- Presented by the Guidance Office
2Welcome Dr. Richard Caldes Guidance Supervisor
- Overview of Material
- ABCs of College Planning
- Career Information
- Financial Aid Handouts
3Mrs. Dana Verdia
- Graduation Requirements
- College Units / Eligibility Center
- Scheduling Process/Subject Selection
- Early Release
4Class of 2012 Graduation Requirements 115 CREDITS
- Phys. Ed. 4 yrs. 20 credits
- English 4 yrs. 20 credits
- Math 3 yrs. 15 credits
- Science 3 yrs. 15 credits
- Soc. Science 3 yrs. 15 credits
- Fine/Perf. Arts 1 yr.
5 credits - Business / Pract. Arts 1 yr.
5 credits - World Language 1 yr.
5 credits - Electives
25 credits - MUST PASS HSPA
5College Units
- Minimum Recommended
- English 4 4
- Math 3 4
- Science 2 lab 4
- Social Studies 3 3-4
- World Lang. 2 3-4
- Academic elec 2-3
- Total 16 18 or more
6NCAA -Eligibility Center
- Initial eligibility for college freshmen
- Division I and II only
- 16 Core Academic Course GPA
- Sliding Scale - Core GPA / SAT or ACT
- Register during junior year
- www.eligibilitycenter.org
7Division I-Partial Scale
- 3.0 620 52
- 2.8 700 57
- 2.6 780 64
- 2.4 860 71
- 2.2 940 79
- 2.0 1010 86
- Junior Year
- Last opportunity to make up graduation
requirements - Thoughtful selection of subject area courses for
college planning and future career - Scheduling guide Carefully review course
selections with your counselor - Changes to senior year schedule only through June
9Subject Selection- Special Considerations
- Develop strong 40 credit schedule for college
bound students. - Early Release programs
- ME II, Ocean County College courses (Jump Start
Program), Georgian Court University (Step Ahead
Program), Senior Seminar - Additional Early Release opportunities could be
explored on a case by case basis.
10Career Decision MakingMrs. Kristine Bray
- Newsletter
- Careers
- Post Secondary Opportunities
- Military
11Memorial Moments Newsletter
- Published by the Guidance Office
- Keeps you well-informed for intelligent decision
making - Geared toward Juniors Seniors
- Guidance web site and posted around the school
12Newsletter (Cont.)
- Important dates (college application deadlines,
SAT ACT deadlines) - NCAA Clearinghouse information
- Financial Aid News
- Scholarship News
- Career Education Information
- College Visits
- Career Day Friday, March 25, 2011
- Formal and informal interviews with parents,
teachers, and other adults - Visits to job sites
- Senior Seminar
- Refer to Guidance website for career website
links - www.connection.naviance.com/bmhs
14Post Secondary Schools Opportunities
- Ocean County Vocational Technical School (OCVTS)
- Technical Schools and Training Schools
- School to Work
- Two and Four year colleges (many offer
certificate programs) - Military
- Each branch has a reserve unit ASVAB offered at
Brick Memorial every year This year it was
administered on November 18th - See Mrs. Verdia
- Army
- Air Force
- Navy
- Marines
- Coast Guard
16TestingMrs. Tracey Reinhard
- Subject Tests
- Advanced Placement Tests (AP)
- High School Proficiency Assessment (HSPA)
- Jan. 22 at BTMHS
- March 12 at BTMHS
- May 7 at BTHS
- June 4 at BTMHS
- All college bound juniors are strongly encouraged
to take SAT in their junior year. - Sign up at www.collegeboard.com
18SAT II Subject Tests
- Offered the same dates as SAT
- Subject tests
- Many colleges recommend or require one or more of
these tests for admission or placement purposes.
19Score Choice
- A new feature allowing students to choose (from
one test date) which scores are sent to colleges
and universities. - Can be used on any score report that students
send, including the 4 free reports. - Optional feature, but be aware of each colleges
individual score-reporting policies before using
it. - www.collegeboard.com or 800-SAT-HELP
20About Score Choice
- You can select scores only by test date for SAT
and by individual test for SAT II Subject Tests. - Score Choice applies only to score reports sent
to colleges. (All scores will continue to go to
you and high school). - Take advantage of 4 free score reports during
registration after the test there will be 10.00
charge per score report
21Sending ACT/SAT Scores
- Scores will no longer be on the transcript due to
score choice. - You must have scores sent officially from the
testing center.
- Test used as an alternative to the SAT
- Registration forms available in Student Services.
- Tests in 4 subject areas
- English, Mathematics, Reading, Science
- Optional Writing Test
- Score Range 1-36
- www.actstudent.org
23ACT Test Dates
- February 12, 2011
- April 9, 2011
- June 11, 2011 at BTHS
24A.P. - Advanced Placement
- A.P. exams are intensive subject matter tests
given May 4 May 12, 2011 - Taken by students enrolled in A.P. courses
- Students who register Mar. 1 Mar. 11 will pay a
discounted fee of 79 - Students who register after March 11 will pay
regular registration fee of 87 - Final registration is March 18
25H.S.P.A.High School Proficiency Assessment
- All N.J. juniors must pass in order to graduate
- March 1,2,3
- Makeup March 8,9,10
- Senior year scheduling implications
- Naviance
- Application Process
- Early Admissions
- Early Decision / Action
- Transcripts
- Types of Colleges / Words of Wisdom
- Web-based resource that supports career and
college planning. - Specific to our school.
