Title: Chapter 16 Distribution
1Chapter 16Distribution
- Geog 3890 ecological economics
A fat, rich, man who just ate a 16 ounce steak
a baked potato creates more demand for food when
he orders an after dinner mint than a destitute
child who has not eaten anything in two days. In
the market, hunger is not demand for food, money
is. In fact, it would not be efficient or
pareto optimal to feed that child.
2Outline of Chapter
- Pareto Optimality
- Efficiency, Scale, and Distribution
- Economics as a Positive Science?
- Distrribution of Income and Wealth
- Functional and Personal Income Distribution
- Measuring Distribution
- Distribution and Taxation
- Consequences of Distribution for community health
- Intertemporal distribution of Wealth
- Normative approach of Ecological Economics
- Positive approach of Neoclassical Economics
- Discounting, Psychology, and Economics
3Global Distribution of Wealth
4Distribution of Wealth American Perception
5Pareto Optimality Pecan Pie
- Efficiency maximized at Pareto Optimal allocation
of resources by the marketplace. - This allocation is fundamentally dependent on the
initial distribution of wealth - Re-distribute wealth equally there will be no
market for Lamborghinis - Efficient does not mean or imply Fair.
- Economists typical solution to unfairness is
simply to grow the economy.
7 minute Video Pareto Optimality and Pecan
Pie http//www.youtube.com/watch?vwCuI-2LI6-M
6Question Does Pareto Optimal allocation assume a
given Scale as well as a given Distribution?
- Linear, areal, or volumetric scaling?
(They cant all be the same) - The size of the economy
- Relative to the size of the of
- Worlds ecosystems is
- constrained.
- Optimal Allocation assumes a given scale just as
it assumes a given distribution.
7Positivism and Economics
- Economics prides itself on being a positive
science. Allocative efficiency is thought to be
a positive, or empirically measurable, issue,
even though, as we just saw, it presupposes a
given distribution. Whether or not the scale of
the economy is sustainable is also considered to
be a positive issue involving biophysical
constraints, although normative questions of
conservation for the future and other species are
not far below the surface. Distributive equity,
on the other hand, is a normative issue. This is
the main question addressed to distribution Is
it Fair? Not, Is it Efficient? or, Is it
Ecologically Sustainable? The question Is it
Fair is directly and unavoidably normative, and
for that reason alone it is given minimal
attention by the positivist tradition of
economics. - -
Well give it some attention now ?
8Can redistribution increase total utility while
being inefficient?
- The Pareto Optimal criteria forbids
interpersonal comparisons and summations of total
utility. - The extreme individualism of economics insists
that people are so qualitatively different their
hermetical isolation from one another that it
makes no sense to say that a leg amputation hurts
Smith more than a pin prick hurts Jones. - If we abandon the Pareto Optimal forbidding of
making interpersonal comparisons we could improve
the human condition by redistributing wealth.
9Which Cat do you think you are?
10Distribution of Income Wealth
11Winners Take All..
- http//motherjones.com/politics/2011/02/income-ine
12How rich are the super-rich?
A huge share of the nation's economic growth
over the past 30 years has gone to the top
one-hundredth of one percent, who now make an
average of 27 million per house- hold. The
average income for the bottom 90 percent of
us? 31,244.
13Capitol Gain Do our congresspersons live on
Wall Street or Main Street?
14Functional Income Distribution
- Functional Income (above)
- How do Histograms on left differ in meaning?
15Measuring Distribution GINI coefficient I
- The GINI coefficient is used to measure the
inequality of the distribution of wealth or
income across a population. A GINI coefficient of
1 implies perfect inequality (one person owns
everything), and a coefficient of zero indicates
a perfectly equal distribution
Australia .305 China .415 Denmark
.290 Guatemala .551 U.S. .450 India
16Measuring Distribution GINI coefficient
- The GINI Coefficient for the United States has
risen steadily since 1967. If the current trend
continues, the United States will reach a GINI
Coefficient of 0.546 in about 37-years, or 2043.
This coefficient is equal to the one Mexico had
in year 2000. Mexico is not known for having a
large prosperous middle class.
