Title: Writing Effective Performance Appraisals
1Writing Effective Performance Appraisals
- Performance and Staff Development Program
- 2011
2Performance and Staff Development Program Goals
- Provide accurate written feedback on performance
and accomplishments for appraisal cycle - Establish performance goals/expectations for
coming cycle - Address professional development needs using
competencies or other feedback
3Writing Effective Performance Appraisals
- Prepare
- Gather relevant performance documentation
- Progress reports, letters, commendations,
performance letters - Refer to goals/expectations and professional
development for appraisal year - Advise staff that appraisals are being completed
- Ask staff to complete Self-Appraisal Worksheets
and review these prior to finalizing appraisals
4Writing Effective Performance Appraisals
- Assess performance results against established
expectations/goals - Consider any extenuating circumstances
- Describe performance results in detail
- helps staff member understand how successful s/he
is in performing job duties - lets staff member know where performance did and
did not meet expectations - include accomplishments, strengths and areas
needing enhancement or improvement - Provide supporting examples to further clarify
the assessment of performance
5Writing Effective Performance Appraisals
- Example of Effective Feedback to Susan about
Exchange Email Project - Susan, you successfully migrated our email to the
ISC Exchange Email system by December 1, the
established deadline for this migration. In
addition, you placed on the shared drive easy to
understand tips (in Q A format) for using the
new exchange systems and held lunch time training
sessions for the staff. As previously discussed,
I received many compliments from the staff on how
you handled this migration with minimal downtime
of their computer systems. They also praised you
for the support and orientation you gave them in
understanding the features of the new email
system. We recognize that you had to work long
hours and some weekends during this transition
and appreciate your diligent efforts. Because of
your outstanding efforts we transitioned to the
new system in a very systematic and effective way
without any adverse impact on our daily
6Writing Effective Performance Appraisals
- Setting Clear Expectations
- Help staff understand responsibilities
- Provide measures against which performance
results are assessed - Provide clear strategic direction for next
appraisal cycle - Set foundation for effective performance
management - Enhances staff productivity
7Writing Effective Performance Appraisals
- How do expectations and job duties differ?
- Job duties define what a person does.
- Expectations define how the person should perform
the job duties. - Expectations focus on end results, not just
activities. - Sample Job Duty and Expectation
- Job Duty Implement new software and computer
programs - Expectation Transition entire department to the
ISC Exchange Email System by December 1.
Establish transition plan for review and approval
by October 15. Plan should include strategies
for orientating and training staff on the new
system. Transition must be performed with
minimal computer system downtime and minimal
interruption to daily departmental operations.
8Writing Effective Performance Appraisals
- Types of Expectations
- Quantity or Output
- Focus on results often involve numerical
measurement - Example 15 job tickets should be accurately
processed each day. - Quality or Behavior Expectation
- Focus on means, method for achieving goal
- Example When you receive a customer complaint,
you should actively listen to his/her concerns,
document the complaint in writing, thoroughly
investigate the complaint, take the appropriate
action to resolve the complaint and communicate
results to the customer within 2 working days.
9Writing Effective Performance Appraisals
- Use S.M.A.R.T.S. criteria to write expectations
- Specific
- Measurable
- Achievable
- Results Oriented
- Time Bound
- Stretch
10Writing Effective Performance Appraisals
- Addressing the professional development needs of
staff - Increases individual staff performance and effort
- Enhances the skills and abilities of the
workforce - Improves overall productivity
- Increases staff commitment and engagement
- Retains a highly qualified, diverse workforce
11Writing Effective Performance Appraisals
- Professional Development Feedback can entail
- Identifying competency areas staff member needs
to enhance - Competencies listed in Guidelines or on
Performance and Staff Development Plan (Long
Form) on HR website - Formal or informal training
- Developmental assignments
- Assignment to a project team
- Designing or revamping a program, process or
system - Training/mentoring others
- Discussing and formulating career plans
- Consult with Penns Career Coach (215-898-1371)
- http//www.hr.upenn.edu/Learning/Career.aspx
12Writing Effective Performance Appraisals
- Discuss and document in the performance
appraisal - How staff member demonstrated competencies
identified for current appraisal cycle - Competency areas that need further development
- Competencies that staff member should address in
upcoming appraisal cycle to enhance development - Staff members professional development and
career plans
13Writing Effective Performance Appraisals
- Feedback on competencies should
- be detailed, qualitative
- help staff members professional development
- discuss in detail how staff member demonstrates
the competency, using supportive examples - advise staff member on how competency area could
be further developed
14Writing Effective Performance Appraisals
- Instead of this feedback
- You have good communication skills.
- Consider writing
- Your oral and written communication is clear,
accurate and thorough. The monthly reports you
submitted were complete, easy to understand and
required little to no modification. You can
enhance your presentation skills by taking a
training course on Effective Presentations and
implementing the course recommendations into your
upcoming presentation to staff and faculty.
15Writing Effective Performance Appraisals
- Program uses a 5-tier overall rating system
- Staff member's performance consistently exceeds
established goals/expectations for the position
and is clearly outstanding overall. - Staff member's performance consistently meets and
frequently exceeds all established
goals/expectations for the position. - Staff member's performance consistently meets
established goals/expectations for the position. - Staff member's performance meets some, but not
all, established goals/expectations for the
position and improvement in specific areas is
required. - Staff member's performance is unacceptable for
the position and significant improvement is
16Writing Effective Performance Appraisals
- Things to consider when selecting the overall
rating - Did the staff member achieve all of the expected
goals/expectations for this appraisal cycle? - Did the staff member achieve some but not all
goals/expectations for this appraisal cycle? If
not, were there extenuating circumstances which
affected the staff member's ability to achieve
the desired results? - If applicable, how did the staff members
performance surpass the desired results? How
often did the performance surpass the desired
performance results? - What impact did the staff member's performance
have on the attainment of the department's goals
and objectives?
17Writing Effective Performance Appraisals
- When completing appraisals remember
- Give accurate, honest, detailed feedback
- Be fair and consistent
- Take into consideration the entire appraisal
cycle, including extenuating circumstances that
affected performance - Feedback should summarize the verbal/written
feedback given to staff during the appraisal
cycle. (There should be few surprises.) - Include feedback and discussion on professional
development - Differentiate overall ratings based on actual
performance results obtained - This is an important decision that should support
other employment decisions and comply with
University policies
18Writing Effective Performance Appraisals
- Performance and Staff Development materials are
available online at http//www.hr.upenn.edu/Staf
fRelations/Performance/Default.aspx - Call your school/center Human Resources
representative or the Division of Human Resources
(215-898-6093) for questions or training - Appraisals must be completed and in Performance
Appraisal Database no later than June 1, 2011.
(Schools/centers may set earlier deadlines.)