Title: Texas State Youth Water Camp
1Texas State Youth Water Camp
- a 5-day educational experience for high school
youth - made possible by County Extension Agents,
- NRCS personnel, Texas Cooperative Extension
Specialists and other water resources experts - Bentley 4-H Center in Ward County
2Bentley 4-H Center
32007 Camp Experience
- guest speakers
- project work
- tours to highlight use, reuse, and conservation
of water - agricultural
- industrial
- recreational
- municipal
4Guest Speakers
Michael Mecke, Extension Program
Specialist--Water Management Purchasing
Marketing Water Cameron Turner--Texas Water
Development Board State of Texas Water Dennis
Clark-Emerald Underground Water Conservation
District Developing Groundwater Conservation
Districts Rick FowlerCrane County
Rancher WindmillsHistory and Operation
5Project Work
Drip Irrigation Matt Tindall, Field Engineer Lone
Star Groundwater Conservation District Lawn
2-3 Dana Sparks, CEA - 4-H Specialist Texas
Cooperative Extension Pecos County Rangeland
Watershed Management Wade Kirkwood, CEA -AG /
Natural Resources Texas Cooperative Extension
Crane County Water Economics Natalie
Wolff Natural Resource Conservation Service
Throckmorton Riparian Area Management Logan
Boswell, CEA-Ag/NR Texas Cooperative Extension
Brewster/Jeff Davis Counties
Permian Sea Shrimp Farm -- Imperial, Texas Bart
Patsy Reid Field Crops Tour Dennis Braden,
Pecos County Producer/Pecos County Field Crops
Committee Isaac Martinez-Civil Engineer
Technician -- Natural Resources Conservation
Service Mandujano Brothers Onion Farms Packing
Shed Alvaro Mandujano, Producer and Manager of
Trucking Coyanosa, Texas Belding Pecan
Farm Glen Honaker, Manager -- Belding
Farms Balmorhea State Park Wetlands Exploration
Area and Pool Flat Top Dairy Jeff Norwood,
Manager (Carousel-type Dairy)
Windmill Tour Nancy Christopher, Monahans --
Windmill Enthusiast TXU Permian Basin Plant --
Monahans Tim Warren, Plant Manager Odessa Water
Treatment Lab and Plant Debbie McReynolds,
Environmental Control - City of Odessa Mulch
Garden at the Time Machine -- Odessa Debbie
Benge-Frost CEA-Horticulture Texas Cooperative
Extension Ector/Midland Counties Sherwood
Aquatic Center -- Odessa
8 Permian Sea Shrimp Farm -- Imperial
9 Field Crops TourBraden FarmsCoyanosa
10 Mandujano Brothers Onion Farms Packing
11 Belding Farms Pecan Farm west of Fort
12 Balmorhea State ParkWetlands Exploration
Area and Pool
13 Flat Top Dairysouth of Pecos
14 Windmill Tour -- Monahans
15 TXU Permian Basin Plant -- Monahans
16 Odessa Water Treatment Lab and Plant
17 Mulch Garden at the Time Machine -- Odessa
18Skills Development
Listening Note-taking Writing Communication Teami
ng Leadership Organization Public
Speaking Communication TechnologyPower
Point Etiquette and Social Interaction
19 Skills Development
20 Skills Development
21 Skills Development
22 Skills Development
23Learning Objectives -- Blooms Taxonomy
Comprehension -- classify, explain, summarize,
convert, predict, distinguish between Application
-- demonstrate, compute, solve, modify, arrange,
operate, relate, adapt, apply, implement Analysis
-- differentiate, diagram, estimate, separate,
infer, order, subdivide Synthesis -- justify,
conclude, discriminate, support Evaluation --
judge, critique, compare
24Participant Presentations and Remarks
Lauren Davis Plains HS Senior Rangeland
Watershed Management Amanda Ford Denver City
HS Senior Drip Irrigation