Title: Project Management Best Practices
1Project Management Best Practices
2The Accidental Profession
3A Profession has A Common Language Standard
Body of Knowledge Entry Barriers
4The PMBOK gives a body of knowledge and a
language for project management.
5Where do Best Practices Come From? A. The Stork
brings them B. Altoona, PA C. The mind of Walt
Disney D. Home Headquarters
6- Best Practices are
- Learned through experience
- Repeatable
- Useable in any situation
7Project Management Best Practices A to
Z PMBestpractices.com
11Critical Activities
12If all is not lost, where is it?
13Duckbilled Platitudes
14Ending a Project
16Family First
17Never argue with an idiot. You only make him
feel important
18Knowledge Workers
19Lessons Learned
22The Project Book
24Before you criticize someone, you should walk a
mile in their shoes. That way, when you
criticize them, youll be a mile away and you
have their shoes.
25Sidebar Conversations
26Tools An idiot with a tool is still an idiot.
27Version Control
28Warning Signs
30The Zone
31The Best
32The End PMBestpractices.com