Title: Chapter 7- Fertilization
1Chapter 7- Fertilization
More historical perspective
- Late _____- _______________- sperm are parasites?
- Late ______- _____________- Sperm are still
parasites? - Early ______- ________- Sperm contribute to
fertilization - Late _____- Hertwig and Fol show sperm entering
egg, union of _____________ observed
2Transformation from germ cell to sperm
Germ cell
_________ Derived from centriole
Nucleus is ______
Derived from ______
Fig. 7.2
Mature sperm
3Sperm __________
____________ doublet
A cross-section
Fig. 7.3
A single microtubule
- Microtubules are composed of _______
- Sperm ___________ provided by______
- Dynein is attached to microtubule doublet
- Dynein hydrolyzes ___ to bend ________
- Human disease- no dynein _________
4The egg- loaded with proteins, ribosomes,
______________________________ protective
_____________ (in sea urchin)
______________ (a fibrous mat)- 8 proteins
Plasma membrane
A ____________ in mammals
_________- a mass of ovarian follicular cells (in
Fig. 7.4- Sea urchin egg
Fig. 7.7- Mammal egg
5Egg meets sperm
5 steps
1. Sperm ______________
Many species use _________________- (migration
following a __________________________)
Example- _______ is a 14 AA peptide that attracts
sperm in the ___________
Point of _____ injection
In mammals, sperm must be ______________prior to
65 steps
Egg meets sperm
2. ______________ reaction
- a. Sperm contacts ___________
- b. _________________ starts and digests jelly
layer - c. Binding to _________ envelope
- d. Fusion of acrosomal process with
74 steps
Egg meets sperm
3. Binding to vitelline layer (or
a. Sea urchin- _________ protein mediates species
_____________ and binds to _________ on egg
vitelline layer
- b. In mice, the protein ____ is the sperm
____________ on zona pellucida - ZP3 also ___________ the acrosomal reaction
- A second protein, _____, mediates __________
after the acrosomal reaction
84 steps
Egg meets sperm
4. Fusion of ______ and ________ plasma membranes
- Membranes fuse, a ____________________ is formed,
and entire sperm enters egg - In mammals, ___________(in the sperm membrane) is
essential for ___________
_____________ is bad
- Normally, egg and sperm nuclei fuse to create
_________ nucleus and single _____________ - If two sperm enter-_____________ and messed up
division by _________________
9Egg meets sperm
Solutions to __________________
1. ____________- change __________________ of egg
- Rapid influx of___________ ions (within 1-3
seconds) post sperm binding - Sperm can no longer ____ with egg membrane
- Effect only lasts a _________________
2. ____________- removal of remaining attached
In sea urchin 15,000 _______________ fuse with
egg membrane, and clip off ___________, releasing
attached sperm
See Sea urchin movie
Cortical granules
10Egg meets sperm
___________ is key!
What initiates the ____________ reaction??
Fertilized Egg
A wave of calcium is released from the
_________ ________ that is complete in 30
Sperm entry
Fig. 7.25- Sea urchin
11Egg meets sperm
What ___________the cortical ___________
____ is from mostly from ________ ________ in
snails and worms)
- If block calcium with a ________ (e.g.EDTA)-
block - _________________ reaction
- Membrane _______________
- Cell __________________
12Calcium release pathway
Binding receptor activates a _________ ___________
_ which activates ____, which splits PIP2 into
DAG and IP3, which activates _____ channel
________________ (PLC)
Acrosomal process
Plasma membrane
Nuclear membrane
Fig. 7.29B
13Molecular details of PIP3 signaling
Phosphatidyl-inositol 4,5 bisphosphate _____
Inositol 1,4,5 triphosphate _____
Fig. 7.28
14Nuclear fusion events in sea urchin
- When Sperm enters egg-
- ______________ and __________ disintegrate
- ______________ partially degrades, and sperm
chromatin - ______________ (relaxes)
- _________extends microtubles in egg and contacts
female ____________ - Nuclei migrate together and fuse to form
_____ pronucleus
At this stage we use the terms ________
_________ and _____ ______________.
_______ pronucleus
Fig. 7.31
Time (secs)