- Linked with naviance, which we use in the
counseling office. - www.connection.naviance.com/bmhs
28(No Transcript)
29(No Transcript)
30What Can it Do?
- Share plans
- Complete surveys
- Compare colleges
- Links to selected third-party resources
- Track deadlines
- Produce scattergrams
- Show schedule of college visits
31Types of Colleges
Type Description Tuition Admission Requirements
Four year Degrees offered Bachelors and beyond Provides A well-rounded college experience that includes an academic area of study. State Typically under 15,000/year Private Typically more than 20,000/year SAT or ACT GPA Class rank Essay Extracurricular activities Letters of recommendation Transcripts
32Types of Colleges
Type Description Tuition Admission Requirements
Two year Degrees offered Associates Provides A way to ease into college / take general college classes for credit. Typically have agreements with four year colleges to transfer credits. Typically around 4,000/year Open-door admission policy
33Application Process
- Transcript Release Form
- Green Cover Sheet
- Student Activity Sheet
- Early Admission / Action/ Decision
- Strongly recommend 4-6 applications.
34Evaluation of a Candidate
- Academic Record
- Class Rank and G.P.A.
- Extracurricular Activities
- Letters of Recommendation
- Essay
35College PlanningMiss Elizabeth Gripp
- Letters of Recommendation
- Essays
- ABCs of College Planning
- College Fairs
36Letters of RecommendationEssays
- Recommendations
- - Someone who knows you well
- - Choose writers with care (2-3)
- Essays - Distinguish yourself from others
- -Who are you?
- -How well do you think?
- -How well do you write?
- http//www.conncoll.edu/admissions/essays.htm
37ABCs of College Planning Junior Year
- -Evaluate goals, values and interests
- -Meet with counselor
- -Maintain academic integrity / Take PSAT
- -Review PSATs, counselor, Plan SATs
- -List college choices (2-yr., 4-yr., or tech.)
38Junior Year (Cont.)
- -Use all available resources
- -Request teacher recommendations
- College Fairs / Visits
- -NACAC - Expo Conference Center Edison, NJ
April 6 and 7, 2011 - -OCPGA TBA
39Senior Year
- Evaluate SATs
- Review Transcripts
- Refine list of colleges
- Recommendations / Apply
40Senior Year (Cont.)
- Apply to schools
- Continue to evaluate schools
- Financial Aid
41College FinancingMrs. Patricia Cooke
- NJ Stars Program
- Financial Aid
- Scholarships
- National Scholarship Search (Naviance)
42NJ Stars Program
- All 19 County Colleges participate
- Students graduating in the top 15 of their class
are eligible - Covers the cost of tuition and approved fees - 15
credits per term - Remedial classes are not covered
- Students must file a FAFSA to be eligible
- Transfer issues
- Nj stars.net Several proposed changes
- Income less than 250,000
43NJ Stars II
- Currently final 2 years at a NJ State School
- GPA 3.25-3.49 6,000
- GPA 3.5 4.0 7,000
- Must maintain 3.25 or above to maintain
scholarship for senior year.
44Financial Aid Applications
- CSS Profile
- FAFSA Free Application for Federal Student
Assistance - All students seeking aid must complete FAFSA
for each year of attendance. - Complete after Jan. 1 of senior year
- online www.fafsa.ed.gov. Response 1 wk.-pin-
can be accessed from our Brick Schools web page
45FAFSA Cont.
- RESPONSE - Student Aid Report (SAR)
- Based largely on assets and income
- Expected Family Contribution (EFC)
- The EFC determines eligibility for federal,
state, and campus based aid. - AID - Grants, Loans, Work-Study
- FAFSA4caster at www.FAFSA4caster.ed.gov
46Local Scholarships
- Monitor bulletins closely (approx. 15)
- Seniors emailed via naviance, posted on Student
Services Scholarship link and on Naviance,
notified via phone dialer - Pick up applications in Student Services
- Check eligibility
- Complete applications accurately and submit on
time - Provide proper documentation
47(No Transcript)
48National Scholarships and Internet
- Many posted scholarships are available
- Several web pages for scholarships can be found
in the ABCs of College Planning - A scholarship link called FASTWEB can be accessed
from WEBSITE LINKS on Brick Township schools from
student services - Meritaid.com (Merit money)
- National Scholarship Search (Naviance)
- www.hesaa.org ? NJ Grants and Loans
49(No Transcript)
50(No Transcript)
51To Do List
- ABCs of College Planning
- Counselor Appointment
- Transcript Release Form
- Prepare! Prepare! Prepare!
Good Luck!