Title: Controlling Devices Unit 5E Making an Advertising Board'
1Controlling Devices Unit 5E Making an
Advertising Board.
Instructions for working away from the computer
with Valiant Control Console and Cambridge
Brainbox Primary Electronics Kit.
2Devices all around us are controlled through
Direct Instructions.
- Single Instructions -
- Barrier in Car Park
- Exit Door
- Sequence of Instructions-
- Pelican Crossing
- Washing Machine
3How Electricity Works.
- Electricity is a flow of electrons.
- A circuit will not work if there is a break in
it. - The electrons can not flow.
- An electric current flows between two points
because there is a difference in voltage.
(energy level) - The positive terminal of a battery is at a High
Voltage level. - The negative terminal is at a
- Low Voltage level.
4An Electric current behaves like the ball on the
piece of wood shown below.
5The current will flow from high to low just like
the ball.
6What happens if both children raise their ends?
7Technical Vocabulary
- Electrons
- Circuit
- Output
- Voltage (energy level)
- On / High /
- Off / Low / -
- Time
8Using Electricity worksheets.
- You will have completed the Using Electricity
worksheets with the Electronics Kits. - Now have a look at Using Electricity 5.
- Make sure you have the Working away from the
computer sheet.
9Setting up Control Console
- You will need a clear desk near to a plug socket.
- Plug in the power lead to the Console.
- Plug into the wall power socket.
- The Console will make a noise when it is turned
on.(Do not turn it on until you have connected
your outputs.) - When you have finished do not take the lead from
the console just turn off the wall socket.
10Connecting your circuit
- Connect one red plug with crocodile clip on, to
OUTPUT 1. Use a screwdriver to tighten. - The second to the green socket next to it.
- Avoid unplugging these once they are connected as
they will break if not carefully removed.
- DO NOT connect an external power supply (mains or
battery) to any of the Console terminals. - DO NOT connect a Red Output directly to a green
Ground Terminal. - DO NOT connect a Red Output directly to another
Red Output. - DO NOT be responsible for breaking the equipment.
12Replacing the battery.
Remove the battery and connect the crocodile
clips to the metal studs.
13Turning the bulb on.
- Instead of typing the instructions into a
computer, we are keying them into the Control
Console. - Start with the OUTPUT you want to control.Then
select either- - HIGH/ (ON)
- LOW/- (OFF)
14Then you need to say how long for.
- Time
- Then a length of time.
- 1 1 tenth of a second.
- 10 1 second.
- e.g. 1 10
15Next you can add another circuit.
Remember to key in the correct OUTPUT!
16Key in instructions to first turn on your light
bulb, then your fan.
17We are going to make an Advertising Board using
an Electric Circuit. We are going to include
three factors.
18Planning and making your board.
- Either lay a piece of paper over your circuit and
mark where you need your holes - Or use the planning sheet.
Come for a Spin!
Light up your Night!
19Here is one I made earlier!