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4Cardinal Mazarin
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12State Apartment
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14Venus Room ceiling
15Venus Room
16Venus room
17Diana Room Louis XIV Billiards rooms
18Billiards, Louis XIVs favorite game
19Diana Room
20Mars Room ceiling (during Louis XIVs
reign Filled with silver furniture)
21Apollo Room, Throne Room
22The Sun MythLouis XIV chose the sun as his
emblem. The sun was associated with Apollo, god
of peace and arts, and was also the heavenly body
which gave life to all things, regulating
everything as it rose and set. Like Apollo, the
warrior-king Louis XIV brought peace, was a
patron of the arts, and dispensed his bounty. The
regularity of his work habits and his ritual
risings and retirings (levee and couchee) were
another point of solar comparison. Throughout
Versailles, decoration combines images and
attributes of Apollo (laurel, lyre, tripod) with
the king's portraits and emblems (the double LL,
the royal crown, the sceptre and hand of
justice). The Apollo Salon is the main room of
the Grand Apartment because it was originally the
monarch's state chamber. The path of the sun is
also traced in the layout of the gardens.
23War Room or Council Room
24Kings Bedroom
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27Council Room
28King in Council
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32Dog Room, where Louis XVs favorite dogs slept
33Gold Plate room
34Louis XVIs library
35Louis XVs dining room
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37Louis sister-in-law wrote this about his
dining I have often seen the King eat four
plates of soup Of different kinds, a whole
pheasant, a partridge, A large plate of salad,
two thick slices of ham, a Dish of mutton in a
garlic-flavored sauce, a plateful Of pastries and
then fruit and hard-boiled eggs. Both The King
and Monsieur are exceedingly fond of Hardboiled
38The Duc de Bourgogne(the Dauphines son) had his
two Brothers had been taught the polite
innovation of using a Fork while eating but when
they were invited to the Kings Table at supper,
he would havae none of it and forbade them To
use such a tool. He would never have had
occasion to Reproach me in that matter, for I
have never in my life used Anything to eat with
but my knife and my fingers
39Louis XVIs games room
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46King hunting
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