Title: Rutgers Ocean Data Access Network
Rutgers Ocean Data Access Network Powered by
Java Technologies Yunqing P. Zhang, John F.
Fracassi, John E. Wiggins, Scott M. Glenn, and
J.F. Grassle. Rutgers, the State University of
New Jersey New Brunswick, New Jersey
2What is RODAN ?
- LEO-15 Data Management Needs
- Comprehensive management of archived data
collected at - the LEO-15 site.
- Instant access to data by geographically
separated users. - Simultaneous accommodation of diverse user
requirements. - One-click sampling/visualization of data prior
to downloading. - Solution from our team
- Rutgers Ocean Data Access Network, a
web-interfaced integrated - system for data management, analysis,
visualization and retrieval.
3How is RODAN implemented ? (Platform Independent
Freely Distributable)
Data Servers
Remote Clients
Web Servers
Data Access Analysis Module Java RMI,
Web Browser (Data Viewer) HTML, JavaScript
Java Applet
Multi-Threaded Servlet Control Java Servlet
Java RMI
Graphics Module Java 2-D,Java AI Java Swing VisAD
Other Data Servers DODS, etc.
Application (Visualization Tool)
4What can RODAN do for you?
The Data Viewer
5How is RODAN implemented ? (Platform Independent
Freely Distributable)
Data Servers
Remote Clients
Web Servers
Data Access Analysis Module Java RMI,
Web Browser (Data Viewer) HTML, JavaScript
Java Applet
Multi-Threaded Servlet Control Java Servlet
Java RMI
Graphics Module Java 2-D,Java AI Java Swing VisAD
Other Data Servers DODS, etc.
Application (Visualization Tool)
6What can RODAN do for you?
The Data Viewer
7What can RODAN do for you?
The Data Viewer
8What can RODAN do for you?
The Data Viewer
9How is RODAN implemented ? (Platform Independent
Freely Distributable)
Data Servers
Remote Clients
Web Servers
Data Access Analysis Module Java RMI,
Web Browser (Data Viewer) HTML, JavaScript
Java Applet
Multi-Threaded Servlet Control Java Servlet
Java RMI
Graphics Module Java 2-D,Java AI Java Swing VisAD
Other Data Servers DODS, etc.
Application (Visualization Tool)
10What can RODAN do for you?
Data Visualization Tool
11What can RODAN do for you?
Data Visualization Tool
12What can RODAN do for you?
- Generate time-series plots.
Data Visualization Tool
13How is RODAN implemented ? (Platform Independent
Freely Distributable)
Data Servers
Remote Clients
Web Servers
Data Access Analysis Module Java RMI,
Web Browser (Data Viewer) HTML, JavaScript
Java Applet
Multi-Threaded Servlet Control Java Servlet
Java RMI
Graphics Module Java 2-D,Java AI Java Swing VisAD
Other Data Servers DODS, etc.
Application (Visualization Tool)
14What are the unique features of RODAN?
- All Java based,easily relocated to different
platforms. - Distributed architecture, balancing requests
over web server and - data server.
- Multi-threaded processing, handling multiple
users concurrently. -
- Java 2D, Swing, Advanced Imaging, and VisAD.
15What is RODANs Graphics Module ?
RODANs Graphics Module is a pure JAVA-based
graphics library used to visualize oceanographic
data. It is implemented using the following
- VisAD for plotting
- Java 2D for loading and storing images
- Java Advanced Imaging for image processing (ex.
scaling) - Java Swing for developing graphical user
16What is RODANs Graphics Module ?
17What is RODANs Graphics Module ?
What is RODANs web-interfaced data viewer?
A JavaScript-based web-interface to the
Java-based data analysis and graphics module.
The plots are generated on the web server.
18What can RODAN do for you?
The Data Viewer
19How do I use RODANs Data Viewer?
Using the data viewer is extremely simple.
- Select the time interval of interest.
- Select the averaging interval.
- Select the type of average.
- Select the variable you wish to plot.
- Click on the plot button.
20What is RODANs Graphics Module ?
What does RODANs Data Viewer do for you?
- It allows you to view, plot and download data
and images. - Currently supports meteorological data.
- Currently supports time-series plots.
21What is RODANs Graphics Module ?
Why should you use RODANs data visualization
- To avoid the delays associated with processing
your request - over the internet.
- To do more intensive graphical analysis.
22What is RODANs Graphics Module ?
Data Visualization Tool
23What is RODANs Graphics Module ?
- Generate color-shaded contour plots.
Data Visualization Tool
24What is RODANs Graphics Module ?
- Generate vector field plots.
Data Visualization Tool
25What is RODANs Graphics Module ?
What does RODANs Data Visualization Tool do for
- It allows you to view, plot and process data and
images. - Currently supports CODAR and meteorological
data. - Currently supports time-series, contour,
color-shaded contour - and vector field plots.
26What is RODANs Graphics Module ?
How do I use RODANs Data Visualization Tool?
The visualization tool comprises of 5 menus
File, Data, Plot, Image and Help. The File Menu
simply allows a user to terminate the application.
- The Data Menu allows a user to
- load data downloaded from RODAN
27What can RODAN do for you?
- Edit data.
- Store new data.
- Process data with one of the processing
functions provided - with the application.
28What can RODAN do for you?
The Image Menu allows a user to
- Load and store plots as images.
- Process images (ex. scale)
The Help Menu will be implemented in a future
29How is RODAN implemented ? (Platform Independent
Freely Distributable)
Data Servers
Remote Clients
Web Servers
Data Access Analysis Module Java RMI,
Web Browser (Data Viewer) HTML, JavaScript
Java Applet
Multi-Threaded Servlet Control Java Servlet
Java RMI
Graphics Module Java 2-D,Java AI Java Swing VisAD
Other Data Servers DODS, etc.
Application (Visualization Tool)
30What is the future of RODAN ?
- Accommodate more data types/formats.
- Upgrade stand-alone application to a networked
application - using VisAD RMI capabilities.
- Upgrade stand-alone application to be DODS
compliant and - support 3-D Graphics.
- Develop the applet interface.
- Explore the issue of compatibility and
interoperability with - OBIS, VODHUB, and other large-scale data
1. RODAN facilitates seamless integration of data
management, analysis,visualization and retrieval
through a dynamic web-interface. 2. RODAN
operates on a modern, distributed architecture.
3. RODAN is platform-independent, built on free
software and easily re-locatable. 4. RODAN
supports multiple data visualization methods
tailored to different needs. 5. RODAN is easily
adaptable and expandable, making it ready to
participate in national/international data
management efforts.
32How is RODAN implemented ? (Platform Independent
Freely Distributable)
Data Servers
Remote Clients
Web Servers
Data Access Analysis Module Java RMI,
Web Browser (Data Viewer) HTML, JavaScript
Java Applet
Multi-Threaded Servlet Control Java Servlet
Java RMI
Graphics Module Java 2-D,Java AI Java Swing VisAD
Other Data Servers DODS, etc.
Application (Visualization Tool)