Title: Board Responsibility for
1- Board Responsibility for
- Medical Staff Privileges
- and Credentialing
Web ConferenceApril 3, 200812 1 p.m.
For audio, call1-888-850-5066 code 222177
2Association of Washington Public Hospital
Significant funding provided by Office of Rural
Health Policy through the Washington State
Department of Health
3Greg Montgomery
Dana Livingstone Kenny
Robert J. Walerius
4- Board Responsibility for
- Medical Staff Privileges
- and Credentialing
5 - Credentialing confirming licensure, malpractice
insurance, board certification if required,
references, restrictions on practice, and
background - Privileging scope of training and current
experience to hold clinical privileges requested
6 - Medical Staff Office collects relevant
information from applicant and others - File containing application and information is
forwarded to the Medical Staff for review and a
recommendation to the Board
7- The Board has ultimate responsibility for
approving who can practice in the hospital and
what clinical privileges are held - Delegation to the Medical Staff does not relieve
the Board of responsibility
8- A direct correlation exists between the
competence of the Medical Staff and quality and
patient safety - Quality and safety are core fiduciary
responsibilities - We are entering a new area of heightened focus on
quality and patient safety
9Institute for Healthcare Improvement 5 Million
Lives Campaign
- Goal protect patients from 5 million incidents
of harm over 24 months - IHI estimates 15 million incidents of medical
harm yearly in hospitals - 40 to 50 incidents of harm for every 100 hospital
admissions - 40,000 incidents of harm daily
105 Million Lives Campaign (contd)
- Prior 100,000 Lives Campaign had 3,100
participating hospitals - New campaign seeking 4,000 hospitals
- 12 interventions targeted to reduce harm
- One intervention is to enlist active governing
board support to improve quality
11CMS new focus on quality
- Never Pay plan CMS will not reimburse for 8
conditions CMS deems to have occurred because of
mistakes October 1 - Pay for Performance value-based payment plan
- New federal protection rules for confidential
reporting of mistakes
12Theories of Liability
- Board needs to understand theories of liability
to evaluate potential risks to the hospital when
deciding on privileging
13Theories of Liability (contd)
- Corporate negligence
- Independent duty to patients to exercise care in
selecting, retaining, and supervising the
performance of the Medical Staff - Hospitals role is not just to furnish facilities
and equipment for physicians to practice in
14Theories of Liability (contd)
- Medically unnecessary services
- Patient is unnecessarily exposed to risks of
medical procedure and CMS incurs needless costs - CA case hospital paid 59.5 million to settle
false claims allegations that hospital
negligently credentialed and monitored
15Theories of Liability (contd)
- Failure of Care
- Care provided is so deficient that it amounts to
no care - Liability for billing CMS for services not
actually rendered
16- Board must understand performance goals that will
allow the hospital to provide high quality and
safe care - Attention to credentialing and privileging is
essential to drive increased quality and safety
17Suggested Board Questions
- Are the roles of the Board and medical staff
clear, understood, and in writing? - Are qualifications for staff membership and
privileges in writing and followed?
18Board Questions (contd)
- What data on clinical competence is reviewed by
the medical staff? - Does the medical staff engage in meaningful peer
review and corrective action? - Is the Board involved?
19- Role of the Hospital Board
- Credentialing / Privileging
20Legal Requirements
- Accreditation JCAHO Standards
- 60 WA hospitals JCAHO accredited 35 not
accredited - Governing Board Sets the framework for
supporting quality patient care, treatment and
services - Surveys based upon accreditation cycle (every
36-39 months) - Washington hospital licensing laws (RCW 70.41 and
WAC 246-320). Enforcement - Surveys for compliance every 18 months (except
for JCAHO accredited) - Agreement with CMS for Medicare/Medicaid
recertification survey
21Legal Requirements
- CMS Conditions of Participation (42 CFR 482.22)
- Hospitals 42 CFR.482.22. Governing Body shall
- Ensure that criteria for selection are individual
character, competence, training, experience and
judgment - Ensure that the Medical Staff is accountable to
the governing body for the quality of care
provided to patients - Enforcement generally delegated to Department
of Health by Agreement - Critical Access Hospitals 42 CFR 485.601
- Governing body assumes full legal responsibility
for determining, implementing and monitoring
policies governing hospitals total operation.
