Title: Ruben Escribano
1Ruben Escribano Center for Oceanographic
Research in the eastern South Pacific
(COPAS) Database Pacific Regional Node of OBIS
(ESPOBIS, www.ron.udec.cl) administrated by
COPAS new data on zooplankton from the Humboldt
Current region new zooplankton data from coastal
and shelf break areas off Ecuador now available
from OBIS. Cruises 2007 collections in the
eastern South Pacific in the central/southern
region off Chile. Time series data and samples
from 2002 up to date are available. Taxonomic
analysis of samples is an ongoing task and the
list of species not previously reported for the
region is gradually increasing. Ruben
participated in the Polarstern cruise in the
Atlantic region during October-November 2007
specific aim was to identify species from a wide
range of calanoid families to submit for
barcoding . Outreach activities Our web sites
reporting zooplankton data are increasingly
getting attention from public. The number of hits
for the Spanish site was 12,264 and that of
English (available from October 2007) was 2,412
Presentations During 2007 two oral
presentations were made in Chilean national
congresses reporting our link with CmarZ and
zooplankton data base.
2Ruben Escribano (Continued) Education and
training November 15-30, an international course
on automatic recognition of zooplankton using
digitalized images and ZooImage software was
carried out at our Marine Biology Station-Dichato
with Dr. Phil Culverhouse from Plymouth
University, UK. The course was sponsored by our
Austral Summer Institute VIII, University of
Concepcion and COPAS Center. Work planned for
2008 Zooplankton surveys in northern Chile and
in the central/southern region. A spatial survey
covering coastal and oceanic areas off Concepcion
(36 S), including deep sampling (gt700 m) using a
Tucker Trawl Net is currently underways (05-20
March 2008) onboard the Chilean Navy Vessel Vidal
Gormaz. A new project funded by the Chilean
Commission for Science and Technology for field
work, hiring students, training and acquisition
of a ZooScan device for automatic counting and
recognition of zooplankton. Four seasonal
zooplankton surveys will be supported during
2008-2010. The project will also provide funding
to support sampling and taxonomic analysis,
complemented with molecular tools (DNA
barcoding), in collaboration with CmarZ project.
We expect to establish the terms for training
one of our students in DNA barcoding at
University of Connecticut during this year. The
work will be focused on species from the eastern
South Pacific, which is a vast region poorly
studied in terms of zooplankton.
3- Ahmet Kideys
- Middle East (Eastern Mediterranean, Black and
Caspian Seas) zooplankton studies - Activities until March 2008
- In this subproject, regular sampling and analyses
from both the southern Caspian and southern Black
Sea continued. Data were included in a database
program (different groups of plankton between
2002 and up to now). Additionally, extra
samplings of zooplankton during different cruises
from the Sea of Marmara for copepod species were
undertaken during 2007. As a result, a few more
publications were produced (where CMarZ
acknowledged). -
- One interesting question was the fate of
copepods when they are transported from the Black
Sea to the Marmara with the strong surface
current. - In October 2005 spatial distribution of live and
dead Acartia clausi and A. tonsa was studied in
the Black and Marmara Seas and near the Marmara
Sea inlet of the Bosphorus, for this aim. - Decreased abundance of A. clausi and A. tonsa
from the Black Sea towards the Marmara Sea, as
well as observed mass mortality of A. clausi in
the Marmara Sea near the Prince Islands indicate
that the Marmara Sea Acartia populations are
forming upon the recruitment from the Black Sea
(Hubareva et al, 2007). - Future plans
- During 2008, sampling will continue at one
regular station in the Black Sea and several
stations at irregular intervals in the Sea of
4- Webjorn Melle (Institute of Marine Research,
Norway) and Peter Wiebe (Woods Hole Oceanographic
Institution) - G.O. Sars survey (Period 3)
- Cape Town to Antarctica to Namibia (19 Feb 29
Mar 08) - AKES (Antarctic Krill and Ecosystem Studies) is
IMRs project to investigate target strength and
abundance of krill (Euphausia superba) and the
abundance and the pelagic fish and squid in the
Bouvetøy area. The main objectives are - to evaluate the links between the krill
resources and distribution in the area and
Bouvetøya based mammals and birds - to study krill biology and ecology
- to establish TS (Target strength the ability of
an organism to reflect sound) for krill and ice
fish - to study aggregations of krill, fish and
plankton relative to the hydrography - to compare aggregations and abundance of krill
and plankton relative to hydrography in
Antarctica and Nordic Seas - stomach contents and feeding behavior of krill
and fish. - In addition the fishing vessel "Saga Sea" fishing
krill commercially will also be used as a
platform to study krill swarms.
5Webjorn Melle and Peter Wiebe (Continued)
Sampling stations and activities from GO Sars
6Webjorn Melle and Peter Wiebe (Continued)
Sites from GO Sars cruise
7Sigi Schiel and Astrid Cornils Alfred Wegener
Institute for Polar and Marine Research On 26
October, RV Polarstern began its first leg of the
24th Antarctic cruise from Bremerhaven, Germany
to Cape Town, South Africa with 43 scientists on
board. Among these were 26 zooplanktologists from
11 nations. Zooplankton nets (MOCNESS-10 5
nets with 333 µm mesh site, MOCNESS-1, 9 nets
with 333 µm mesh size, maxi MultiNet 9 nets with
150 µm mesh size) were deployed at 9 Stations
including 4 deep sea hauls reaching to a maximal
depth of 5110 m. The samples won were partly
evaluated directly on board. 60,000 Animals were
sorted and 473 species determined. A
journalist and a photographer of the German
scientific journal GEO also joined the cruise
(see http//www.geo.de/_components/GEO/article/spe
8Sigi Schiel and Astrid Cornils Alfred Wegener
Institute for Polar and Marine Research
9(No Transcript)