Title: 7138fe0cd54d491fb6c1d9a538013128US_ST_FundingAndAustralia_10_04'ppt
1US Science Technology and Australia Presentation
to the 53rd CCST Miriam Baltuck Science and
Technology Advisor US Embassy, Canberra November
2U.S. RD expenditures,by character of work 2000
3U.S. RD expenditures, by source of funds and
performing sector 2000
4Shares of national RD expenditures, by source of
funds 1953-2000
5Federal RD funding, by budget function
6Federal RD support, by performing sector
7National RD performance, by type of performer
8National RD expenditures, by source of funds and
character of work 2000
9National RD expenditures, by performing sector
and character of work 2000
10Projected federal obligations for RD and RD
plant, by agency and character of work FY 2001
11U.S., G-7, and OECD countries RD expenditures
12Total RD as a percentage of GDP
13Nondefense RD as a percentage of GDP
14Globalization of U.S. industrial RD
15Industrial RD spending of U.S. and foreign
affiliates, by world region 1998
16Policies and avenues toward support of
international proposals vary widely throughout
the US Federal Agencies which support Research
and Development. The following slides provide
detail on some of the lead US Federal agencies
which conduct RD programs.
17- National Science Foundation
- http//www.nsf.gov
- The NSF funds research and education in science
and engineering, through grants, - contracts, and cooperative agreements. The
Foundation accounts for about 20 percent of - federal support to academic institutions for
basic research. - Â
- The National Science Foundation (established by
Congress in 1950) rarely provides - support to non-US organizations.
- NSF will consider proposals for cooperative
research proposals involving US and non-US - organizations, provided support is requests only
for the US portion of the collaborative effort. - Â
- The NSF supports international research and
education through a variety of programs that
include - Fellowships
- Travel grants
- Summer Institutes
- Workshops
- Research and education projects
18National Science Foundation, cont. http//www.nsf
.gov This is the flagship report of the NSF for
reporting on national and international trends
in science and technology investments, outcomes,
and policies. For example, S E Indicators
reports on The Science and Technology Portfolios
of Nations and International Scientific
Collaboration.The report also presents trends
in regional distribution of world publication
of scientific articles.
19National Aeronautics and Space Administration http
//www.nasa.gov  Space Science Solar System
Exploration Mars Exploration Astronomical
Search for Origins Structure Evolution of the
Universe Sun-Earth Connections  Earth Science
Earth System Science Earth Science
Applications  Biological Physical Research
Biological Sciences Research Physical Sciences
Research Commercial Research Support
 Aeronautics Crosscutting Technologies
20National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
cont. http//www.nasa.gov Proposals from
Foreign Countries NASA will conduct research with
foreign entities on a cooperative, no-
exchange-of-funds basis. NASA does not normally
fund foreign research proposals or efforts that
are part of U.S. research proposals. Rather,
cooperative research efforts are implemented via
international agreements between NASA and the
sponsoring foreign agency or funding/sponsoring
institution under which the parties agree to
each bear the cost of discharging their
respective responsibilities. Use of a non-U.S.
manufactured launch vehicle is permitted only on
a no- exchange-of-funds basis. NASA funding is
not normally used for subcontracted foreign
research efforts. The direct purchase of
supplies and/or services, which do not constitute
research, from non-U.S. sources by U.S. award
recipients is permitted. Proposals from foreign
entities must be submitted in the same format as
U.S. proposals and in U.S. dollars. All
information should be typed and in English.
Foreign proposals will go through the same
evaluation and selection process as U.S.
21United States Department of Agriculture http//ww
w.usda.gov USDA Agricultural Research Center
areas of research Animal Production, Product
Value and Safety Food Animal Production (101)
Animal Health (103) Arthopod Pests of Animals
Humans (104) Animal Well-Being Stress Control
Systems (105) Aquaculture (106) Human
Nutrition (107) Food Safety, (animal and plant
products)Â (108) Natural Resources and
Sustainable Agricultural Systems Water Quality
Management (201) Soil Resource Management (202)
Air Quality (203) Global Change (204)
Rangeland, Pasture, and Forages (205) Manure
and Byproduct Utilization (206) Integrated
Farming Systems (207) Crop Production, Product
Value and Safety Plant, Microbial Insect
Genetic Res., Genomics, Genetic Improv. IÂ (301)
Plant Biological and Molecular Processes (302)
Plant Diseases (303) Crop Protection
Quarantine (304) Crop Production (305) Quality
and Utilization of Agricultural Products (306)
Bioenergy Energy Alternatives (307) Methyl
Bromide Alternatives (308)
22United States Department of Agriculture,
cont. http//www.usda.gov International
Partnerships in Agricultural Science The Office
of International Research Programs (OIRP), is the
principal Agricultural Research Service contact
for international issues. Mission To enhance
the productivity, effectiveness, and impact of
the ARS National Programs through mutually
beneficial international research and
development collaborations in agriculture and
natural resources. Goals Facilitate
international cooperation and exchange Promote
the strategic interests of the U.S. Government
Support ARSÂ overseas laboratories (e.g. in
Brisbane) OIRP Partners ARS and OIRP work
directly with other USDA agencies including the
Foreign Agricultural Service, the Animal and
Plant Health Inspection Service, and the
Cooperative State Research Education and
Extension Service. ARS and OIRP also work with
other government and nongovernment organizations
such as the Agency for International
Development, the Departments of State, Defense,
and Commerce, and the National Science
Foundation State Universities the Food and
Agricultural Organization, International Atomic
Energy Association, and the World Bank. Such
linkages help us to achieve the greatest benefit
from our collaborative activities. .
