Title: PowerPoint Jeopardy
1PowerPoint Jeopardy
Rotation and Revolution Seasons Moon Eclipses Miscellaneous
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2__________ is the spinning of Earth on its axis.
3_________ is the movement of one object around
4Earths rotation takes about _________________.
5One complete revolution of Earth takes __________.
6Day and night are caused by Earths
7The beginning of spring in the Northern
Hemisphere is marked by the _________ ________.
8- Earth has seasons because
- Earth rotates on its axis
- the distance between Earth
- and the sun changes
- Earths axis is tilted as it
- Moves around the sun
- d. The temperature of the sun changes
9- When the north end of Earths axis
- is tilted toward the sun, North America
- will experience
- More indirect rays and shorter days
- More indirect rays and longer days
- More direct rays and longer days
- More direct rays and shorter days
10An equinox occurs when ____________________. A
solstice occurs when ____________________.
11In the Southern Hemisphere, the summer Solstice
occurs when the sun is directly overhead at
_____________. (number)
12- Because the moon rotates once for
- each revolution around Earth,
- You see some phases more than others
- a different side of the moon faces
- Earth each day
- c. you never see the far side of the moon
- d. the far side of the moon is visible
- only during the full moon phase
13- The phase of the moon you see depends on
- Where you are on Earths surface
- How much of the sunlit side of the
- moon faces Earth
- How much of the moons surface
- is lit by the sun
- d. Whether or not an eclipse is occurring
14From the new moon phase to full moon phase, you
see a (n) increasing decreasing the same
amount of light.
List the phases of the moon in order, starting
with the new moon phase.
15- The amount of the lighted side of the moon
- you can see is the same between which phases?
- new moon and full moon
- new moon and first quarter
- first quarter and third quarter
- full moon and third quarter
16The moon can be seen from Earth
because _____________________.
17- For a solar eclipse to occur,
- The sun must be directly between
- Earth and the moon.
- b. Earth must be directly between
- the sun and the moon
- The moon must be directly behind Earth
- The moon must be directly between
- Earth and the sun.
18During what phase can a lunar eclipse occur?
19The darkest part of the moons shadow is called
the ____________.
20During a partial solar eclipse, part of the sun
is visible in the ____________, the lightest part
of the moons shadow.
21Explain how a lunar eclipse differs from a solar
22The force of ________ by the moon pulls on the
water of Earth.
23During a full moon or a new moon, the high tides
will be _____ and the low tides will be _____.
24Neap tides occur at which 2 phases of the moon?
25If high tide occurs at 600 am, at what
approximate time will the next high tide occur.
26Everything (rotates/revolves) in a
(circular/elliptical) path.