Kill Squirrels with a Pellet Gun - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Kill Squirrels with a Pellet Gun


To kill squirrel with a Pellet Gun select pellet carefully. Squirrel hunting is a great job for those who know how to shoot, but for those who do not know the shooting, there is a nightmare. You have to keep in mind some of the ways to shoot them or choose carefully the pellets because all the pellets are not the same. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: howtokill
Category: Other


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Kill Squirrels with a Pellet Gun

HOW to kill squirrelS
Guide To Kill Squirrels
  • So you want to know how to kill squirrels? Good.
    Are really fed up from your neighbor, the vermin
    that constantly wreak havoc in your life.
  • No matter which way is best for you, you need to
    know how to get rid of squirrels. I am here to
    explain your options and help you choose which
    way is your way to kill the squirrels.

Trapping Squirrels
  • Squirrels can do a plenty of damage to your
    property so should you where and how to use the
  • Select a Live Squirrel Trap
  • A live trap should be large enough so that the
    entire animal can fit inside the trap before it
    reaches the trigger plate.

DetermineTrap PLacement
  • Great trap locations include
  • Along a wall in your house.
  • In front of entryway.
  • At base of a tree.
  • Along a fence line

Select and position of Bait
  • The best bait for squirrels is Peanut. So it is
    best for you to us the combination of peanut
  • Peanut Butter is the most effective bait that you
    can use and it is easily available in stores also.

Wait and watch for caught
  • Sirrquels cant be live hungry and thirsty for on
    time you don t have to waited much time.
  • Youve caught a squirrel
  • Wear your gloves and hold the trap with trap away
    from your body. A bite from squirrel can cause
    injury or diseases.

Shooting Squirrels with Pellet Gun
  • A pellet is a non-spherical projectile designed
    to be shot from an air gun, and an air gun that
    shoots such pellets are commonly known as
    a pellet .
  • Thats the Ruger Blackhawk piston-driven .177.
    It shoots pellets at 1000 fps. Thatll punch
    through a lot. The only thing about that gun is
    that you need to shoot good pellets 

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