23EPA Environmental Protection Agency http//www.epa
.gov EPA's Office of International Affairs
(OIA) awards grants to foreign institutions.
However, the Focus is on environmental
capacity-building programs, technical assistance,
and other non-research initiatives. So, although
our statutory authorities do not prevent us from
providing research development grants to
foreign institutions, OIA rarely does so. For
detailed information on research and development
grants, contact EPA's Office of Research and
Development http//www.epa.gov/ord  There
appears to be no written policy in EPA related to
the award of grants to foreign institutions.
Foreign applicants would be need to meet the
same standards and complete most of the same
application forms as U.S. domestic
institutions. application forms as U.S. domestic
24Department of Energy http//www.science.doe.gov/gr
ants/ From their Frequently asked Questions Who
is eligible to apply for grant funding?Colleges
and universities, non-profit organizations,
for-profit commercial organizations, state and
local governments, and unaffiliated individuals
may submit grant applications in response to the
grant solicitation notices listed on their
website in May 2003. Nothing prohibitive wrt
non-US proposals, but in practice international
support seems to be limited to providing
post-doctoral opportunities at DOE laboratories
and providing support for DOE personnel to
participate in international meetings.
25United States Department of the Interior
http//www.doi.gov Many international programs
but few to no funding opportunities, sites.Â
Bureau of Land Management, Office of Fire and
Aviation, International Program Bureau of
Reclamation International Affairs Minerals
Management Service, International Activities andÂ
  Marine Minerals Division National Park
Service - International Affairs U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, International Affairs U.S.
Geological Survey Middle East Regional Water
Data Banks Plan U.S. Geological Survey,
National Mapping Program U.S. Geological Survey,
Biological Resources, International Â
International Technical Assistance DOI's
program of international technical assistance to
developing countries on subjects of Departmental
expertise, on a reimbursable basis..
26United States Army Research Laboratory http//www.
arl.army.mil/main/Main/default.cfm Foreign
Participation Companies, business entities, or
educational institutions that are directly or
indirectly controlled by a foreign company or
government are ineligible to participate under
this Program Announcement unless 1.such foreign
company, business entity or educational
institution permits and encourages United States
agencies, organizations, or persons to enter
into cooperative research and development
agreements and licensing arrangements on a
comparable basis 2.those foreign governments (or
the foreign government under which the foreign
entity operates)have policies to protect the
United States intellectual property rights
and 3.those foreign governments (or the foreign
government under which the foreign entity
operates) have adopted adequate measures to
prevent the transfer of strategic technology to
destinations prohibited under national security
export control laws of the United States through
appropriate international agreements to which
the United States and such foreign government are
signatories. Â Any proposal that includes a
company, business entity, or educational
institution that is directly or indirectly
controlled by a foreign company or government,
must include in the proposal a plan that will
evidence how the consortium will ensure
compliance with the requirements of the
International Traffic in Arms Regulation (22 CFR
pt. 120 et seq.), the DoD Industrial Security
Regulation (DoD 5220.22-R), and the Department
of Commerce Export Administration Regulation (15
CFR pt. 730 et seq.). Â All work or research
performed under the cooperative agreements and
contracts resulting from this Program
Announcement must be performed within the United
States. Proposals that include work or research
that will be performed outside of the United
States, in whole or in any part, are not
acceptable and will disqualify the entire
proposal from further consideration.
27- US Department of Commerce/
- National Institute of Standards and Technology
- http//nist.gov/
- Foreign Guest Researcher Program
- http//www.nist.gov/oiaa/intlaffr.htmForeign20Gu
est20Researcher20Program - The Foreign Guest Researcher Program offers
scientists from around the world the opportunity - to work collaboratively with NIST scientists.
