Title: IGNITION INTERLOCKS Preventing Impaired Driving
1IGNITION INTERLOCKSPreventing Impaired Driving
- Michigan Traffic Safety Summit
- March 1, 2006
2Support for Use ofIgnition Interlocks
3Governors Highway Safety Association Supports
- GHSA supports enhanced penalties for first time
offenders with high BAC levels (e.g., .15 and
above... The penalties should include license
revocations, ignition interlocks,
professional evaluation and treatment.
Governors Highway Safety Associations Policies
and Priorities
4UMTRI SupportsReport UMTRI-2002-23a, An
Evaluation of Michigans Repeat Alcohol Offender
Laws Executive Summary
- All sanction combinations that included ignition
interlocks had the lowest drunk driving
recidivism rates, while people with sanctions
involving only driver license suspension/revocatio
n had the highest rates of recidivism. - Michigan should redouble its efforts to
increase the frequency with which ignition
interlocks are ordered
5MADD Supports
- MADD supports the use of ignition interlock
- devices as an additional penalty and sanction for
- drunk driving offenders. MADD supports laws that
- would require that offenders install these
devices on - their vehicles during probationary periods and as
a - prerequisite to being issued a limited driving
permit - or a probationary or restricted license, where
such - restricted permits are permitted by law.
6Purpose and Operationof Ignition Interlocks
7Separate Drinking From Driving
- Breath alcohol ignition interlock devices are the
only technology that separates drinking from
driving. - Other technologies (PBTs, ankle bracelets)
measure drinking behavior. They do not prevent a
vehicle from being started if alcohol is detected.
8What is an ignition interlock?
- Often referred to as breathalyzer in a car.
- Prevents starting of vehicle without passing a
breath alcohol test. - Records all breath tests and when vehicle is
turned on/off. - Records attempts to circumvent device.
9The Technology
- Wired into Vehicle Ignition System
- Requires Alcohol Free Breath Sample
- Random Testing while Driving
- Records All Driving Behavior
- Methods to deter tampering
- Easy to Use
- Reports to Authorities
10Ignition InterlockDemonstration
11Benefits of UtilizingIgnition Interlocks
12Benefits for the Defendant
- Keep working and earning wages
- Pay Legal Expenses
- Court Costs
- Reduce DWI recidivism
- Successful Interlock programs allow clients to
earn their way off - Behavior modification
13Benefits for theJudicial and Licensing Process
- Objective evaluation of behavior modification
- Greater confidence in actions by the offender
- Greater ability to fulfill responsibility to
insure public safety
14Benefits for the Community
- Improved potential for restoration of offender to
contributing status rather than being a drain on
the community - Financial resources can be focused on other areas
of need - Improved traffic safety
15Eliminating Drunk Driving
- Enforcement
- Education
- Treatment
- Technology