Title: Cover Slide Title
1VA Update on Psychological Health and TBI
Clinical Initiatives
Sonja V. Batten, Ph.D. Acting Deputy
Director Defense Centers of Excellence
for Psychological Health and TBI
November, 2008
- VACO Rehabilitation Services
- Han Kang
3Current DoD Roster of Recent War Veterans
- Over 1.6 million service members have served in
OEF/OIF to date - Latest Update of roster for veterans
- Provided to Dr. Kang, Veterans Health
Administration (VHA) Environmental Epidemiology
Service, on May 2, 2008 - Qualifications of DoDs OEF/OIF deployment roster
- Contains list of veterans who have left active
duty and does not include currently serving
active duty personnel - Does not distinguish OEF from OIF veterans
- Roster only includes separated OEF/OIF veterans
with out-of-theater dates through February 2008 - 4,271 veterans who died in-theater are not
included -
4Updated Roster of OIF and OEF Veterans Who Have
Left Active Duty
- 868,717 OEF and OIF veterans who have left
active duty and become eligible for VA health
care since FY 2002 - 50 (437,873) Former Active Duty troops
- 50 (430,844) Reserve and National Guard
5VA Health Care Utilization for FY 2002-2008 (2nd
QT) by Service Component
- Among all 868,717 separated OEF/OIF Veterans
- 40 (347,750) of total separated OEF/OIF veterans
have obtained VA health care since FY 2002
(cumulative total) - 437,873 Former Active Duty Troops
- 41 (179,475) have sought VA health care since
FY 2002 (cumulative total) - 430,844 Reserve/National Guard Members
- 39 (168,275) have sought VA health care since
FY 2002 (cumulative total)
6Comparison of VA Health Care Requirements
- The cumulative total of 347,750 OEF/OIF veterans
evaluated by VA over approximately 6 years from
FY 2002 through FY 2008 (2nd QT) represents about
6 of the 5.5 million individuals who received
VHA health care in any one year (total VHA
patient population of 5.5 million in 2007).
7Demographic Characteristics of OEF and OIF
Veterans Utilizing VA Health Care
Veterans -
(n 347,750) - Sex
- Male
88 - Female 12
- Age Group
- lt20 7
- 20-29 51
- 30-39 23
- 40 18
- Branch
- Air Force
12 - Army 64
- Marine 13
- Navy
11 - Unit Type
- Active 52
- Reserve/Guard
- Rank
8Frequency of Possible Diagnoses Among OEF and
OIF Veterans
- Diagnosis (n 347,750)
- (Broad ICD-9 Categories)
Frequency -
- Infectious and Parasitic Diseases
(001-139) 40,956 11.8 - Malignant Neoplasms (140-208)
3,248 0.9 - Benign Neoplasms (210-239)
4.0 - Diseases of Endocrine/Nutritional/ Metabolic
Systems (240-279)
75,850 21.8 - Diseases of Blood and Blood Forming Organs
(280-289) 7,675 2.2 - Mental Disorders (290-319)
147,744 42.5 - Diseases of Nervous System/ Sense Organs
121,473 34.9 - Diseases of Circulatory System (390-459)
56,900 16.4 - Disease of Respiratory System (460-519)
71,087 20.4 - Disease of Digestive System (520-579)
110,449 31.8 - Diseases of Genitourinary System (580-629)
37,118 10.7 - Diseases of Skin (680-709) 55,797
16.0 - Diseases of Musculoskeletal System/Connective
System (710-739) 165,439
47.6 - Symptoms, Signs and Ill Defined Conditions
138,043 39.7 - Injury/Poisonings (800-999)
73,767 21.2 -
9Frequency of Possible Mental Disorders Among
OEF/OIF Veterans since 2002
- Disease Category (ICD 290-319 code)
Total Number of GWOT
Veterans - PTSD (ICD-9CM 309.81)
75,719 - Depressive Disorders (311)
50,732 - Neurotic Disorders (300) 40,157
- Affective Psychoses (296) 28,734
- Nondependent Abuse of Drugs (ICD 305)
21,201 - Alcohol Dependence Syndrome (303) 12,780
- Special Symptoms, Not Elsewhere Classified (307)
7,685 - Sexual Deviations and Disorders (302) 7,076
- Drug Dependence (304) 5,764
- Specific Nonpsychotic Mental Disorder 4,654
- due to Organic Brain Damage (310)
- Note These are cumulative data since FY
2002. ICD diagnoses used in these analyses are
obtained from computerized administrative data.
