Title: Orientation
2What is Holistic Care?
- People are by nature physical, emotional and
spiritual beings - (beliefs and values systems)
- We as emergency responders have a responsibility
to serve and protect the whole person - Chaplains serve this purpose by specializing in
emotional and spiritual care
3What is a Fire Chaplain?
- Cares for the emotional and spiritual needs of
personnel, - families and community in crisis situations
- Understands and trains in fire service culture
and operations - Not shift based, available 24/7 on assigned days
4Commitment to the Fire Service. Always ready
All the time
5- Emergency Responder and member of the Fire
Service one of us - Committed to serve and protect along side
firefighters - Trains to provide a Standard of Care for
personnel and community
6- Dependable, faithful, spiritually driven
- Not primarily a religious advisor not faith
specific - Chaplain communications are private and
7Really, thoughWhat does a chaplain do?
8- Psychological First Aid
- We walk with people in the midst of crisis
We then place them in the hands of their own
support systems and needed care.
95 Points Of Service
- Firefighters and Staff
- Command
- Families of Personnel
- Victims of Emergencies and Disasters
- Fellow Chaplains
10Chaplain Duties
- Visits stations and shifts
- Responds to structure fires, deaths and critical
incidents - Makes hospital and home visits
- Prayerful support of needs
- Performs weddings, blessings and funerals
- Attends meetings, invocations, events
- Participates in training
11Chaplains are here for you
when you feel like youre REALLY STUCK
12When you need to unload
13Job Stress?
Problems At Home?
Cutbacks in the Ambulance Departmenthave slowed
response times.
Yes Dear.
14Or when things just go wrong
15Chaplains Train To Provide An Effective Standard
of Care For Those We Serve Together
16Basic Training
- PPE Fire Ground Safety/Operations
- Incident Command System (NIMS)
- Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)
- Pastoral Crisis Intervention
- Line of Duty Death and FD Funerals
- CPR and First Aid
- Departmental Training Opportunities
17Advanced Training
- Suicide Intervention and Postvention
- Disaster Response Deployment Preparation
- Grief Following Trauma
- Stress Management For Emergency Responders
- Family Education
- Public Safety Officer Benefits
- Communication and Team Effectiveness
- Terrorism Psychological Impact and Implications
18Salvation ArmyEmergency Disaster Services
- Preplanned resource
- A Partner to MABAS chaplains
- Offers CISM Training (ICISF) at a discounted rate
through grant funding - Deploys Chaplains to Disaster Response
- Provides Canteen and Rehab Services
In order to help Chaplains must know when,
where and how to respond
- Determine what method works best for your
department - Pager
- Cell Phone
- Dispatch Tone-Out
- 2 Way Radio
20Why do we work with MABAS?
- Recruit, organize and train chaplains for
effective service in departments and communities.
- Establish MABAS Division Chaplain Committees
- Establish policy for responding to large scale
incidents - Create a effective standard of care on a local,
state and national level
21The Division Chaplain Committee
- 3 Positions
- Chaplain Coordinator
- Chief Liaison
- Training Officer
- Policy Development includes
- Duties and Training
- Committee Guidelines
- Task Force Response
22Sounds like a good opportunity. How do we get
- Go to your Fire Chief or MABAS.org and get a
listing departments in your Division - Call each dept and ask for their Chaplains
contact information - Invite all Chaplains and Chiefs together and
discuss the program - Request help from the ICFC if needed
- Work toward forming a Chaplain Committee within
your MABAS Division
23Professional Organizations For Chaplains
- Illinois Corps of Fire Chaplains (ICFC)
- www.ilfirechaplains.org
- Federation of Fire Chaplains (FFC)
- www.firechaplains.org
24How do I become a MABAS Fire Chaplain?
- Contact your local department Fire Chief and
volunteer - Talk to other MABAS chaplains about this ministry
- Contact the ICFC www.ilfirechaplains.org