Title: Academia Beyond the Foundations: A Retrospective View
1Academia Beyond the Foundations A Retrospective
Academic Sharing Notable Practice
Conference London, March 2009
Adam P.R. Smith
2My Winding Path!
Medicine at UCL
Intercalated BSc Neuroscience
MB PhD Programme PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience
Visiting Post-Doc, UCI
Academic Foundation Programme SETFS (Kings
College Hospital)
Academic Clinical Fellow in Paediatrics London
(Institute of Child Health)
3The Foundation Programme
- 2 year Academic Foundation Programme in
Paediatrics in SETFS, based entirely at KCH - F1 3 months surgery, 3 months paediatrics, 6
months medicine -
- - existence of academic teaching programme
in addition to generic F1 teaching, but
rarely possible to attend - F2 4 months AE, 4 months neonates, 4 months
academic -
- - monthly academic teaching programme with
skills talks and academic keynote speakers
4Strengths and Weaknesses
Opportunity to work in academic environment
taster, different areas/techniques, produce work!
Less clinical time (normally instead of GP)
Additional training in generic academic skills
Limited time for substantial contribution to
Privileged clinical placements
Administration/timing difficulties
Loss of on call experience and money
Contacts and CV
5Areas for Development
- Greater central support for well designed
academic teaching programmes - Awareness of particular administrative issues
for academic trainees and planning to overcome
these - Dedicated consultant as point of contact for
academic trainees within each trust - Linkage of academic and clinical placements in
FY2 - Early planning of academic projects across all
programmes - Funding support for conferences etc.
- Academic blocks better placed later in FY2 to
facilitate planning and make it easier to do
locum work if desired
- AFPs are natural step on clinical academic
career path - Also provide taste of research experience, and
grounding in academic approach for clinicians
with academic interests - Relatively new programme with some difficulties
integrating with normal clinical programme - Further steps along clincial/academic path
require further compromises - Greater central support for and understanding
of academic programmes needed to maximise
benefits and minimise disadvantages