Title: Safe Working Procedure Workplace Health
1Safe Working Procedure Workplace Health
Learning Objectives By the end of this program
participants will be able to demonstrate their
understanding of the control measures to be
followed , as detailed in the safe working
procedure, in maintaining good health at work.
To begin we will consider the OAC model for
managing safety
2Safe Working Procedure Workplace Health
3Safe Working Procedure Workplace Health
Set your work objectives to include ...tasks/
activities are to be completed on time and in a
manner that does not cause harm to the employees,
customers, other non-employees, or the company/
- Three key questions to start with are
- What can cause harm?
- What are you doing about it?
- Is it enough?
Remember the process is simple but it is NOT to
be considered simplistic.
4Safe Working Procedure Workplace Health
The OAC e-learning package can be accessed free
at www.confinedspaces.com Click here to open
the "Work Safety - Manage Safely" e-learning
program. (Work Safety - Manage Safely) also A
5 Minute Safety Seminar (PowerPoint) is available
from www.web-safety.com Click here to link to
Safety Exchange - Then open the 5 minute Safety
5Safe Working Procedure Workplace Health
Know where the harm is Identify the key health
hazards associated with workplaces and the
outcomes of exposure.
- Source of Hazards(non-exhaustive list)
- Substances from industrial processes,
- Substances from natural sources,
- Substances from services,
- Substances from by-products,
- Biological agents,
- Employee mental and physical fitness,
- Medication, alcohol drugs,
- VDUs, and
- Ergonomics
- Outcomes of exposure(non-exhaustive list)
- Burns
- Asphyxiation
- Poisoning
- Skin disease
- Physical injury
6Safe Working Procedure Workplace Health
- Controlling the Hazard - Options
- In priority order
- Eliminate where possible,
- Use control measures,
- Protect all those exposed to the hazard
Insert eliminate image
Insert control image
Insert protective Clothing image
7Safe Working Procedure Workplace Health
Health Surveillance Medical assessments
- Determine the need for health surveillance
and/or medical assessments. - An occupational health practitioner is to carry
out medical surveillance for - Commercial diving operations,
- Certain work with asbestos and
- Other hazardous substances.
- Employees may be trained to carry out
self-examination in certain cases (e.g.
Special precautions apply to people particularly
at risk when working with hazards such as lead
and ionising radiation (e.g. pregnant women or
women of childbearing age).
8Safe Working Procedure Workplace Health
Controlling the Hazard
- Preventing Infection
- Hazard analysis and risk assessments are to
consider the potential for infection in work
processes e.g. - Bacteria and viruses,
- Rodent-borne infections,
- Diseases transmitted by living or dead animals,
- Blood borne pathogens, etc.
- Ensure that suitable control measures are made
9Safe Working Procedure Workplace Health
Controlling the Hazard
- Asbestos
- An up-to-date register is to be produced and
maintained detailing - Type of asbestos,
- Condition, and
- Location when
- asbestos containing materials are present in the
10Safe Working Procedure Workplace Health
Controlling the Hazard
- If asbestos, or a substance suspected of being
asbestos, is discovered during a work
activity - Work is to cease immediately,
- The area is to be evacuated, and
- The find is to be reported.
Follow the asbestos management plan if asbestos
is discovered within a product or in a specific
business location.
11Safe Working Procedure Workplace Health
Controlling the Hazard
- Ergonomics
- Ensure that work areas, including computer
workstations are set up to suit the user. - Specialist ergonomic assessments are to be
carried out, as necessary.
12Safe Working Procedure Workplace Health
Duty Holders
Responsible for
Managing Director
Ensuring compliance.
Safety Managers
Providing professional safety advice.
Business Activity Managers
Complying with the requirements.
Co-operating with the requirements.
13Safe Working Procedure Workplace Health
- Documentation
- Medical fitness questionnaires
- Health surveillance records
- Asbestos register
- Asbestos management plan
- Ergonomic assessments .