Title: 12 best tips for buying life insurance policy
1- 12 best tips for buying life insurance policy in
Life Insurance Policy
2Tip 1 Fully understand why you need insurance
- You should always buy insurance with a purpose.
If there is no purpose, better dont buy as you
will buy unwanted products. If you do not have
any dependent, there is no need to buy life
insurance at all.
3Tip 2 Buy only plain term insurance policy.
- Term Insurance Policy is a no frills life
insurance plan and it covers your life for a term
of one or more years. It pays a death benefit
only if a person die's within the term period. - The primary aim of insurance is to secure your
loved ones financial needs when you.
4Tip 3 Determine accurately the Coverage or Sum
- Calculating the Sum Assured is the most critical
step once you have understood the need and chosen
the right insurance policy type. You do not want
to make the mistake of under-insuring yourself.
5Tip 4 Choose a trust worthy insurance company.
- You have a lot of options when you need to choose
the best insurer.
6Tip 5 Avoid adding riders if you do not
understand them fully.
- Brokers/advisors will ask you to add riders. Yes,
it is a good advise. - You should buy them only if you know what purpose
it will server.
7Tip 6 Reveal all truthful information. Fill the
form yourself.
- A main cause for claims getting rejected is
because insurers claim that true details were not
provided when taking the policy. Fill the form
8Tip 7 Know the exclusions. Ask the right
- Carefully Read The Insurance Policy Wordings.
- Ask the right questions to your agent before
buying a policy.
9Tip 8 Buy when you are young.
- Buy term life insurance when you are young,
married or have a baby.
10Tip 9 Consult a paid financial planner/advisor
- You will be always better off getting advice from
a quality paid consultant/planner who does not
co-sell products.
11Tip 10 Keep investments and insurance separate
- One of the best tips for buying life insurance.
12Tip 11 buy separate policies
- One of the best tips for buying life insurance.
13Tip 12 Buy Online
- One Online term insurance policies are much
cheaper and very easy to buy within a minute.
Compare policies and choose the best fit.
14Thank You