Title: Digestive system Quiz Name Hailey Andler Date3606 Cl C
1Digestive system Quiz Name Hailey Andler
Date3-6-06 Cl C
On the drawing, trace the path food takes from
the time you put it in your mouth until it exits
the body. Tracing means to describe the path it
takes. This is best done by a numbered set of
steps. Label all organs and briefly describe the
function that occur in each organ.
Mouth When complex carbohydrates enter your body
your mouth uses your teath for mechanical
digestion to brack up the food into smaller parts.
Esophagus Uses perstalalisis to push down your
foos mocucules into your stomach.
- Use and underline these words in your answer so
it is clear you know the meaning. - Peristalsis
- Enzyme
- Complex carbohydrate ( or starch)
- Glucose
- mechanical digestion
- chemical digestion
- absorption
Stomach Reasleases enzymes and acid to brake down
food into digestible and absorbable molucules
called glucose. Also in the stomach you do the
most chemical digestion because enzymes and acid
are converting the molucules.
Liver Prodused enzymes and filtering toxins from
blood aslo secreats bile.
 Gull bladder Filters dood and realestes bile
which turns feeces brown.
Large Intestine Takes out the rest of the water
turning it into feeces.
Small Intestine You use absorbtion to take all
the nutrience you just seporated in the stomach
ans release it into your blood stream to use as
energy. You also use Chemical digestion in your
small intestine.
Anus Where the waist and feeces are deposited
Glucose C6 H12 O6
Explain this sentence Food never enters your
body, only food molecules do Food can go into
your mouth but only digested food molecules are
small enough to be absorbed and realest to use as