1General Health Science Culminating By Delnaz
Rabadi, Madison Gorman and Ally Lansdown
Nutritional Science
Science Public Health
Pathogens and Disease
Medical Technologies
3Medical Technologies 10 Points
What is an assistive device?
AnswerAny medical device that improves
treatment or condition of life, helps a patient
live, or allows normal life.
4Medical Technologies 20 Points
What is the equation for calculating BMI?
Answer BMI Weight (Kg) Height² (m²)
5Medical Technologies 30 Points
What are the 3 parts of a feedback loop and what
are their functions?
Answer 1)Sensor/Monitor- It indicates change in
vital signs 2) Control Center- Recognizes change
and issues a response 3)Regulator- Restores vital
signs to normal range
6Medical Technologies 40 Points
What are the 4 types of prosthetic limbs and what
do they replace?
Answer 1)Transtibial - replaces leg below
knee2)Transfemoral - replaces leg above
knee3)Transradial - replaces arm below
elbow4)Transhumeral replaces arm above elbow
7Medical Technologies 50 Points
What are the 5 areas of plastic surgery?
Answer 1)Skin Grafting2)Reconstructive
Surgery3)Microsurgery4)Cosmetic Surgery5)Body
8Pathogens and Disease 10 Points
What is the difference between a preventative
measure and a reactionary measure?
Answer Preventative Measure proactive thwarts
a pathogen from making us ill (ex. Flu
Shot) Reactionary Measure kills a pathogen that
is already doing damage.
9Pathogens and Disease 20 Points
What is the difference between an antibiotic and
a vaccine?
Answer Antibiotic reactionary measure treats
bacterial infections already in our
body. Vaccine preventative measure usually a
dead or weakened versions of a virus to help our
bodies build up immunity.
10Pathogens and Disease 30 Points
What is the Germ Theory?
Answer Illness is caused by pathogens
(microscopic organisms called germs) mainly
contagious. Not all diseases are germs, some
are genetic and/or caused by mutations
11Pathogens and Disease 40 Points
What is the Miasma Theory?
Answer Bad air, poisonous vapour filled with
particles from garbage caused ilnesses.
Physicians and the rich wore masks that contained
fragrant herbs so they could not smell the bad
air. The solution was to isolate the sick, dirty
and poor
12Pathogens and Disease 50 Points
If you were in a room with several people, what
are four ways a pathogen can be transmitted?
Answer 1)Airborne pathogens in the air that we
breathe in. 2)Droplet Contact pathogens that
travel through the air by cough or
sneeze. 3)Direct Contact an infected person with
signs of infection touches someone that isnt
infected. 4)Indirect Contact an infected person
touches a surface and leaves the pathogens there.
13Science and Public Health 10 Points
What are the two characteristics of public health?
Answer 1)Deals with preventative rather than
reactionary measures. 2)Deals with
population-level health issues, not individual
level ones.
14Science and Public Health 20 Points
What is AIDS and what does it stand for?
Answer AIDS stands for Acquired Immunodeficiency
Syndrome. It reduces the effectiveness of the
immune system and allows opportunistic pathogens
to take over the body
15Science and Public Health 30 Points
What are the three components of public health?
- Answer
- 1)Epidemiology studying the factors that affect
a populations health - 2)Biostatistics The collection, summarization
and analysis of health data. - 3)Health Services The preservation of health
through the service of health data.
16Science and Public Health 40 Points
What is C.difficile?
Answer Clostridium difficile is a bacteria that
becomes a problem when it overpopulates our
intestines and drives other helpful bacteria out.
Over population is harmful because they release
toxins that can cause bloating , constipation and
17Science and Public Health 50 Points
What are the social and economic factors that
affect public health?
Answer 1)Income 2)Employment and Working
Conditions 3)Food Security 4)Early Childhood
Development 5)Education and Literacy 6)Social
Support and Connectedness 7)Health Behaviours
18Nutritional Science 10 Points
What is a calorie?
Answer A calorie was originally used as a unit
of heat of chemical reactions but is now more
used for calculating food energy.
19Nutritional Science 20 Points
What is the difference between a vitamin and
Answer Vitamin - organic compound required for
use as a nutrient by an organism Mineral an ion
of an element that the human body requires in its
20Nutritional Science 30 Points
Identify the three types of digestive disorders
and give an example of each.
Answer Structural physical abnormality (ex.
Hiatus Hernia) Malabsorptive problems with
nutrient absorption (ex. Lactose
Intolerance) Inflammatory causes swelling
and/or bleeding (ex. Crohns Disease)
21Nutritional Science 40 Points
What are the four stages of food processing?
Answer 1)Ingestion Taking in food 2)Digestion
Breaking down food into nutrients 3)Absorption
Taking in nutrition by cells 4)Egestion
removing leftover waste
22Nutritional Science 50 Points
What are the steps of the digestive system?
Answer 1)Mouth physically breaks down
food. 2)Throat pushes food into stomach by
peristalsis. 3)Stomach chemically breaks down
food. 4)Small Intestine majority of nutrient
absorption. 5)Large Intestine absorbs water
from waste material. 6)Rectum all leftover
waste is compacted and excreted through the anus.
23Biotechnology 10 Points
What is a GMO?
Answer A GMO is a genetically modified organism.
They are modified to be given traits that they
wouldnt have naturally.
24Biotechnology 20 Points
Identify and give an example of biofuel
Answer Biofuel is a plant derived fuel that is
deemed more environmentally friendly than current
fuel sources. Ex. Ethanol, biodiesel and biogas
25Biotechnology 30 Points
What are the three different types of cloning?
Answer Therapeutic Cloning the use of stem
cells for medicinal or research
purposes Reproductive Cloning the use of stem
cells to create cloned humans Replacement Cloning
repairing extensively damaged, failed or
failing body parts through cloning (theoretical)
26Biotechnology 40 Points
What are the five branches of biotechnology
Answer 1)Bioinformatics uses biology and
computing to analyze data 2)Red Biotechnology
medical biotechnology 3)Blue Biotechnology
marine and aquatic biotechnology 4)Green
Biotechnology agricultural biotechnology
5)White Biotechnology industrial biotechnology
27Biotechnology 50 Points
What are the reasons we genetically modify foods?
Answer 1)Extended Shelf Life 2)Efficient Food
Processing 3)Better Nutrient Composition 4)Efficie
nt Drug Delivery