Title: Lisa Harding International Trade Advisor
1Lisa HardingInternational Trade Advisor
Supporting Local Businesses
- Passport to Export Programme Details
- Other UKTI Services
Supporting Local Businesses
3Passport to Export ProgrammeWhat is it?
- A comprehensive package of
- support for new, novice and
- potential exporters.
Supporting Local Businesses
- Free Mentoring (6)
- Company diagnostic
- Export Action Plan
- Training Plan
- Market Research
- Free Training (5) . . .
Supporting Local Businesses
5- Up to 3000 match funding,
- Up to 500 travel costs outside the EU,
- Ongoing support, advice and information from the
International Trade Team and its partners.
Supporting Local Businesses
6Company Definition
- SMEs with less than 250 employees,
- Turnover of not more than 40m/28m,
- Balance sheet not more than 27m/19m,
- Not more than 25 owned by companies outside this
definition, - New, novice and potential exporters.
Supporting Local Businesses
- Flexible targetted approach,
- Up to 3,500 support,
- Research, advice, support,
- Free training
- Free mentoring
Supporting Local Businesses
8Process (3 Stages)
- Diagnostic (company, financial and accounts),
- Strategy, action planning,
- Plan implementation (12-18 months)
Supporting Local Businesses
9Getting started
- Commitment to develop and implement agreed Export
Action Plan, - Submission of financial/managed accounts (and/or
projection), - 100VAT sign on fee,
- Sign Agreement.
Supporting Local Businesses
10Other UKTI Services
- Overseas Market Introduction Service (OMIS)
- Solo support
- New Products from Britain
- Overseas Missions
Supporting Local Businesses
11About ChamberLink
Supporting Local Businesses
12Useful Websites to get started
- www.uktradeinvest.gov.uk
- www.creativexport.co.uk
Supporting Local Businesses
13 Further information
- ChamberLink
- International Trade Centre
- Telephone 0161 237 4145
- Email lisa.harding_at_chamber-link.co.uk
- www.chamber-link.co.uk
Supporting Local Businesses