Title: 8051 Microcontroller -Robomart India
2Block Diagram of 8051 Microcontroller Robomart
38051 Microcontroller Architecture Core
- This microcontroller covers robomart 8051 core
Microcontroller architecture which include
program memory,data memory,PSW,PCON etc. - As shown in the figure, robomart 8051 core
consists of the following 8 bit
processor(CPU) Extensive Boolean processing
(Single-bit logic) capabilities 64K Program
Memory 64K Data Memory 4K bytes Program
Memory(on chip) 128 bytes of Data RAM( on chip
) 32 addressable I/O lines, they are
bidirectional and can be individually Two
16-bit timer/counters Full duplex UART
6-source OR 5-vector interrupts structure with
two priority levels On-chip clock oscillator
4Microcontroller Development Board
58051 CISC Based Architecture
- The 8051 is CISC based architecture. It
follows the Harvard architecture principles of
memory interface, so has separate program and
information memory. 16 of the available 32 I/O
lines are utilized for accessing the outside
memory. We can get to a maximum of 64KB of
program and 64 KB information memory remotely. 8
of the IO lines are utilized as both Address and
information lines. - Both the program memory and information
memories are 64K bytes. Program memory is perused
only and Data memory is discernable/writable.
Program Store Enable is the perused strobe signal
used to get to outside program memory. There are
RD and WR signals utilized for reading from and
writing to the outer memory.
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