Title: Office Buildings for Sale in phoenix
1REMAX Commercial Brokers
RE/MAX Commercial Brokers 2375 E Camelback Rd
600 Phoenix AZ 85016Cell 480-297-8922
Office 480-719-2010 http//remaxcommercialbrokers
RE/MAX Commercial Brokers is a recognized world
leader in the real estate business. Its presence
spans every major country of the globe. Operating
in 85 countries with a vast network of owned and
franchise offices, RE/MAX has attained leadership
position in the reality business.
A strong and committed force of over 90000 agents
fuels our growth and serves our customers
worldwide. Multiple divisions and offices for you
to reach RE/MAX Commercial Brokers in each of the
85 countries that we operate make it convenient
for you to access us. The nearly 3000 strong
RE/MAX Commercial Practioners add to your ease of
doing business with us.
RE/MAX Commercial Brokers has a highly skilled
and well-informed workforce. It gives an edge to
RE/MAXs operations thereby building trust and
loyalty. Some of the Commercial Practioners have
headed prestigious institutions like the CCIM.
In fact RE/MAX has the second largest pool of
designees in CCIM and the largest designees in
CCIM Canada. They are usually in the experts
panel in major national debates or in policy
making panels relating to real estate business.
RE/MAX Commercial Brokers trained and highly
productive workforce gives you the edge no matter
what your commercial or investment decision is.
It provides you an unmatched experience. Our
track record speaks for itself. A dedicated body
The RE/MAX Commercial Advisory Council gives
focus and direction to its commercial operations.
Professional approach and customer centric focus
has helped our customers build a lasting trust
with us over the years. We value your business
needs no matter what its size is. Every customer
and his need are important to us.
Experience gained through the years through
exposure and training results in professionalism
in all that we do. This has helped us grow in
size and reach with every passing year. Over 40
years of existence has enabled us to grow into an
organization with strong foundation guided by
unmatched knowledge and resources culminating in
revenues in excess of 8 billion.
9RE/MAX Commercial Brokers Building trust and
10RE/MAX Commercial Brokers 2375 E Camelback Rd
600 Phoenix AZ 85016Cell 480-297-8922
Office 480-719-2010 http//remaxcommercialbrokers
.net arnold_at_remax.net
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