Title: Hoverstream offering variety of top gear hovercraft
1Hoverstream LLC
Build and sell high-quality, affordable
hovercraft that can be used for recreational,
commercial or rescue operation
Jason Kuehn, is Founder and President of
Hoverstream LLC. He is an internationally
recognized expert in the hovercraft industry with
over 18 years of experience. Hoverstream
has quickly become a leader in complete turnkey
hovercraft. Hoverstream LLC entered the market
with the Marlin (2-3person) and the Coastal Pro
(3-4 person). Now we offer you some more top
quality products with many services. These
hovercrafts are designed for the best possible
price to performance ratio.
3Snapper - II
- The Snapper II is the embodiment of all
three fun, economical and reliable. The Snapper-
II is a single seat hovercraft. And the price of
Snapper-II is 12,495
4Coastal-Pro -II
Coastal Pro II is designed for
commercial,recreational or rescue. A dedicated
life engine and large footprint allow it to
safely carry a huge load.That separate life
engine also gives the craft unrivaled
Maneuverability and full obstacle clearance.
5Marlin - III
The Marlin III is a turnkey
hovercraft built to marine
standards and has a sporting, modern
professional look, which comes with a warranty
on both the craft and engine for added
peace of mind.
6Image Gallery
7Contact US
- Would you like to speak with someone at
Hoverstream LLC - - We are always ready to help.
- Our offices are in
- Hoverstream, LLCStreet Address - 1761 N. Sherman
Dr. Suite JIndianapolis, IN 46218 - Contact no. 317-489-0075
- www.hoverstream.com
- IN Western Canada-
- Hovercraft WestSaskatoon, Saskatchewan,
Canadawww.hovercraftwest.comSales Contact Bill
8Thank You