Title: PowerPoint Presentation Lecture
1 human-computer interaction fdm 20c
introduction to digital media lecture
warren sack / film digital media department /
university of california, santa cruz
2mini-project 2
- if you you have only added the professor and your
ta to your social network (and not added any
others in the class), then draw a social network
that does include the professor and the ta. - otherwise, draw a social network that does not
include the professor and the ta.
3last time
- noah wardrip-fruin
- the new media reader
- first person
- artificial intelligence
- exchange between jill walker and warren sack
- turings article is the founding document of the
field of artificial intelligence
4last time
- artificial intelligence the founding document
- who was turing? what is he famous for?
- a reading of turings article computing
machinery and intelligence in which the
following is highlighted - gender the role of the woman in the imitation
game - the aesthetics of the game the aesthetics of the
uncanny - the prescient insights of turing on gender and
the body, that would turn out -- now -- to be
most useful for trying to understanding online
role-playing games and also some of the central
weaknesses of decades of ai research (especially
oversights made about the role of the body in
models of thinking)
5artificial intelligence a definition
- ... artificial intelligence AI is the science
of making machines do things that would require
intelligence if done by humans - Marvin Minsky, 1963
6artificial intelligence research areas
- Knowledge Representation
- Programming Languages
- Natural Language (e.g., Story) Understanding
- Speech Understanding
- Vision
- Robotics
- Machine Learning
- Expert Systems
- Qualitative Simulation
- Planning
7planning as a technical problem
- GPS is what is known in AI as a planner.
- Newell, Alan, Shaw, J. C., and Simon, Herbert A.
GPS, A Program That Simulates Human Thought. In
Computers and Thought, ed. Edward A. Feigenbaum
and Julian Feldman. pp. 279-293. New York, 1963 - To work, GPS required that a full and accurate
model of the state of the world (i.e., insofar
as one can even talk of a world of logic or
cryptoarthimetic, two of the domains in which GPS
solved problems) be encoded and then updated
after any action was taken (e.g., after a step
was added to the proof of a theorem).
8a problem with ai planning
- the frame problem This assumption that
perception was always accurate and that all of
the significant details of the world could be
modeled and followed was incorporated into most
AI programs for decades and resulted in what
became known to the AI community as the frame
problem i.e., the problem of deciding what
parts of the internal model to update when a
change is made to the model or the external
world. - Cf., Martins, J. Belief Revision. In
Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, Second
Edition. Stuart C. Shapiro (editor-in-chief), pp.
110-116. New York, 1992
9story understanding as a plan recognition problem
- G. DeJong (1979) FRUMP Fast Reading
Understanding and Memory Program - demonstration script
- The demonstrators arrive at the demonstration
location. - The demonstrators march.
- Police arrive on the scene.
- The demonstrators communicate with the target of
the demonstration. - The demonstrators attack the target of the
demonstration. - The demonstrators attack the police.
- (From DeJong, 1979 pp. 19-20)
10story generation as planning
- James Meehan, "The Metanovel Writing Stories by
Computer", Ph.D. diss., Yale University, 1976. - demo micro-talespin
- see http//web.media.mit.edu/wsack/micro-talespin
.txt - a demo of micro-talespin
11problems with story generation missing common
- Examples of Talespins missing common sense(from
Meehan, 1976) - Answers to questions can take more than one form.
- Dont always take answers literally.
- You can notice things without being told about
them. - Gravity is not a living creature.
- Stories arent really stories if they dont have
a central problem. - Sometimes enough is enough.
- Schizophrenia can be disfunctional.
12outline for the rest of today
- key point that has implications for the
aesthetic, ethics and evaluation of
human-computer interaction - history of hci from a tools perspective
- conversational models of the interface the
intersection of ai and hci - question for today what problem does
weizenbaums eliza system address or solve? - the answer of ai
- the answer of ethnomethodology
13key point
- People often interact with media technologies as
though the technologies were people. - related ideas
- clifford and nash, the media equation
- freud, transference
- see also sherry turkle on computers as second
selves and as evocative objects - surrealists, automatic writing (recall tristan
tzaras recipe) - mannheim/schutz/garfinkel, the documentary
14related points ethics
- questions of ethics and others
- should we treat technologies as people or people
as technologies? - should we only treat others who are like us with
care and respect? or, should we also extend our
care and respect to others who are radically
different? - what makes believe someone or something is alive,
thinking, or simply the same as us?
15related points aesthetics teleology
- questions of aesthetics, goals and intentions
- do objects, technologies and natural phenomena
have goals and intentions? - or, do they just look like they have goals and
intentions? - cf., the philosopher immanuel kants theories of
aesthetics detailed in his book critique of
16related points design
- If we view objects, technologies and natural
phenomemon as if they do, in fact, have goals and
intentions, then we will design like an
artificial intelligence researcher. - On the other hand, if we view objects,
technologies and natural phenomenon as if the
just look like they have goals and intentions,
then we will design like a tool builder for human
users or operators of our tools.
