Title: Nutritional Supplements
1Biotic Balance Probiotic Review
2Biotic Balance Probiotic Review
- The Standard American Diet (SAD) is lacking in
many vital nutritional components. Being largely
composed of prepackaged, convenience foods with
few naturally grown food products this diet has
contributed to an epidemic of not only obesity
but also extreme nutritional deficiency. While
many commercially available vitamin and mineral
supplements exist, they are manufactured in an
artificial way that reduces bioavailability and
promotes chemical contamination.
3Biotic Balance Probiotic Review
- Whole food supplements is currently a topic of
worldwide interest. A profusion of evidence has
recently come to light suggesting that ordinary
synthetic multivitamin supplements may be
hazardous to your health. Goran Bjelakovic, a
respected scientist from the University of
Copenhagen, headed up a massive meta-study that
looked at the results of 67 placebo-controlled
trials previously undertaken to determine the
effects of vitamin and anti-oxidant supplements
on longevity.
4Biotic Balance Probiotic Review
- Biotic Balance Probiotic Review
- When it comes to taking supplements there are
many to choose from. You don't need to buy any
and take every supplement that is on the market.
Most people overdue the necessary supplements
they need to take. There are as many different
supplement companies with many different
supplements all claiming to be the best for you.
Many people try a mixture of supplements hoping
to find the magical potion for all their diet,
weight loss and supplement needs. - http//coopersdivertimento.com/biotic-balance-prob