Title: PowerLecture: Chapter 10
1PowerLectureChapter 10
2Learning Objectives
- Describe typical external barriers that organisms
present to invading organisms. - Understand how the lymphatic system contributes
to the bodys defenses. - Understand how vertebrates (especially mammals)
recognize and discriminate between self and
nonself tissues. - Distinguish between antibody-mediated and
cell-mediated patterns of immune responses.
3Learning Objectives (contd)
- Describe some examples of immune failures and
identify as specifically as you can which weapons
in the immunity arsenal fail in each case.
5The Face of AIDS
- Viruses, such as HIV, have wide ranging impacts
on human health. - At least 40 million people are infected with HIV
12 million African children alone have been
orphaned by AIDS. - Rates of new HIV infection are declining in some
areas, but we still have no effective vaccine to
prevent infection.
6The Face of AIDS
- The immune system is responsible for protecting
us from HIV and other infectious agents the more
we learn about this system, the more
opportunities we have to improve our health.
7How Would You Vote?
- To conduct an instant in-class survey using a
classroom response system, access JoinIn Clicker
Content from the PowerLecture main menu. - Should the federal government offer incentives to
companies to discount the drugs for developing
countries? - a. Yes, drug companies have a responsibility to
world health, not just their bottom line. - b. No, if drug companies must provide subsidies,
they won't be able to afford to develop new
8Section 1
- Overview of Body Defenses
9Overview of Body Defenses
- We are born with some general defenses and
acquire other, specific ones. - We have many defenses to protect us from
pathogensthose viruses, bacteria, fungi,
protozoa, and parasitic worms that cause disease. - Antigens on these pathogens identify them as
nonself. - Antigens are usually proteins, lipids, or
10Overview of Body Defenses
- Immunity is the bodys overall ability to resist
and combat anything that is nonself. - Innate immunity encompasses preset responses that
activate rapidly and in a generalized way to - detected damage or invasion.
- Adaptive immunity responds to specific antigens
on specific pathogens this response takes longer
to develop, but the body remembers what it sees
and responds quicker the next time the same
pathogen is seen.
11Table 10.1, p.176
12Overview of Body Defenses
- Three lines of defense protect the body.
- Intact skin and mucous membranes are important
first-line physical barriers. - Innate immunity forms the second line of defense.
- Adaptive immunity forms the third line of
13Overview of Body Defenses
- White blood cells and their chemicals are the
defenders in immune responses. - White blood cells are the core of the immune
system. - Phagocytes release chemicals called cytokines to
further defense responses. - Cytokines regulate different aspects of the
immune response interleukins affect inflammation
and fever, interferons defend against viruses,
and tumor necrosis factor also affects
inflammation and stimulates tumor cell death.
14Overview of Body Defenses
- Complement is a group of about 30 blood proteins
that can kill microbes or identify them for
phagocytes to destroy. - White blood cells serve a variety of different
functions in the immune response - Neutrophils make up two-thirds of all white blood
cells and work at the site of inflammation or
damage. - Basophils and mast cells produce histamines in
response to antigens. - Macrophages are the predominant phagocytes that
patrol the bloodstream.
15Overview of Body Defenses
- Eosinophils target pathogens that are too large
for the macrophages. - Dendritic cells signal when antigens are present
in skin and body linings. - B and T lymphocytes (B and T cells) function in
adaptive immunity. - Natural killer cells (NK cells) are lymphocytes
that function in innate responses.
16Table 10.2, p.177
Fig. 10.1, p.177
mast cell
Fig. 10.1, p.177
19B lymphocyte (B cell)
T lymphocyte (T cell)
Fig. 10.1, p.177
20dendritic cell
Natural killer (NK) cell
Fig. 10.1, p.177
21Section 2
22The Lymphatic System
- The lymphatic system has two key roles to work
with the cardiovascular system to cycle fluids
back into the circulation and to circulate lymph
from the spleen, lymph nodes, and other lymphoid
tissues throughout the body.