Although diagnoses are made by trained healthcare
providers, up to one-third of coded diagnoses may
not be confirmed when initially coded because the
diagnosis is rule-out or provisional, pending
further evaluation. - A total of 147,744 unique patients received a
diagnosis of a possible mental disorder. A
veteran may have more than one mental disorder
diagnosis and each diagnosis is entered
separately in this table therefore, the total
number above will be higher than 147,744. - This row of data does not include
information on PTSD from VAs Vet Centers or data
from veterans not enrolled for VHA health care.
Also, this row does not include veterans who did
not receive a diagnosis of PTSD (ICD 309.81) but
had a diagnosis of adjustment reaction (ICD-9
309). - This category currently excludes
39,811veterans who have a diagnosis of tobacco
use disorder (ICD-9CM 305.1) and no other ICD-9CM
305 diagnoses.
10Mental Health Services in VA Initiatives and
Current Status
11MH Strategic PlanAdopted 2004
- Implement Presidents New Freedom Commission on
MH Report within VA - Principal components
- Expanding access and capacity
- Integrating MH and primary care
- Transforming system to focus on recovery
rehabilitation - Implementing evidence-based care
- Returning veterans
- Suicide Prevention
12MHSP Implementation
- Over 850 million invested since FY05 in specific
Mental Health Enhancement Initiatives (MHEI) - Increasing basic MH funding, e.g., over 3.2
billion total for mental health services in FY08 - Over 530 million in proposed VA MHEI budget for
FY09 and over 3.8 billion in basic funding - Over 3,900 new mental health staff hired since FY
2005 total mental health staff in the system
almost 17,000
13Basic Mental Health Programming
- Programs available before Mental Health
Initiatives have stayed the same or grown in
capacity - Outpatient specialty mental health clinics
- Inpatient psychiatry programs
- Residential Rehabilitation treatment programs
- Substance Use Disorder care
- Vocational Rehabilitation
- Specialty PTSD programs
- Local initiatives
- Programs that have declined
- Day Hospital
- Sheltered Workshop
14PTSD and OEF/OIF Programs
- Expanded PTSD points of care
- PTSD Mentoring program
- SeRV-MH teams for returning OEF/OIF veterans
- 95 teams
15VA Dissemination of ESTs
- Passive dissemination of guidelines (e.g.,
printing guidelines) is often ineffective - Three current VA dissemination initiatives (2
more planned) - Prolonged Exposure for PTSD
- Cognitive Processing Therapy for PTSD
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Depression
and Associated Anxiety Symptoms - OMHS leadership supports need to train clinicians
AND develop internal resources to continue
training over time - Self-sustaining
16Addressing Barriers Building Practitioner Support
- Dissemination is unlikely to succeed if changes
are only initiated top down - Problems with previous efforts at dissemination
may have been their unidirectional nature - Emphasis on changing practitioner behavior as
decided by researchers or administrators
17Addressing Barriers Training
- Training/Supervision designed to remedy skills
deficits and attitudinal obstacles - Training will be adequate in intensity
- Training will include effective change methods
(e.g., modeling, role play, feedback, homework) - Trainees will see two cases under weekly
supervision - Trainees will commit to use the therapy in which
they are trained, supervise others
18Enhanced Access and Continuity of Care
- 24/14 requirement for new mental health referrals
- Expanded clinic hours
- Required follow-up of missed appointments
- Requirement for MH in Emergency Departments and
Urgent Care Centers
19Military Sexual Trauma
- MST Coordinator in every VA facility
- National MST Recovery Team provides education
and mentoring to MST coordinators and providers
20Centers of Excellence
- 10 MIRECCs
- National Center for PTSD
- 3 Congressionally-mandated COEs for mental health
(Canandaigua COE with suicide prevention focus is
one) - VA collaboration with Defense Centers of
Excellence for Psychological Health and TBI
21Suicide Prevention
- Suicide Prevention Coordinator in each medical
center - Centers of Excellence
- National programs for education and awareness
- 24/7 Hotline, in conjunction with SAMHSA suicide
prevention hotline number - 1-800-273-TALK
- Option directs Veterans to a VA professional with
