Title: Sandeep Marwah Inaugurated Exhibition of Paintings by Surbhi Soni
1Sandeep Marwah Inaugurated Exhibition of
Paintings by Surbhi Soni
2What a collection of colorful flowers on canvas,
the art gallery has been converted into a
beautiful garden of flowers expressed Sandeep
Marwah President of Marwah Studios while lighting
the lamp of inauguration of exhibition of
paintings of Surbhi Soni at AIFACS, New
Delhi. Surbhi Soni of Jaipur has been conducting
number of group shows this is her first solo
show at New Delhi where she has displayed her
works of art in different format, size and
style. I am amazed by the response and
appreciation by the large visitors and art lovers
in Delhi said Surbhi Soni during her interview
at Radio Noida 107.4FM. The exhibition will
remain open from 8th October to 11th October from
morning till evening to the general public.
Sandeep Marwah invited Surbhi Soni to exhibit her
arts at Marwah Studios.