23Tonsils Defense against bacteria and other
foreign agents
Right Lymphatic Duct Drains right upper portion
of the body
Thymus Site where certain white blood cells
acquire means to chemically recognize specific
foreign invaders
Thoracic Duct Drains most of the body
Spleen Major site of antibody production
disposal site for old red blood cells and foreign
debris site of red blood cell formation in the
Some of the Lymph Vessels Return excess
interstitial fluid and reclaimable solutes to the
Some of the Lymph Nodes Filter bacteria and many
other agents of disease from lymph
Bone Marrow Marrow in some bones is production
site for infection-fighting blood cells (as well
as red blood cells and platelets)
Fig. 10.2, p.178
24The Lymphatic System
- The lymph vascular system functions in drainage,
delivery, and disposal. - The lymph vascular system consists of lymph
capillaries and other vessels linking it to the
cardiovascular system. - Water and solutes that drain from the blood
vessels collect in the lymphatic vessels and are
returned to the blood via these vessels. - The lymphatic vessels pick up absorbed fats and
deliver them to the blood. - Lymphatic vessels also transport foreign material
to the lymph nodes for disposal.
25The Lymphatic System
- Lymph capillaries and vessels are structured much
like blood capillaries and veins.
26blood capillary bed
interstitial fluid
lymph capillary
flaplike valve formed from overlapping cells at
the tip of a lymph capillary
a Lymph capillaries
Fig. 10.3a, p.179
27The Lymphatic System
- Lymphoid organs and tissues are specialized for
body defense. - Lymph nodes are located at intervals along the
lymph vessels lymphocytes congregate in these
nodes, making them key battlefields in fighting
off pathogens.
28lymph trickles past organized arrays
of lymphocytes within the lymph node
valve (prevents backflow)
b A lymph node, cross section
Fig. 10.3b, p.179
29The Lymphatic System
- The spleen filters blood and serves as a holding
station for large numbers of lymphocytes. - T cells are produced and become specialized in
the thymus.
30Section 3
31Surface Barriers
- The normal microorganisms living on your skin
help prevent the growth of unwanted pathogens
through competition. - Some microorganisms, such as the Lactobacillus
species of the vaginal tract in women, lower the
pH of their surroundings to prevent growth of
other microbes.
Figure 10.4
32Surface Barriers
- The mucus coating your lungs contains enzymes
such as lysozyme that can attack and destroy many
bacteria cilia can also sweep out pathogens. - Chemicals in tears, saliva,
- and gastric fluid offer
- similar protection.
- The natural low pH of urine, as well as its
flushing action, helps protect the urinary tract.
33Section 4
34Innate Immunity
- Once a pathogen enters the body, macrophages
engulf it and release cytokines to attract
dendritic cells, neutrophils, and more
Figure 10.5
35Innate Immunity
- Circulating complement proteins can detect
pathogens and become activated. - Activated complement attracts phagocytes, which
can destroy the pathogens. - Activated complement can also form membrane
attack complexes in the pathogen these are holes
that cause the pathogen to disintegrate.
36Fig. 10.6, p.180
one membrane attack complex (cutaway view)
lipid bilayer of a pathogen
37Innate Immunity
- Activated complement and cytokines stimulate
inflammation, characterized by redness, swelling,
warmth, and pain. - Tissue irritation causes mast cells to release
histamine and cytokines that cause the blood
vessels to dilate (tissue - redness and warmth)
- and capillary walls to
- become leaky (edema).
Figure 10.8
38Innate Immunity
- Plasma proteins and phagocytes leave the blood
vessels. - Plasma proteins contain clotting agents that help
wall off the pathogen and promote repair of
tissues. - Macrophages release cytokines that tell the brain
to release prostaglandins, which in turn
stimulates fever production moderate fevers
inhibit pathogen growth.
Mast cells in tissue release histamine, which
then triggers arteriolar vasodilation (hence
redness and warmth) as well as increased
capillary permeability.
Bacteria invade a tissue and directly kill cells
or release metabolic products that damage tissue.
Fluid and plasma proteins leak out
of capillaries localized edema (tissue
swelling) and pain result.
Plasma proteins attack bacteria. Clotting factors
wall off inflamed area.
Neutrophils, macrophages, and other phagocytes
engulf invaders and debris. Activated complement
attracts phagocytes and directly kills invaders.
Fig. 10.7, p.181
40Section 5
- Overview of
- Adaptive Defenses
41Overview of Adaptive Defenses
- Adaptive immunity has three key features.
- Adaptive immunity is the bodys third line of
defense and has three defining features - Adaptive immunity is specific each B and T cell
only recognizes one antigen. - Adaptive immunity is diverse B and T cells
collectively can recognize at least a billion
different threats. - Adaptive immunity has memory.
