Title: The Outsiders Jeopardy
1The Outsiders Jeopardy
2Category 1 10 points
What are the names of Ponyboys brothers?
Darry and Sodapop
3Category 1 20 points
What happened to Ponys parents?
They died in a car accident
4Category 1 30 points
What sport does Ponyboy participate in?
5Category 1 40 points
What is the name of Sodapops horse?
Mickey Mouse
6Category 1 50 points
What is the nickname that Darry called Pony near
the end of the book that made him happy?
Little Buddy
7Category 2 10 points
Who is the female Soc with red hair?
Cherry Valance
8Category 2 20 points
Which greaser carries around a switchblade that
he stole?
Two-Bit Mathews
9Category 2 30 points
Who are the two Socs that approach Ponyboy,
Two-bit and Johnny?
Randy Adderson and Bob Sheldon
10Category 2 40 points
Who is the Soc that Darry knew at the rumble? How
did they know each other?
Paul Holden High School Football
11Category 2 50 points
Whose house was Dally staying at the night of the
Buck Merril
12Category 3 10 points
Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold
Johnny Cade
13Category 3 20 points
You know what a Soc is? White trash with
Mustangs and Madras.
Ponyboy Curtis
14Category 3 30 points
Youre outta your territory. Youd better watch
Johnny Cade
15Category 3 40 points
I see we are in prime condition for a rumble. Is
everybody happy?
Two-Bit Mathews
16Category 3 50 points
How do you like bein a hero, big shot?
Steve Randle
17Category 4 10 points
I was a great football player but I had to turn
down a scholarship to take care of my brothers.
Darry Curtis
18Category 4 20 points
I recently turned fifteen years old and I am
currently in a reformatory.
Curly Shepard
19Category 4 30 points
I am Cherrys friend and Randys girlfriend.
20Category 4 40 points
We are one of the other gangs from the suburbs.
The Brumly Boys
21Category 4 50 points
I am the teacher who went with Ponyboy to the
hospital after the fire.
Jerry Wood
22Category 5 10 points
This is where the novel takes place.
Tulsa, Oklahoma
23Category 5 20 points
Ponyboy and Johnny leave town and come to this
place. (3 parts, be specific)
Abandoned church on Jay Mountain in Windrixville
24 Category 5 30 points
This is the place that Dally was killed.
The Vacant Lot
25Category 5 40 points
Dally took Pony and Johnny here to eat.
Dairy Queen
26Category 5 50 points
This is where the boys met Cherry and Marcia.
The Nightly Double Drive-in
What is Two-Bits real first name