Title: Elimination/Consolidation of Certain Certifications
1Elimination/Consolidation of Certain
Circular 26-08-17
2Were eliminating redundancies
3Were consolidating mandatory certifications into
a single certification.
4Processing Changes
VA Form 26-1820, Report and Certification of Loan
May be signed by any individual authorized to
bind the firm to the certifications listed in
item 24 of this form.
5Reserve/National Guard Activation Statement
No longer required!
Lenders must still consider if a veteran may be
subject to activation and follow guidance listed
in Chapter 4, section 2m, of the VA Lenders
6Underwriters Certification for Automated
Underwriting System (AUS) Cases No longer
Certification of data integrity is covered by the
Lenders Loan Quality Certification, located in
VA Lenders Handbook, Chapter 4, section 1d, step
7Consolidation of Certifications
Sample on Exhibit A of Circular 26-08-17
- Borrower certifications include
- Interest Rate and Discount Disclosure Statement
- Interest Rate Reduction Refinancing Loan (IRRRL)
Certification - Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) Certification
8Consolidation of Certifications
Sample on Exhibit A of Circular 26-08-17
- Lender certifications include
- Lender certification for payment increase
- Interest Rate Reduction Refinancing Loan Status
- Power of Attorney Certification
- Alive, well and not missing in action statement
- Late Reporting Certification
- Lender Loan Quality Certification
These changes do not lessen the responsibility of
lenders to underwrite loans in a sound manner in
compliance with published VA directives. Instead,
the intent is to further simplify the processing
of VA guaranteed loans for lenders. After all, we
are serving our veterans together!
Circular 26-08-17 Elimination/Consolidation of
Certain Certifications
11Questions? Contact your nearest VA Regional Loan
Center for assistance.
12Thank you for your interest in the VA Home Loan
Program! We appreciate you!