42Overview of Adaptive Defenses
- Recognition of an antigen results in rapid cell
division to produce huge numbers of identical B
and T cells that recognize the stimulating
antigen. - Some of these new cells are effector cells that
can immediately destroy pathogens. - Others are memory cells, held in reserve for
future battles against the same threat memory
cells are what make you immune to various
43Overview of Adaptive Defenses
- B cells and T cells become specialized to attack
antigens in different ways. - Both B and T lymphocytes arise in stem cells in
the bone marrow. - B cells continue to develop within bone marrow.
- T cells travel to the thymus to finish
developing T cells divide into two
populationshelper T cells and cytotoxic
(killer) T cells. - When mature, B and T cells can be found in the
lymph nodes, spleen, and other lymphoid tissues
where they remain naive until they recognize
44Overview of Adaptive Defenses
- B cells and T cells respond to pathogens in
different ways. - B cells produce antibodies (proteins) and are
responsible for antibody-mediated - immunity.
- T cells directly attack invaders their response
is called cell-mediated immunity.
Figure 10.9
45Red blood cells Platelets Monocytes, others
Bone marrow
Stem cells
T cells
B cells
Organs of lymphatic system
Foreign invasion
T cells
B cells
Cell-mediated immune response
Antibody-mediated immune response
Fig. 10.9, p.182
46Antibody-Mediated Immune Response
Cell-Mediated Immune Response
antigen-presenting cells
inactive B cells antigen complement activate
d B cells
inactive helper T cells
inactive cytotoxic T cells
effector helper T cells memory helper T cells
effector B cells memory B cells
effector cytotoxic T cells memory cytotoxic
Fig. 10.10, p.183
47Overview of Adaptive Defenses
- Proteins called MHC markers label body cells as
self. - All body cells have MHC markers (from Major
Histocompatibility Complex genes) to identify
them as self. - T cells have TCRs (T Cell Receptors) that see MHC
in context with antigen and respond.
48Overview of Adaptive Defenses
- Antigen-presenting cells introduce antigens to T
cells and B cells. - T cells and B cells can only see antigens that
have been processed by an antigen-presenting cell
(APC). - Macrophages, dendritic cells, and B cells can all
present antigen. - The antigen is ingested and digested then its
fragments are linked with MHC markers and
displayed on the cells surface as antigen-MHC
49Overview of Adaptive Defenses
- Helper T cells see the antigen-MHC complex,
release cytokines, and trigger repeated rounds of
division to produce the large numbers of
activated B and T cells. - Specialization of activated cells into effector
or memory cells also occurs. - An effector B cell is called a plasma cell it
can flood the bloodstream with antibodies.
50Table 10.3, p.192
51Section 6
- Antibody-Mediated Immunity Defending Against
Threats Outside Cells
52Antibody-Mediated Immunity Defending Against
Threats Outside Cells
- Antibodies develop while B cells are in bone
marrow. - An antibody has a Y-shaped protein structure
antigens are bound by the two arms of the
antibody. - No two B cells make antibodies that are alike
this allows both diversity and specificity. - B cells make many copies of their antibodies,
which are inserted in the plasma membrane, arms
sticking out and ready to bind antigen.
53binding site for antigen
binding site for antigen
Fig. 10.11a, p.184
54Fig. 10.11b, p. 184
antigen on bacterial cell (not to scale)
binding site on one kind of antibody molecule for
a specific antigen
55Antibody-Mediated Immunity Defending Against
Threats Outside Cells
- Antibodies target pathogens that are outside
cells. - Prior to activation, B cells serve as
antigen-presenting cells. - Antibodies on the B cell surface bind antigens,
internalize them, process them, and then display
antigen-MHC complexes. - TCRs of a helper T cell see the antigen-MHC
complex and bind binding causes the cells to
exchange signals. - The T cell disengages, but the B cell is now
activated when it recognizes unbound antigen,
the B cell will divide into plasma cells and
memory cells.
56Fig. 10.12, p. 185
dendritic cell
inactive B cell
inactive T cell
antigen-presenting cell
effector helper T cell
memory helper T cell
B cell
memory B cell
effector B cell
57Antibody-Mediated Immunity Defending Against
Threats Outside Cells
- Plasma cells can release up to 2,000 antibodies
per minute into the bloodstream these antibodies
flag invaders for destruction by phagocytes and
complement. - There are five classes of antibodies, each with a
particular function. - Collectively, antibodies are referred to as
immunoglobulins, or Igs.
