Title: Mobile Technology and Techniques:
1Mobile Technology and Techniques 2007, 2008 and
January 24, 2007
- Presented by
- Dan Solomon
- (202) 654-0810
- dan_at_mindshare.net
2Your Supporters Are Not Waiting For You
3Visual, Audio
4Play The Numbers
- Adoption gt 220 Million Have Cell Phones
(USA) - 14 million iPods sold in Q4
- Usage Always On (10 15 hours a day)
- Computer (5 10 hr.)
- TV (2 4 hr.)
- Newspaper (o.5 1.0 hr)
5Very Personal, Intimate Device
6Popular Culture/Companies Educating People
- American Idol Proves SMS Voting Works
- Engages people in a game
- Can be rewarded with prizes for either some
winners or all of them - Can be used repeatedly for ongoing engagement
- Some Idol Voting Facts
- 43 million Idol votes in 2005
- 12.5 million Idol votes in 2004
7Firsts From Politics Online
- November 23 Tony Blair invited the public
to SMS their comments following The Labour
Partys Political Broadcast, his last as Prime
Minister.November 4 First Political Mobile
Phone Poll -Conducted by Maine Public
BroadcastingWinner Tech Savvy Pat Lamarche, the
Green Independent Gubernatorial
CandidateNovember 1 First Mobile Video Campaign
Ad Dick DeVos for GovernorOctober 5 First
Mobile Campaign Website Dick Devos for Governor
ltd4g.mobigtJune 26 First government official to
resign via SMS to the Prime Minister -
Ramos-Horta of East TimorJune First world
leader to vlog Angela Merkel, GermanyMay
First election monitored using SMS as the primary
communications and reporting tool - Montenegro
Referendum on Independence
8(No Transcript)
9Advocacy Campaign
- Some Campaign Facts
- Mobile campaign begun because of poor response to
newspaper ads - 70-90 response rate to e-mail followup
solicitation, has raised nearly 30,000 - SMS broadcasts to push website traffic is seeing
a 15 response rate - Started as a print ad after subway ads and
postcard ads bombed
- Mobile Turns All Other Media Into Immediate
Direct Response - Events, Bill Boards, Radio/TV/Newspaper Ads
12Learning from Commercial Experiences
Mobile campaign for Filenes Basement
- Elements
- Initial 10 discount on all purchases
- List notified of secret sales when new
inventory came in - Time of day redemption useful for understanding
traffic patterns and for driving customers to
under-utilized times
13(No Transcript)
14Geographic Localization
15Over the Horizon Web and Video Content
16Over The Horizon Mobile Advertising
17Web Content Viewable via Mobile
18Over the Horizon Social Media
19Word of Mouth Most Trusted Form of Communications
21Getting It Done
- There are gatekeepers (the carriers) who have to
approve your campaigns. - Short codes (like domain names) cost 12,000 per
year, however many campaigns dont need them, and
the mnemonic advantage is minimal. - The only universal use of a cellphone is to make
phone calls. The second is text messaging. 90
of all Americans have phones that can send text
22Planning for 2007
- Mobile messaging alerts (stage 1) Even if you
just use text messaging to push people to your
website, you should be signing up your supporters
on an SMS list today. You can alert them to new
information on your website. - Mobile messaging alerts (stage 2) If you
periodically ask people to call into radio shows,
write to newspapers, or call their legislators,
you can do that too if you have collected their
zip code at signup time. - Mobile organizing If you are planning a
multi-day event in 2007/2008, consider asking
participants to sign up for alerts through the
event or conference.