17When is enough enough?OrWhen is the CEO making
way toomuch more than the Mail Clerk?
- Plato 4x
- Ben Jerry 5x
- U.S. Today - 500x
- Back to Slide 4
- Americans think it
- Should be about 3x
18Distribution Taxation
Can you find Krugmans Gilded Age,
Middle-Class America and Great Divergence in
the figure above?
19Consequences of Distribution for Community and
- Do societies with lower GINI coefficients have
better Health outcomes? - The answer is YES , according to
- Richard G. Wilkinson (Richard Gerald Wilkinson
born 1943) is a British researcher in social
inequalities in health and the social
determinants of health. He is Professor Emeritus
of social epidemiology at the University of
Nottingham, having retired in 2008. He is also
Honorary Professor at University College London. - He is best known for his 2009 book (with Kate
Pickett) The Spirit Level, in which he argues
that societies with more a equal distribution of
incomes have better health outcomes than ones in
which the gap between richest and poorest parts
of society is greater. His 1996 book Unhealthy
Societies The Affliction of Inequality had made
the same argument a decade earlier.
4 minute video on The Spirit Level
20Inter-temporal Distribution of Wealth
- Seven generation sustainability is an ecological
concept that urges the current generation of
humans to live sustainably and work for the
benefit of the seventh generation into the
future. It originated with the Iroquois - Great
Law of the Iroquois - which holds that it is
appropriate to think seven generations ahead (a
couple hundred years into the future) and decide
whether the decisions they make today would
benefit their children seven generations into the
future. - Ecological Economics (Intergenerational
Justice) - Mainstream Economics (Intergenerational
Allocation) - Evolution of the ethical question from
- How much should we sacrifice to make the future
better off? -
To - How much whould we sacrifice to keep the future
from being worse off than the present?
21Ecological Economics take.
- The generation into which someone is born is
based entirely on chance. There is therefore no
moral justification for claiming that one
generation has any more right to natural
resources than any other. At the very least,
future generations have an inalienable right to
sufficient resources to provide a satisfactory
quality of life. The current generation has a
corresponding duty to preserve an adequate amount
of resources. - Limit Fossil Fuel use to at least the waste
absorption capacity of the biosphere. - Minimize generation and dispersal of garbo-junk
- Develop substitutes for consumed non-renewable
resources - Harvest biotic stock flow resources at less than
22The Positive approach of NCE
- Objective decision rule for intergenerational
allocation Intertemporal Discounting - People Prefer Things NOW. Why?
- Impatience
- Uncertainty and of course Death (PRTP)
- Opportunity Cost Could at least have made
interest on it - Richer Future argument diminishing marginal
utility - Pure Time Rate of Preference (PRTP)
- The primacy of the Discount Rate and Net Present
Value (NPV) calculations.
23Intertemporal Discounting and Global Climate
- High Discount Rate (6) No Justification for
reduction in greenhouse gas emissions - Low Discount Rate (2) We should make
substantial investments to reduce impacts of
global warming - High discount rates favor projects with costs put
off to the future with benefits now. - Is choosing a discount rate an art or a science,
a normative or an objective question?
24Discounting Reconsidered
- People Die.
- Societys dont (societal existence continues
indefinitely) - This is a serious difference.
- Consequently social discount rates should be
lower than individual discount rates. - The complementarity of Natural and manmade
capital coupled with the law of diminishing
marginal utility suggests we should apply a
negative discount rate to Natural Capital.
25Hyperbolic Discounting
- Why is it so difficult to generate concern for
events that are seen as belonging to the future
even though their consequences may be dire? Why
is it so easy to generate concern for much
smaller events that are happening right now?
Consider the outpouring of generosity that
happens when a local family without insurance is
burned out of their home. In a single day the
community will respond more than they would to a
year's worth haranguing by Peak Oil activists. A
recent article on the web site "The Oil Drum"
sheds some light on why this happens, and it's as
simple as it is surprising.
This web site provides best explanation http//www
26Distribution is fundamentally different from
allocation, and, consequently, justice replaces
efficiency as the relevant criterion for policy
when time periods become intergenerational.