58Antibody-Mediated Immunity Defending Against
Threats Outside Cells
- The five different classes of Igs are the protein
products of gene shuffling that takes place as
the B cells mature - IgM antibodies cluster into a structure with 10
binding sites, making them more efficient at
binding clumped targets IgM is the first
antibody produced in a response. - IgA antibodies are present in secretions of
exocrine glands (tears, saliva, breast milk) and
in the mucus of the respiratory, digestive, and
reproductive tracts.
59Antibody-Mediated Immunity Defending Against
Threats Outside Cells
- IgG antibodies neutralize toxins, turn on
complement, are long lasting, can cross the
placenta, and are found in mothers milk. - IgD is the most common antibody bound to naive B
cells it may help activate T cells. - IgE antibodies are involved in allergic
reactions they bind to basophils and mast cells
where they act as traps for antigen, causing the
release of histamine.
60In-text Fig., p.184
IgG, IgD, and IgE
61Section 7
- Cell-Mediated ResponsesDefending Against Threats
Inside Cells
62Cell-Mediated Responses Defending Against
Threats Inside Cells
- Cell-mediated responses fight those pathogens
(viruses, bacteria, and some fungi and
protozoans) that can enter cells to avoid
antibody defenses cell-mediated responses also
fight abnormal body cells such as cancer cells. - APCs present antigen to T cells, similar to their
role in antibody-mediated immunity.
63Cell-Mediated Responses Defending Against
Threats Inside Cells
- Helper T cells can be stimulated this way to
divide into effector and memory cells. - Effector helper T cells or APCs directly can
stimulate cytotoxic T cells to divide. - Cytotoxic T cells rapidly multiply and release
molecules that can touch-kill infected and
abnormal body cells. - Cytotoxic T cells also secrete chemicals that
stimulate apoptosisthe programmed cell death of
the infected cell.
64cytotoxic T cell
tumor cell
Fig. 10.14, p.187
65Fig. 10.13, p. 186
dendritic cell
virus particle (red) infecting a body
cell (yellow)
inactive helper T cell
inactive cytotoxic T cell
antigen-presenting cell
effector helper T cell
memory helper T cell
activated cytotoxic T cell
memory cytotoxic T cell
effector cytotoxic T cell
effector cytotoxic T cell
66Fig. 10.13, p. 186
antigen-presenting cell
Stepped Art
67Cell-Mediated Responses Defending Against
Threats Inside Cells
- Helper T cells can also stimulate NK cells they
will attack any cell that has too few or altered
MHC, any cells that have been tagged by
antibodies, and cells showing stress markers as
indicators of infection or cancer. - Cytotoxic T cells cause the body to reject
transplanted tissue. - During organ transplants, donor tissues must be
matched to a recipient to ensure that the MHC
markers do not differ enough to stimulate
rejection by cytotoxic T cells.
68Cell-Mediated Responses Defending Against
Threats Inside Cells
- Donor and recipient usually must share at least
75 of their MHC markers for the transplant to
succeed close relatives make the best donors
because of this. - Recipients usually also take drugs to suppress
the immune system to prevent rejection often
they will also take antibiotics to ward off
potential infections. - Tissues of the eye and testicles do not stimulate
rejection instead, cells of these tissues
secrete signals that cause lymphocytes to undergo
apoptosis, thus preventing the lymphocytes from
69Section 8
70Immunological Memory
- Memory cells form during the primary (first)
response to an antigen and remain in the blood
for years or decades. - Secondary responses to the same antigen are much
faster plasma cells and effector T cells form
sooner and in greater numbers, preventing
71Fig. 10.20, p.194
72Fig. 10.15b, p. 188
later exposure to same antigen
first exposure to antigen
Relative concentrations of antibody
Response time (weeks)
73Fig. 10.15a, p. 188
First exposure to antigen provokes primary immune
inactive T or B cell
effector cell
memory cell
Later exposure to same antigen provokes secondary
immune response.
effector cells
memory cells
74Section 9
- Applications of Immunology
75Applications of Immunology
- Immunization gives borrowed immunity.
- Immunization increases immunity against specific
diseases. - In active immunization, a
- vaccine is given by injection or
- is taken orally.
- The first dose of vaccine elicits a primary
immune response a second dose (booster)
elicits a secondary, and more long-lasting,
response. - Vaccines are made from killed or very weak
pathogens, inactivated forms of toxins, or
transgenic (genetically engineered) viruses.
