Dennis I. Wilenchik - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Dennis I. Wilenchik


Dennis I. Wilenchik Wilenchik & Bartness, P.C. 2810 North Third Street Phoenix, Arizona 85004 (602) 606-2810 (T) (602) 606-2811 (F) What is a ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Dennis I. Wilenchik

Dennis I. Wilenchik
  • Wilenchik Bartness, P.C.
  • 2810 North Third Street
  • Phoenix, Arizona 85004
  • (602) 606-2810 (T)
  • (602) 606-2811 (F)

What is a Construction Defect?
What is a Construction Defect?
  • Defects in original design
  • Defects in construction or workmanship
  • What effect do express or implied warranties have
    on construction defects?
  • Does substantial conformity to the plans and
    specifications suffice?

What is a Construction Defect?
  • Various Construction Standards
  • Registrar of Contractors standards
  • Industry Standards and Guidelines prepared by
    local HBA
  • Local Building Code or IBC
  • NAHBs Residential Construction Performance

What is a Construction Defect?
  • What defects are typically not covered by
  • Consumer products
  • Damages caused by ordinary wear and tear
  • Damages caused by lack of maintenance or improper
  • Damages caused by homeowner or by others
  • Damages caused by acts of God or nature
  • Damages to items expressly listed as not
    warranted and that are not latent

Time Limits

Time Limits
  • The Statutes of Limitations place a two-year
    limit for personal injury claims (A.R.S.
    12-542) and a six-year limit for claims based on
    the contract claims (A.R.S. 12-548).
  • The Statute of Repose places an eight or nine
    year limit on claims against those who develop
    and sell real property, or perform or furnishes
    the design, specifications, surveying, planning,
    supervision, testing, construction or observation
    of construction of an improvement to real
    property. See, A.R.S. 12-552.

Time Limits
  • In Evans Withycombe, Inc. v. Western Innovations,
    Inc., CA-CV 04-0196 (Ariz.App. Div. 1 5/11/06),
    the Arizona Court of Appeals affirmed the
    dismissal of Evan Withycombe's contract claims,
    warranty claims, negligence claims, and its
    claims for indemnity based on contract against
    its subcontractors where Evans Withycombe waited
    until after the expiration of A.R.S. 12-552 to
    file a third-party complaint against its

Time Limits
  • Senate Bill 1374 (currently pending in Arizona
  • A.R.S. 12-552 will be changed to provide that
    it does not apply to an action or arbitration
    based on indemnity that is brought by a person
    against whom a timely action or arbitration was

Express Warranties

Express Warranties
  • An express limited warranty provides a
    Homebuilder the opportunity to specifically
    exclude or to place monetary limits or caps on
    any additional damage or expense claims that may
    arise as a consequence of a construction defect.

Express Warranties
  • Express Warranties can limit
  • The length of time that the warranty remains in
  • The specific components that are covered
  • The extent of liability for damage and
  • The available methods of resolving disputes.

Express Warranties
  • The possibility of an express warranty is being
    extended every time a Homebuilder makes a
    statement regarding the quality of the work, or
    about fixing problems after completion.
  • Additional promises concerning quality or
    customer service may be found in sales
    advertisements or in the builders correspondence
    with the customer.

Express Warranties
  • Without a written record of the promise, the
    customers expectation definitely could differ
    from that of the Homebuilder.
  • The Homebuilder may be unaware of particular
    statements made by employees that could be
    interpreted as an express warranty.
  • There may be other promises or legally imposed
    responsibilities that can supplement or amend the
    written express warranty.

Express Warranties
  • These situations can be potentially avoided if,
    by its terms, the written express warranty
    document is acknowledged to be the sole and
    exclusive warranty provided by the warrantor.

Express Warranties
  • CAUTION To avoid a claim of misrepresentation,
    or a possible violation of the states consumer
    protection laws, take extra care to assure that
    advertised promises do not conflict with the
    express written warranty terms.