- Foreign guest researchers at NIST fall into three
categories -
- Those supported by their home institutions
- Researchers supported through bilateral programs
or international organizations and - Direct scientist-to-scientist collaboration or
support. - Although NIST sometimes can provide a modest
allowance for U.S. living expenses, - guest researcher support generally comes from
sponsoring companies or organizations. - The Foreign Guest Researcher Program is managed
by the Office of International Affairs (OIA). - Once you have been accepted into a NIST research
program, your laboratory host and OIA staff
28 US Department of Commerce/ National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration http//noaa.gov/ NOAA
Business and Grants Opportunities http//www.noaa.
gov/business.htmlgrants Appears to be nothing
prohibitive in most texts outlining guidelines
for submission of proposals, but typically NOAA
cooperates internationally on an institutional
basis rather than by funding non-US programs.
Many opportunities for environmental research
are tied to specific US locations. National
Marine Fisheries Service NOAA Coastal Ocean
Program Office NOAA's National Undersea
Research Program National Sea Grant College
Program Information - Sea Grant is a partnership
and a bridge between government, academia,
industry, scientists, and private citizens to
help Americans understand and sustainably use our
precious Great Lakes and ocean waters for
long-term economic growth. Office of Global
Programs - leads the NOAA Climate and Global
Change Program. OGP assists NOAA by sponsoring
focused scientific research aimed at
understanding climate variability and its
predictability. Office of Research and
Technology Applications
29United States Department of Defense Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency http//www.darpa
.mil/baa/ The DARPA mission is to develop
imaginative, innovative and often high-risk
research ideas offering a significant
technological impact that will go well beyond
the normal evolutionary developmental
approaches and, to pursue these ideas from the
demonstration of technical feasibility through
the development of prototype systems. From the
frequently asked questions http//www.darpa.mil
/ato/solicit/genlques.htm 6. Will DARPA accept
abstracts or proposals from foreign
organizations?As long as there is no prohibition
stated in the Broad Agency Announcement, foreign
organizations may submit abstracts and proposals.
30United States Office of Naval Research http//www.
onr.navy.mil/default.asp The Office of Naval
Research coordinates, executes, and promotes the
science and technology programs of the United
States Navy and Marine Corps through schools,
universities, government laboratories, and
nonprofit and for-profit organizations. It
provides technical advice to the Chief of Naval
Operations and the Secretary of the Navy and
works with industry to improve technology
manufacturing processes.
31Office Of Naval Research International Field
Office (ONRIFO) http//www.onrifo.navy.mil/ As
the international agent for the ONR has a mission
to encourage international collaboration in
priority Research Development and Science And
Technology issues in support of the naval
forces. ONR Navy- Wide Priorities Naval
architecture shipbuilding (including electric
warship). Communications, command control,
computer science and electronics, optics and
radar Human factors, knowledge-based learning
sciences. Atmospheric space sciences,
oceanography, including underwater
acoustics. Materials sciences. Manufacturing
technologies. Bio-sciences/Naval
Medical. Guidelines for non-US foreign proposal
submission http//www.onrifo.navy.mil/IFO_Program
32Air Force Office of Scientific Research http//www
.afosr.af.mil/ Sponsors and directs basic
research conducted in universities, industry, and
government agencies. To leverage international
research, it operates offices in Europe and
Asia. AFOSR solicits proposals for research
through a general Broad Agency Announcement
(BAA) and a number of specialized BAAs. It also
invites proposals for basic research in the
following broad areas Physics, Solid Mechanics
and Structures, Chemistry, Mathematics and
Computer Sciences, Electronics, Structural
Materials, Fluid Mechanics, Propulsion,
Atmospheric Sciences, Space Sciences, Biological
Sciences, Human Performance, and Science and
Engineering Education Programs. AFOSR Foreign
Grant Terms and Conditions http//www.afosr.af.mil
33National Institutes of Health http//www.nih.gov/
Although no formal program of bilateral
cooperation between the U.S. and Australia
exists in biomedical research, Australia is
consistently among the largest recipients of NIH
awards. The greatest amount of NIH-Australia
activity is in the form of research grants and
contracts to Australian scientists, individually
or in collaboration with U.S.-based scientists.
Cooperation occurs in a wide range of areas
including infectious diseases, HIV/AIDS, child
health, aging, dental research, drug abuse
research, and cancer. NIH Grants and Funding
Opportunities http//grants1.nih.gov/grants/index.
34A few more useful clearinghouse websites for
grant-fossicking from US Federal sources The
Grantsmanship Center/TGCI is a leading source of
information on how where to apply over a wide
range of opportunities. There are other sites
that do this, but this is an excellent
link http//www.tgci.com/ Â Fedgrant lists
US Federal Government Funding Opportunities http
//fedgrants.gov/Applicants/ Â Replacing the
Commerce Business Daily is FedBizOpps.gov, the
single government point-of-entry (GPE) for
Federal government procurement opportunities
over 25,000 http//www.fedbizopps.gov/ Â AFOSR
provides links to other scientific research
organization sites, some of which have grants
and contracts information http//www.afosr.af.mil
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