Title: The tones of Yucatec Maya
1The tones of Yucatec Maya
- Carlos Gussenhoven
- Radboud University Nijmegen
Fonología instrumental Patrones fónicos y
variación El Colegio de México 12 baktun 19
katun 13 tun 13 uinal 9 kin - 12 baktun 19
katun 13 tun 13 uinal 13 kin 23 - 27 October
2Word Accents and Tones in Sentence PerspectiveA
symposium in conjunction with the 60th birthday
of Professor Gösta Bruce
- Carlos Gussenhoven
- Radboud University Nijmegen
Lund UniversityJanuary 10, 2007
- Phonological sketch
- Prosodic syllable types
- A corpus à la Bruce 1977
- Positional allophony
- Tone sandhi
- Prosodic expression of focus
4Segments and syllables
p p b t t k k ? i u ts ts
t? t? e o s ? h
a m n ? w l
CV(V)(C) V Short VV
Long Glottalized Plain VV VV
l kaj fish h kaan snake h
h mu.kuj turtle dove l h su.kuun older
brother h l tsíi.min horse (h h síi.naan
scorpion) h lh júu.ka.taan Yucatan h l h
l káas.ta.jaa.noh Spanish C?
6Word prosody
- Short ?ek wasp
- Long High ?áak turtle
- Long Low koot wall
- Glottalized kuuk squirrel
High tone is a fall finally and a high in
penultimate position (Blair
Vermont-Salas) There is no tone really
(Archibald) F0 contours (Fischer)
7Word prosody - stress
- h is stressed (tsíi.min, su.kuun)
- word-initial l is stressed (kaj, mu.kuj)
- stressed syllables are tone bearers
- function words have no stress (kin 1SG)
8Glottal closures
?eel egg kiik blood tsuuts
kiss páa? open slightly ?i? hawk
- CVCVC vowels tends to be the same
- 1. Morphological process treat CV(V)(C) as
monosyllabic root imperfective - ?ah - ?a.hal wake
up - ?éem - ?ée.mel descend
- heel - hee.lel rest
(Bricker 344) - 2. CV?V would be tonally restricted to H-toned,
CVCV to L-toned. No other ? has this restriction.
(But ? CVV?V)
10Research questions
- How are the four tones pronounced?
- What is their phonology?
- How does sentence phonology affect the
pronunciation of the tones? - Tone sandhi
- Information structure
11Four male speakers in the Bay Area, aged
24-45 From Santa Elena, Uxbal, Oxkutzkab Scripted
speech (Thanks to Lisa Bennet)
13A corpus
kaj fish us gnat káan, páay hammock
míis broom kaan snake miis
cat kaan sky meex beard sak
white jáax first boox dark,
dirty jaax green wilik see tsíitik
write meentik manufacture,
do chaantk look at
14A corpus
Adjective Adj Noun 32 Basic VP Kin Verb
Noun 32 Penultimate Kin Verb le
Noun-o? 32 Initial Noun kin
Verb 32 New Ma kin Verb X, kin Verb
Y 32 Old Ma kin Verb X, kin Verb X 32
15Yaax míis.
16Kin meentik le kàano.
17Má kin dzíitik tsuutsuy, kin dzíitik kay.
18Má kin wu'uyik us, kin wilik us.
19Positional variation
- Final vs Initial
- Final vs Penultimate
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30Allophonic variation for Long High and Glottalized
Short Long High
Long Low Glottalized
31Split TBUsLexical H
s s s s µ µµ µµ µ µ H H kay paa
y kaan kaan
32Split TBUsLexical H
s s s s µ µµ µµ µ µ L H L
H kay paay kaan kaan
33Final occurrence
s s s s µ µµ µµ µ µ L L H L L
L H L kay paay kaan kaan
34Initial occurrence
s s s s µ µµ µµ µ µ L L L H
L L L H L kay paay kaan kaan
35Medial occurrence
s s s s µ µµ µµ µ µ L H L
H L kay paay kaan kaan
36Gussenhoven 1983, 1991
- John will know better
- Thatll be John there
- Thatll be John
37ToBI as an allophonic transcription
- John will know better
- Thatll be John there
- LH H L-L
- Thatll be John
- LH H L-L
38ToBI as an allophonic transcription
- John will know better
- Thatll be John there
- LH H L-L
- Thatll be John
- LH H L-L
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41Tone Sandhi
- Downtrend may be sensitive to preceding or
following tone - This may depend on phrase-type
- It may apply to H or L or both
- There may be anticipatory effects
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44Trigger Pool across H-tones, across
L-tonesTarget Separate on the basis of L-tone,
Are L-toned nouns and H-tones nouns equall
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47No anticipatory effect in Noun kin Verb
49Expressing information structure
- Types of focus
- informational focus Answer to WH-question
- corrective focus Not X, but Y
(contrastive focus) - re-activating focus As for X
- Size of focus constituent
- What happened? Mary lost her VISA credit
card - What did Mary lose? Mary lost her VISA credit
card - What credit card did Mary lose? Mary lost her
VISA credit card
50Ways of expressing information structure
- Syntax
- obligatory position in S
- Focus particles
- Morphology
- Verbal affixes
- Phonology
- Phrasing
- Deaccenting for outside focus
- Type of pitch accent
- Phonetics
- Hyperarticulation
- pitch range
- canonical pitch shapes
- Nowhere
51Informational focus in English obligatory pitch
- Size of focus constituent
- What happened? Mary lost her VISA credit card
- What did Mary lose? Mary lost her VISA credit
card - What credit card did Mary lose? Mary lost her
VISA credit card - Did Mary lose her VISA credit card? (Yes)
Mary polarity lost her VISA credit card
52Corrective Focus in English
I dont write piano, I say piano I dont
write piano, I write violin
53I write violin FOC
54I say FOC piano
55kin chaantik FOC ?us
I dont hear a gnat, Im looking at a gnat
56kin wilik meex FOC
I dont see hair, I see a beard
57kin chaantik ?us FOC
Im not looking at a wasp, Im looking at a gnat
58kin wilik FOC káan
I dont hear a hammock, I see a hammock
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62Figure 9. Mean f0 tracks for us, míis, miis and
meex for speaker O under Corrective and Given
focus. N4.
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- Insert L / H --- H
- assuming there is a potential TBU
- a. jáax míis b. jaax míis
- Li H H Li Li H L H Li
- first broom green broom
66- Archibald, John (1996) The acquisition of Yucatec
Maya prosody. UC Berkeley International
Conference of Phonological Acquisition. Berkeley,
CA. 99-112. - Bricker, Victoria B., Po?ot Yah, Eleuteria
Dzul de Po?ot, Ofelia (1998) A dictionary of the
Maya language as spoken in Hocabá, Yucatán. Salt
Lake City, University of Utah Press. - Blair, Robert W. Vermont-Salas, Refugio (1965)
Spoken Yucatec Maya. Book 1 Lessons 1-12. Chapel
Hill, NC Duke University-University of North
Carolina, Program in Latin American Studies. - Fisher, William M. (1976) On tonal features in
the Yucatan dialects. Mayan Linguistics 1, 29-43.