Express Warranties
  • Typical Express Warranties
  • Usually one year for all covered items.
  • Some items carry longer warranties
  • Foundations or load bearing components (5-10
  • Plumbing and electrical (often 2 years)
  • Some items are not warranted by the Homebuilder
    at all
  • Appliances
  • Consumer goods

Express Warranties
  • Non-warranted items such as appliances and
    consumer goods are covered by the Magnuson Moss
    Act, 15 USC 2301-2312 (2000) However, the Act
    requires a sale of consumer product by a supplier
    to a buyer for purposes other than resale. See
    e.g., Parrot v. DaimlerChrysler Corp., 212 Ariz.
    255, 130 P.3d 530 (3/21/06) (holding that because
    buyer purchased vehicle for resale and leased to
    plaintiff he had no warranty claim).

Express Warranties
  • The Magnuson Moss Act does not require builders
    to provide their customers with any warranty.  
  • By excluding consumer products entirely from the
    warranty provided Homebuilders will avoid
    triggering the requirements of the Magnusson Moss

Express Warranties
  • Other typical exclusions
  • Exterior features such as landscape and driveways
  • Damage caused by third parties or owners or from
    acts of God such as storms, floods and fires or
    from owners failure to maintain or service.

Express Warranties
  • Other typical exclusions
  • Lodging expenses while repairs made
  • Lost wages for time spent away from work
  • Payment for mental anguish
  • Medical Bills and damage awards for personal
  • Cost of inspections or experts hired by owner
  • Expenditures for third party repairs and
  • Legal fees.

Express Warranties
  • DISPUTE RESOLUTION Homebuilders can specify the
    method of repair, the method of dispute
    resolution, and procedures to be employed prior
    to initiating formal dispute resolution.
  • An arbitration provision vitiates the Right To
    Cure Statutes (A.R.S. 12-1361 et seq.) and
    allows Homebuilders to create their own right to
    written notice of defect, right to inspect and
    right to exclusive repair or replacement.

Implied Warranties

Implied Warranties
  • Work should be done in a workmanlike manner and
    reasonably fit for its intended use.
  • Warranty of habitability provides that a home
    must be sufficiently safe and sound to be
    actually lived in and to serve its function as a
  • Warranty of workmanlike construction goes further
    and provides the workmanship must meet the
    standards of quality that prevail at the time of

Implied Warranties
  • Applies only to latent defects that affect use
    or livability of the home. An implied warranty
    will not extend to defects that the average
    purchaser could have discovered.

Implied Warranties
  • The implied warranty applies to subsequent
    purchasers without notice who had a reasonable
    inspection occurred. Richards v. Powercraft, 139
    Ariz. 242, 678 P.2d 427 (1984). Reasonable
    inspection does not require an expert or
    professional home inspector.
  • A house can pass all code requirements and still
    subject to implied warranty claims

Implied Warranties
  • Provision of alternative homeowner warranties
    will not necessarily obviate the implied
  • The implied warranty is not unlimited it does
    not require builder to act as an insurer for
    subsequent vendees.

Implied Warranties
  • Claims are subject to Statute of Repose, codified
    at A.R.S. 12-552. The Statute of Repose lasts
    8 or 9 years depending upon the knowledge of the
  • The standard to determine whether a breach has
    occurred is one of reasonableness in light of the
    surrounding circumstances (i.e., the age of home,
    maintenance, the use to which it has been put,

Implied Warranties
  • Disclaimers of implied warranty are generally not
    allowed as a matter of public policy unless they
    are negotiated and clear and unequivocal and
    knowingly obtained

Implied Warranties
  • An Arizona Appellate Court ruled that an
    otherwise valid disclaimer of an implied warranty
    between the builder and the original buyer was
    void and against public policy as to an innocent
    subsequent buyer who lacked knowledge of the
    disclaimer. Nastri v. Wood Bros. Homes, 142 Ariz.
    439, 620 P.2d 159 (App. Div. 2 1984).
  • Under this reasoning a recorded disclaimer or
    release would be helpful.

Notice and Right to Repair Laws

Notice and Right to Repair Laws
  • Codified at A.R.S. 12-1361 et seq.
  • Widespread construction defect litigation has
    created a liability insurance crisis.

Notice and Right to Repair Laws
  • Generally allow a Homebuilder to able to inspect
    the structure(s) to determine the nature and
    cause of the alleged defects, and to assess
    possible repairs and replacements before
    homeowner can file a lawsuit.
  • Allows Homebuilder to make an offer to repair or
    replace any alleged defects, to have the alleged
    defects repaired or replaced or to provide
    monetary compensation to the purchaser.

