Title: Exhibition of Paintings by Bharti Sharma Inaugurated at ISFI
1Exhibition of Paintings by Bharti Sharma
Inaugurated at ISFI
Colors can speak a lot when they are spread on
canvas with the feelings from heart and blended
with experience said Sandeep Marwah President of
Marwah Studios introducing Dr. Bharti Sharma
renowned artist on the inauguration of exhibition
of paintings by her at ISFI. The paintings are
creating new energy in the Sufi festival as they
are some how connected to spirituality and chakra
of life said Gulsha Begum Chairperson of
Kamaluddin Charitable Trust appreciating the
works of Dr. Bharti Sharma. Dr. Bharti Sharma has
been painting from last 15 years. She has been
busy with number of solo and group shows in
different parts of the country. Her paintings
have carved out a special place in some of the
important organizations centers in India and
abroad. Dr. V. k. Goswami former Vice Chancellor
Sunrise University, Dr. K.D. Gupta
environmentalist, Ashok Tyagi Secretary General
ICMEI were also part of the inauguration. I am
much obliged to Marwah Studios for giving me so
much importance and highlighting my works at ISFI
2014 thanked Dr. Bharti Sharma.