Figure 10.16
76Applications of Immunology
- Passive immunization involves injecting
antibodies into already infected individuals. - Vaccines are not risk free.
77p. 188
78Applications of Immunology
- Monoclonal antibodies are used in research and
medicine. - Monoclonal antibodies
- are antibodies made by
- cells cloned from a single
- antibody-producing B cell
- they are generally produced using genetically
altered bacteria or sometimes plants. - Monoclonal antibodies are being used commercially
in home pregnancy tests, screening for prostate
cancer, and other uses.
Figure 10.17
79Applications of Immunology
- Immunotherapies reinforce defenses.
- Immunotherapy alters the bodys own immune
mechanisms to enhance defense against infections
and cancer. - Cytokines can be used to activate B and T cells
to fight cancer. - Monoclonal antibodies can be used to bind to
proteins on cancer cells to draw NK cells to the
80Applications of Immunology
- Other monoclonal antibodies are bound to toxins
to make immunotoxins these substances bind to
cancer cells, enter them, and prevent growth. - Gamma interferon, produced by T cells, stimulates
NK cells and boosts activity of macrophages it
is currently being used to treat hepatitis C. - Beta interferon is being used to treat multiple
sclerosis. - Immunotherapies, as with vaccines, do not come
without risks.
81Section 10
- Disorders of the Immune System
82Disorders of the Immune System
- In allergies, harmless substances provoke an
immune attack. - An allergy is an immune
- response to a normally
- harmless substance
- called an allergen.
- Allergens include pollen, some foods and drugs,
dust mites, fungal spores, insect venom, and
certain ingredients in cosmetics. - Allergens trigger mild to severe inflammation of
various tissues. - A variety of causes, from genetic to emotional,
lead to allergies.
Figure 10.18a
83Disorders of the Immune System
- Exposure to an allergen triggers production of
IgE antibodies, which cause the release of
histamines and prostaglandins from mast cells. - Histamines and prostaglandins fuel inflammation.
- Hay fever manifests as stuffed sinuses, a drippy
nose, and sneezing. - In a few individuals, explosive inflammatory
responses trigger life-threatening anaphylactic
shock in which air passages constrict and fluid
rushes out of the capillaries.
84Disorders of the Immune System
- Food allergies, such as peanut allergies, and
wasp and bee venom allergies, can trigger
anaphylactic shock. - Rapid injections of the hormone epinephrine can
prevent shock and save lives. - Antihistamines are often used to relieve the
short-term symptoms of allergies desensitization
can be used to train the body not to see
85Fig. 10.18b, p. 190
allergen (antigen) enters the body
IgE antibodies
histamine granules
B cell
Allergen binds B cell receptors the sensitized
B cell now processes the antigen and, with the
help of T cells (not shown), proceeds through
the steps leading to cell proliferation
mast cell
Effector B cells (plasma cells) produce and
secrete IgE antibodies to the allergen
IgE antibodies attach to mast cells in tissues,
which have granules containing histamine molecules
86Fig. 10.18b, p. 190
histamine granules
After the first exposure, when the allergen
enters the body it binds with IgE antibodies
on mast cells binding stimulates the mast cell
to release histamine and other substances
87Disorders of the Immune System
- Autoimmune disorders attack self.
- In an autoimmune response, lymphocytes turn
against the bodys own cells. - Examples of autoimmune diseases include the
following - Rheumatoid arthritis, an inflammation of the
joints caused by immune attack against collagen
and antibodies in the joints - inflammation, complement
- and faulty repair mechanisms
- contribute to the damage.
Figure 10.19
88Disorders of the Immune System
- Type 1 diabetes, a type of diabetes mellitus,
caused when the immune system attacks and
destroys the insulin-secreting cells of the
pancreas, impairing glucose absorption from the
blood. - Systemic lupus erythematosus, where patients
develop antibodies to their own DNA and other
self components. - Autoimmune diseases tend to be more frequent in
women than in men.
89Disorders of the Immune System
- Immune responses can be deficient.
- Immunodeficiency is used to describe the state
where a persons immune system is weakened or
lacking under these conditions the body is
vulnerable and infections that would normally not
be serious become life threatening.
90Disorders of the Immune System
- In severe combined immune deficiency (SCID) both
B and T cells are in low numbers infants born
with SCID usually die early in life. - In acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS),
the HIV virus attacks the bodys macrophages and
helper T cells, crippling the immune response.