Notice and Right to Repair Laws
  • 90 days before filing suit, purchaser shall give
    written notice to the seller specifying in detail
    the basis of the dwelling action.
  • After receipt of the written notice the seller
    may inspect the dwelling. Within 60 days after
    receipt of the written notice, the seller shall
    send to the purchaser a written response to the
    purchaser's notice. (If the seller does not
    provide a written response the purchaser may file
    a dwelling action without waiting for the
    expiration of 90 days)

Notice and Right to Repair Laws
  • Within 20 days after receipt of the seller's
    offer, the purchaser shall provide a good faith
    written response.
  • Within 10 days after receipt of the purchaser's
    response, the seller may make a best and final
    offer to the purchaser in writing.
  • If no resolution is reached within 90 days, the
    purchaser can file a lawsuit against the seller.

Notice and Right to Repair Laws
  • Senate Bill 1374 (currently pending in Arizona
  • A.R.S. 12-1363 will be changed to provide as
    follows For the purposes of this subsection,
    reasonable detail includes a detailed and
    itemized list that describes each alleged defect
    and the location of each alleged defect in EACH

Alternatives to Notice and Right to Repair Laws

Alternatives to Notice and Right to Repair Laws
  • Limitation of Buyers remedies
  • Limit Buyers remedies to repair and/or
    replacement of alleged defective item
  • As part of the contract, provide Seller with
    automatic right to inspect and/or conduct testing
  • As part of contract, provide Seller with
    automatic right to repair and/or replace any
    alleged defect.
  • Eliminate class action lawsuits by contract

Alternatives to Notice and Right to Repair Laws
  • Limitation of Buyers remedies (continued)
  • Propose mediation of claims
  • If mediation is not successful, binding
    arbitration should be the final venue of claim
  • Each party should bear their own attorneys fees,
    or fees and costs should be expressly provided
    for in the contract
  • Consider allowing limited discovery and joinder
    of subcontractors or other parties and
    consolidation with other claims

Alternative Dispute Resolution
Alternative Dispute Resolution
  • Provide for a mandatory confidential mediation
    with shared costs
  • If mediation is unsuccessful, provide for
    mandatory arbitration
  • Arbitration clauses have been routinely upheld
    (Pulte Case)
  • Courts can refer cases to mandatory arbitration
    in state court if claim is under 50,000.
  • American Arbitration Association has a fast track
    program for cases under 75,000. Completion
    within 60 days.  

Additional Venues
  • Small Claims Court for claims under 2,500.
    Typically cannot have an attorney present.
  • Office of Administrative Hearings for claims
    where homeowner files a Complaint with the
    Registrar of Contractor. OAH typically does not
    award costs or fees

How to Handle Homeowner Claims

How to Handle Homeowner ClaimsPre-Closing of Home
  • Educate salespersons
  • Document communications in writing
  • Keep organized, complete, and accurate records
  • Create a paper trail

How to Handle Homeowner ClaimsWalkthrough
  • Provide buyer with contact information of
    Homebuilder and subcontractors
  • Review warranty obligations of Homebuilder with
    buyer (including information re consumer
  • Review areas of maintenance
  • Have a knowledgeable representative conduct
  • Document walkthrough
  • Provide buyer with notebook of information to
    review about the home

How to Handle Homeowner Claims Customer Service
and Warranty Claims
  • Avoid damaging admissions
  • Timely investigate all complaints
  • Timely respond to complaints in writing 
  • Document all communications in writing
  • Keep organized, complete, and accurate records
  • Procure signed waivers before entering a home
    and/or conducting inspections or repairs

How to Handle Homeowner Claims Customer Service
and Warranty Claims
  • Dont allow spoliation of evidence where
  • Get the subcontractors and insurance companies
    involved where appropriate
  • Hire experts where appropriate

How to Handle Homeowner Claims
  • Be Proactive!
  • Follow up!
  • Dont promise too much and deliver too little!
  • Exceed expectations!
  • Protect the attorney-client privilege
  • If appropriate, communicate with homeowner before
    and during litigation
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