access to Electronic Medical Record - Hand-off to local Suicide Prevention Coordinator
for follow-up and ongoing care
22Mental Health Services in Polytrauma
- MH team in every Level 1 Polytrauma Center
- MH staff on VISN level Polytrauma teams
- MH staff in Transitional Living programs for
Polytrauma patients
23VAs Polytrauma System of Care TBI Screening
- Two or more injuries to physical regions or
organ systems, one of which may be life
threatening, resulting in physical, cognitive,
psychological, or psychosocial impairments and
functional disability. - TBI frequently occurs in polytrauma in
combination with other disabling conditions
(e.g., amputation, auditory and visual
impairments, SCI, PTSD, other MH conditions). - Brain injury is the impairment that primarily
guides the course of the rehabilitation. - VHA Handbook 1172.1
25VA Polytrauma System of Care
- Integrated system of care with over 100
specialized rehabilitation sites distributed
across the country - Services delivered by interdisciplinary teams of
rehabilitation specialists and medical
consultants - Brain injury drives the care
- Advanced rehabilitation practices and equipment
with focus on independence and community
re-integration - Emphasis on care coordination and case management
- Provide life-long care and access to a continuum
of services - Polytrauma Telehealth Network
26Implementation of the VA Polytrauma System of Care
April 07 TBI Screening
March 07 80 Polytrauma Support Clinic Teams,
50 Polytrauma Points of Contact
July 06 Polytrauma Telehealth Network
December 05 22 Polytrauma Network Sites
February 05 Four Polytrauma Rehabilitation
1992 VHA TBI Lead Centers Selected
27PSC Components
Polytrauma Centers (4) Regional referral centers
Goal Get Home
Polytrauma Network Sites (22) VISN level referral
Polytrauma Support Clinics (80) Facility level
Polytrauma Points of Contact (50) Referral and
care coordination
28 Polytrauma Rehabilitation Centers
Palo Alto
29Polytrauma Rehabilitation Centers
- Regional referral centers for veterans and active
duty service members with TBI and polytrauma - Patients with high degree of medical complexity
and varied patterns of disabling injuries - Full range of acute comprehensive medical and
rehabilitative services - Comprehensive acute interdisciplinary inpatient
rehabilitation - Comprehensive interdisciplinary inpatient
evaluations - Emerging Consciousness Program
- Residential Transitional Rehabilitation Program
- Leadership in education, research and program
30Polytrauma Network Sites
- One PNS located in each VISN ( San Juan)
- Interdisciplinary, specialized post-acute
rehabilitative services (inpatient and
outpatient) - Develop and manage rehabilitation plans for
veterans and active duty service members with TBI
and polytrauma - Serve as resources and coordinate services for
TBI and polytrauma across the VISN - Develop and conduct VISN level educational
programs for providers as well as patients and
families in the areas of polytrauma and TBI - Provide leadership for tracking VISN level
outcome data and performance monitors for
polytrauma and TBI.
31Role of the Polytrauma Support Clinical Team
- Located at 80 VAMCs across VHA
- Primary role
- Specialty rehabilitation care closer to home
- Evaluation, development of a treatment plan,
interdisciplinary rehabilitation care, and
long-term management of patients with on-going or
changed rehabilitation needs - Nursing and social work care managers coordinate
clinical and support services for patients and
their families - Lead role
- Conduct comprehensive evaluations of patients
with positive TBI screens and develop
rehabilitation and community re-integration plans
32Polytrauma Points of Contact
- Designated in March, 2007 at 50 Medical Centers
without specialized rehabilitation teams - VA staff member knowledgeable of Polytrauma
System of Care - Case management and referral to Polytrauma System
of Care - Community Based Outpatient Clinic
- VA contact close to home
- Coordinate services provided within community
33 Long Term Follow-up
- Some symptoms are lifelong and require special
expertise - Emerging complications
- Changes in developmental stage
- Changes in social situation
- New treatments or technology
- Tune-ups
- Support and connectivity
- Aging with disability
- Scheduled and as needed (patients, families may
not always be proactive)
34A New Era of VA Care