Dissociative disorder dysfunction and distress
    caused by chronic and severe dissociation.

Dissociative Disorders
Dissociative Fugue state
Fugue Running away wandering away from ones
life, memory, and identity, with no memory of them
Dissociative Identity Disorder (D.I.D.)
Development of separate personalities
Dissociative Identity Disorder (D.I.D.) formerly
Multiple Personality Disorder
  • Alternative Explanations for D.I.D.
  • Dissociative identities might just be an
    extreme form of playing a role.
  • D.I.D. in North America might be a recent
    cultural construction, similar to the idea of
    being possessed by evil spirits.
  • Cases of D.I.D. might be created or worsened by
    therapists encouraging people to think of
    different parts of themselves.
  • In the rare actual cases of D.I.D., the
  • are distinct, and not present in consciousness at
    the same time.
  • may or may not appear to be aware of each other.

D.I.D., or DID Not? Evidence that D.I.D. is Real
  • Different personalities have involved
  • different brain wave patterns.
  • different left-right handedness.
  • different visual acuity and eye muscle balance
  • Patients with D.I.D. also show heightened
    activity in areas of the brain associated with
    managing and inhibiting traumatic memories.

Explaining fragmentation of personality from
different perspectives Psychoanalytic
perspective diverting id Cognitive
perspective coping with abuse Learning
perspective dissociation pays Social
influence therapists encourage
Eating Disorders
  • These may involve
  • unrealistic body image and extreme body ideal.
  • a desire to control food and the body when ones
    situation cant be controlled.
  • cycles of depression.
  • health problems.

Anorexia nervosaBulimia nervosaBinge-eating
Definition Prevalence
Anorexia Nervosa Compulsion to lose weight, coupled with certainty about being fat despite being 15 percent or more underweight 0.6 percent meet criteria at some time during lifetime
Bulimia Nervosa Compulsion to binge, eating large amounts fast, then purge by losing the food through vomiting, laxatives, and extreme exercise 1.0 percent
Binge-Eating Disorder Compulsion to binge, followed by guilt and depression 2.8 percent
Eating Disorders Associated Factors
  • Family factors
  • having a mother focused on her weight, and on
    childs appearance and weight
  • negative self-evaluation in the family
  • for bulimia, if childhood obesity runs in the
  • for anorexia, if families are competitive,
    high-achieving, and protective
  • Cultural factors
  • unrealistic ideals of body appearance

Personality Disorders
Personality disorders are enduring patterns of
social and other behavior that impair social
  • There are three clusters/categories of
    personality disorders.
  • Anxious e.g., Avoidant P.D., ruled by fear of
    social rejection
  • Eccentric/Odd e.g. Schizoid P.D., with flat
    affect, no social attachments
  • Dramatic e.g. Histrionic, attention-seeking
    narcissistic, self-centered antisocial, amoral

Antisocial Personality Disorder APD
  • Antisocial personality disorder Persistently
    acting without conscience, without a sense of
    guilt for harm done to others (strangers and
    family alike).
  • The diagnostic criteria include a pattern of
    violating the rights of others since age 15,
    including three of these

Deceitfulness Disregard for safety of self or
others Aggressiveness Failure to conform to
social norms Lack of remorse Impulsivity and
failure to plan ahead Irritability Irresponsibilit
y regarding jobs, family, and money
Which Kids May Develop APD as Adults?
  • Biological APD Risk Factors
  • Antisocial or unemotional biological relatives
    increases risk.
  • ? Some associated genes have been identified.
  • Lower levels of stress hormones and low
    physiological arousal in stressful situations
  • Fear conditioning is impaired.
  • Reduced prefrontal cortex tissue leads to
  • Substance dependence is more likely.
  • About half of children with persistent antisocial
    behavior develop lifelong APD.
  • Which kids are at risk? Psychological factors
  • those who in preschool were impulsive,
    uninhibited, unconcerned with social rewards, and
    low in anxiety.
  • those who endured child abuse, and/or
    inconsistent, unavailable caretaking.

Antisocial PD ? Criminality
Many career criminals do show empathy and
selflessness with family and friends. Many people
with A.P.D. do not commit crimes.
Antisocial Crime Associated factors
  • Though antisocial personality disorder is not a
    full picture of most criminal activity, what can
    we say about people who commit crime, especially
    violent crime?

Lower levels of physiological arousal (measured
here as adrenaline levels) under stress may
enable taking violent action without feeling
anxiety or panic.
Biosocial Roots of Crime The Brain
  • People who commit murder seem to have less tissue
    and activity in the part of the brain that
    suppresses impulses.
  • Other differences include
  • less amygdala response when viewing violence.
  • an overactive dopamine reward-seeking system.

How common are psychological disorders?
  • Countries vary greatly in the percentage of
    people reporting mental health issues in the past

Rates of Psychological Disorders
  • This list takes a closer look at the past-year
    prevalence of various mental health diagnoses in
    the United States.

Vulnerable factors and ages for developing Mental
  • Age of vulnerability
  • Many disorders begin to show symptoms by early
  • Developing on average around age 20 OCD,
    Schizophrenia, Bipolar, Alcohol Dependence.
  • Showing some signs earlier Phobias (median age
    10) and antisocial personality disorder (some
    symptoms by age 8)
  • Developing later than 20 Major Depressive
  • Who is vulnerable to
  • mental disorders?
  • Poverty increases the risk of many mental
    disorders including aggression and anxiety.
    Disorders decrease when poverty is lifted.
  • Immigrant paradox Despite the stress of
    immigrating, those who immigrate to the U.S.A.
    have a lower risk of disorders than their
    children born in the U.S.A.

Outcomes for People with Psychological Disorders
  • There are risks to be watchful of, obstacles to
    be overcome, and improvements to be made, often
    with the help of with treatment.
  • Some people with psychological disorders do not
  • Some achieve greatness, even with a psychological
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