17history of hci (from a tool-building perspective)
- video of alan kay that can be found on the cd in
the new media reader
18history of hci as tools people
- people
- Vannevar Bush memex
- J.C.R. Licklider computer networking, agents
- Ivan Sutherland sketchpad
- Doug Engelbart mouse, GUI, word processing etc.
- Ted Nelson hypertext
- Alan Kay object-oriented programming, laptops,
19history of hci as tools systems
- systems
- Memex 1945 (concept)
- Sketchpad 1963
- NLS (oNLine System) - 1963-68
- Xerox Alto 1972, Xerox Star 1981
- Apple Lisa 1983, Mac 1984, NeXT 1988
- Macintosh Powerbook 1991
- WWW 1994
20history of hci as tools funding
- funding
- Military Navy, Air Force, ARPA, DARPA
- Universities MIT, Stanford, CMU, UC
- Government National Science Foundation 1950-now
- Companies Xerox PARC 1970-now, Apple - NeXT
21where does hci meet ai?
- basic design question should the computer act
like a person? - agents versus direct manipulation
- e.g., ben schneiderman versus pattie maes
(sigchi, 1997) - even direct-manipulation interfaces are based
on a conversation metaphor the computer
responds immediately to each action or command
from the user - but, there are (at least) two models of
conversation - information/intention transmission
- inspirations for ai e.g., paul grice, pragmatics
- co-construction of meaning
- ethnomethodology e.g., harvey sacks,
conversation analysis
22question for today
- what problem does weizenbaums eliza system
address or solve? - the artificial intelligence answer it does (or
does not) behave like a human and is therefore
successful (or not successful) - the ethnomethodology answer it is taken to be a
like a person in a conversation and thus simply
works like most other technologies in a social
23johnstones story guessing game
24johnstones algorithm
- I say to an actress, Make up a story.
- She looks desperate, and says, I cant think of
one.Any story, I say. Make up a silly one.
I cant, she despairs. - Suppose I think of one and you guess what it
is. - At once she relaxes, and its obvious how very
tense she was. - Ive thought of one, I say, but Ill only
answer Yes, No, or Maybe. - She likes this idea and agrees, having no idea
that Im planning to say Yes to any question
that ends in a vowel, No to any question that
ends in a consonant, and Maybe to any question
that ends with the letter Y. - For example, should she ask me Is it about a
horse? Ill answer Yes since horse ends in
an E. - Does the horse have a bad leg?
- No.
- Does it run away?
- Maybe
- She can now invent a story easily, but she
doesnt feel obliged to be creative, or
sensitive or whatever, because she believes the
story is my invention. She no longer feels wary,
and open to hostile criticism, as of course we
all are in this culture whenever we do anything
spontaneously. - Keith Johnstone, Impro Improvisation and the
Theatre (Methuen, 1989)
25johnstones algorithm
- If the last two answers were No, then answer
Yes. - Else, if more than 30 total answers, then answer
Yes. - Else, if the question ends in vowel, then answer
No. - Else, if question ends in Y, then answer
Maybe. - Else, answer Yes.
26ethnomethodology a definition
- Ethnomethodology simply means the study of the
ways in which people make sense of their social
world. - Ethnomethodology is a fairly recent sociological
perspective, founded by the American sociologist
Harold Garfinkel in the early 1960s. The main
ideas behind it are set out in his book "Studies
in Ethnomethodology" (1967). - (Simon Poore, http//www.hewett.norfolk.sch.uk/cu
- Ethnomethodology differs from other sociological
perspectives in one very important respect - Ethnomethodologists assume that social order is
illusory. They believe that social life merely
appears to be orderly in reality it is
potentially chaotic. For them social order is
constructed in the minds of social actors as
society confronts the individual as a series of
sense impressions and experiences which she or he
must somehow organise into a coherent pattern. - Simon Poore, http//www.hewett.norfolk.sch.uk/curr
- Q How do people make sense of the world?
- A They/we use the documentary method
- Karl Mannheim, the documentary method
- Garfinkel on Mannheim The method consists of
treating an actual appearance as the document
of, as pointing to, as standing on behalf of
a presupposed underlying pattern. The method is
recognizable for the everyday necessities of
recognizing what a person is talking about
given that he does not say exactly what he means,
or in recognizing such common occurrences and
objects as mailmen, friendly gestures, and
29lucy suchman
- Ph.D. in Social/Cultural Anthropology from the
University of California at Berkeley - Researcher at Xeroxs Palo Alto Research Center
(PARC) - Founded and Directed of the Work Practice
Technology research group at PARC - Currently Professor in the Centre for Science
Studies and Sociology Department at Lancaster
University in England
30lucy suchman
- is an ethnomethodologist and an anthropologist of
science (cf., bruno latour in next weeks
lectures) - her work radically challenged work in hci and ai
- she is one of the primary people working in the
fields of participatory design (pd) and
computer-supported cooperative work (cscw)
31next time
- cscw computer-supported cooperative work