22Legal Requirements
- Conditions of Participation Quality Assessment
and Performance Improvement 42 CFR 482 .21. - Governing Body shall
- Ensure that program reflects complexity of
hospital and services, involves all hospital
departments and focuses on improved health
outcomes and the prevention and reduction of
medical errors
23Meeting Legal RequirementsJCAHO Standards
- Past general review based upon paper
credentials - Now recognition of active credentialing
- Credentialing/Privileging collection,
verification and assessment of information - More than paper credentials required
- Objective, evidence-based
- Purpose more comprehensive evaluation of a
practitioners professional competence
24JCAHO Standards
General Competencies
- 1. Patient Care
- 2. Medical/Clinical Knowledge
- 3. Practice-based Learning and Improvement
- 4. Interpersonal and Communication Skills
- 5. Professionalism
- 6. Systems-Based Practice
25Privileging JCAHO Standards
- Process for evaluating requests for particular
privileges - Ensuring qualifications based upon ongoing review
- For surgeries developing and approving a
procedures list - Assessment of resources
- Recommendations to the governing body for
applicant-specific privileges
26Expedited Credentialing/ Temporary Privileges
- Staggered cycles of renewal
- Expedited credentialing by Board when Board not
scheduled to meet soon - Cannot be approved by medical staff
- Initial appointment and reappointment
- Authority can be delegated to at least two voting
members of Board. Otherwise, temporary
privileges when - Complete application awaiting approval (120 days)
or - Important patient care need (verification of
licensure and current competence) - Process for locums must meet standards for
temporary privileges - Medical staff develops criteria for expedited
process for granting privileges
27Focused Professional Practice Evaluation ? Used
- 1. Practitioner has credentials to suggest
competence, but additional information needed
(initial appointment and anytime additional
privileges are granted) - 2. Questions arise about practice during course
of ongoing practice evaluation
28Quality Improvement Programs and Ongoing
Professional Practice Evaluation (maintaining
- Quality Improvement Programs Licensing
Requirement. RCW 70.41.200 - Mechanism for periodic review of
- Credentials
- Physical and mental capacity
- Competence in delivery of health care services
- Evaluation of staff privileges
29JCAHO Standards
- Ongoing professional practice evaluation
- Identifying professional practice trends that
impact quality of care and patient safety - Focus on Continuous Quality Improvement
30Suggested Board Questions
- Does the Medical Staff have
- Process for temporary privileges? Expedited
privileges? - Processes for considering general competencies
for credentialing/privileging? - Process for focused review and ongoing
professional practice evaluation?
31 32Peer Review andCorrective Action Scope
- Clinical competence refers to judgment regarding
the nature and timing of treatment and technical
skills in executing the proper treatment
- Professional conduct refers to physician conduct
when acting in a professional capacity including
any impairment or behavior that interferes with
the orderly operation of the hospital.
33Peer Review and Corrective ActionProfessional
- Corrective action taken in response to multiple
complaints about physician disruptive conduct
involving abusive treatment of nurses,
technicians, and fellow physicians was
appropriate. Clinical incompetence involving
patient injury is not a necessary basis for
corrective action.
- The disruptive physician is by definition
contentious, threatening, unreachable, insulting
and frequently litigious. He will not, or cannot
play by the rules, nor is he able to relate to or
work well with others.
34Peer Review andCorrective Action Options
- Educational
- Physicians assistance programs
- Counseling
- Proctoring/Preceptoring
- Voluntary limitation of privileges
- Mandatory second opinion
- Suspension
- Revocation
- Restrictive
35Peer Review andCorrective ActionRoad to the
- Request for corrective action
- Investigation and Recommendation to MEC
- MEC Recommendation to the Board
- Right to Hearing with Report and Recommendation
- Right to Appeal
36Peer Review andCorrective Action Boards Role
- Hearing Record
- Bylaws provide standard
37Peer Review andCorrective Action Boards Role
- Appellate Review Committee
- Appeal Statement
- Oral Presentation
- Decision
38Peer Review andCorrective Action Immunity
- Requirements for immunity for professional review
action - Reasonable belief that action was in furtherance
of quality health care - Following reasonable effort to obtain facts
- After adequate notice and hearing procedures
afforded physician - Reasonable belief that action warranted by facts
known after reasonable effort to obtain and
notice and hearing
39Peer Review andCorrective Action Investigation
- Physician entitled to a reasonable investigation,
not a perfect investigation - Facts so obviously mistaken or inadequate as to
make reliance on them unreasonable - Fabricating damaging evidence or purposefully
overreacting is not part of legitimate peer
40Peer Review and Corrective ActionNotice and
- Inform physician of issues
- Issues can change during course of investigation
as long as there is notice - Opportunity to be heard at each step in process -
Investigation Committee, MEC, Fair Hearing, Appeal
- Process
- Facts
- Conflicts
- Conclusions
42Peer Review and Corrective Action Key Immunity
- Was the action undertaken in the reasonable
belief that it would further quality health care
based on facts known at the time - Courts will not substitute judgment of the
medical staff or governing body or reweigh
43Robert Walerius (206) 622-8484 bob.walerius_at_mill
ernash.com Dana Kenny (206) 622-8484 dana.kenny
_at_millernash.com Greg Montgomery (206)
622-8484 greg.montgomery_at_millernash.com