Title: Talpirid Kill Moles Bait
1Talpirid Kill Moles Bait
At Pest Mall
2Talpirid Kill Moles Bait- 1 Box / 20 Baits
Talpirid Mole Bait is revolutionary mole control
product developed by the rodenticide experts at
Bell Laboratories. Talpirid mimics a mole's
natural food source earthworms. Talpirid comes
in earthworm-shaped baits that are very similar
to the real thing. The baits are packed with
lethal doses of a powerful rodenticide known as
Bromethalin. In just 24 hours, nuisance moles die
on their tunnels.
3- Why Should You Use?
- Talpirid is backed by years of scientific
research and is the only product proven to kill
moles. - Target Pest(s) Moles
- Manufactured By Bell Labs
- Active Ingredient Bromethalin - 0.025
- Size 1 Box with 20 Baits
- Yield/Applications 1 Worm Bait every assesement
hole - Not For Sale To AK, HI, NC, NY
4Directions for Use
- Look for signs of mole activity in lawns. Monitor
active holes and place markers on top. Be careful
not to crush the tunnels. . - If mole activity is evident, create small new
holes 1 to 3 feet on each side of assessment
holes. - Using rigid rods, probe into the soil to locate
tunnels and create a hole to drop the bait in.
Soil resistance decreases when a runway is hit. - Place one bait worm on each hole and make sure
that the baits are completely inside the tunnel.
Cover the holes with soil. - After 48 to 72 hours, check the assessment holes
for bait consumption. Re-bait if necessary. - Carefully read the product label for effective
use of this product.
5Where To Apply
- Talpirid controls moles in lawns, athletic
fields, landscaped areas, golf courses, parks,
ornamental gardens, nurseries and non-crop grassy
6- For more information on this product, please
visit - http//www.pestmall.com/talpirid-kill-moles-bait.h