Title: Buy High-Quality Window Cleaning Equipment
1Welcome to Window Cleaning Online
Window cleaning service is our unique selling
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Window Cleaning Online offers cleaning equipment
in Australia. As the name suggests, we stock all
types of window cleaning equipment, be it for
commercial or residential premises. We provide
sophisticated cleaning agents and scrubs for
achieving maximum efficiency. We supply window
cleaning equipment at affordable expenses. The
products we supply hail from the house of
renowned manufacturers, thereby delivering great
Brushes Buckets Chemicals Treatments
Cloths Pads Domestic Ladder Accessories
Poles Rubbers Scrapers Squeegees Tools
Holsters Washers Water Fed Systems
5There is no other opinion about our cleaning
equipment other than being the best in quality.
Also, our cleaning products, including chemicals
and disinfectant, are quite safe to use and are
innocuous to your skin. We offer complete
cleaning kit for small and large businesses, like
house cleaning, corporate offices, etc. We cover
all the major parts of the country and offer free
shipping of our products.
6Contact Us
Address 100 Auburn Rd Hawthorn Vic. Australia
3122 Phone no. 03 9818 3333 Fax 03 9819
9119 Email sales_at_windowcleaningonline.com.au