Title: Welcome to H'A'B'I'T'
1Welcome to H.A.B.I.T.
2Hard to Attend
- Alternative to suspension
- Ohio Law minors prohibited from possessing,
using, purchasing, and receiving tobacco products - Family Support
- Background
- Uniqueness
- Overview
4PPAAUS Survey Data
5PPAAUS Survey Data
6H.A.B.I.T. Student Objectives
- 1.) Give students information about tobacco use
and tobacco addiction. - 2.) Help students understand why they smoke and
what tobacco does for them. - 3.) Help students know what to expect when they
are ready to quit smoking. - 4.) Help students know their own smoking
TRIGGERS. - 5.) Help students learn a decision making
process. - 6.) Understand that change is a process.
7H.A.B.I.T. Parent Objectives
- 1.) Give parents a better understanding of their
childs use and the potential severity. - 2.) Help parents understand their role what they
can control and what they cannot control. - 3.) Give parents information on tobacco use and
protection. - -If you smoke, give you the tools and
information to help stop your own tobacco habit. - 4.) Provide parents with resources to address
smoking concerns. - 5.) Help parents learn a decision making process.
8Listening Agreements
- Attentive Listening
- Mutual Respect
- Appreciations
- Right to Participate
9Active Listening
Listen for feelings.
Try to understand the meaning of the words.
Listen to the words.
Look at the person who is talking.
Describe feelings You seem to be feeling. . .
Restate the words Youre saying that. . .
Family Action Plan Refer to throughout the
workshop Add thoughts and complete portions as
we go
11Decision-Making Steps for Problem- Solving
tory- Whats the STORY?
ptions- What are the OPTIONS?
olution- What is the SOLUTION?
12Whats the Big Deal?
13Whats YOUR Story?
- Your name, age, and school
- How long have you smoked?
- How do you get cigarettes?
- What brought you to H.A.B.I.T. today?
- Consequences of your actions
- Parents feelings
- Have you ever smoked?
14Stage of Change
- Pre-contemplation
- Contemplation
- Preparation
- Action
- Maintenance
15Cigarettes What do they contain?The Chemical
Carbon Monoxide Nitric Oxide Formaldehyde Hydroqui
none Propionaldehyde Butraldehyde Benzopyrene Tar
Isoprene Phenol Pyridine Cresols Lead Resorcinol M
ethyl ethyl ketone Nicotine Acetone Acrolien Catec
hol Styrene Quinoline Cadmium Acetaldehyde Toluene
Benzene Acrylontrile Hydrogen cyanide Crotonaldeh
yde Chromium Nickel
Chemicals found in the blood of a bar tender who
has finished an 8-hour shift in a bar that allows
16Physical effects of smoking
- Handout Smoking Roller Coaster
- Handout Results After Last Cigarette
17Second-Hand Smoke
- Video 2 The Perils of Second-Hand Smoke
18The EPA has found that children who breathe
secondhand smoke are more likely to suffer from
- Bronchitis and Pneumonia
- Wheezing and Coughing Spells
- More ear infections
- More frequent and severe asthma attacks
19The National Cancer Institute links secondhand
smoke and
- SIDS- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
- New Cases of childhood asthma
- Childhood behavioral and cognitive problems
20How to Keep a Smoke Free Home Environment
- Choose not to smoke in your home and do not
permit others to do so - If you must smoke- choose to smoke outside.
- Moving to another room or opening a window is not
enough, - Take the smoke free home pledge
- (1-800-513-1157)
- Choose smoke free restaurants or seating areas
- Choose not to smoke in the presence of children,
especially infants and toddlers - Do not smoke in cars used to transport children
21Whats a Life Style Illness?
- Illness Brought On Or Accelerated By Our Own
22More Women Die of this Cancer than Any Other . .
LUNG CANCER It is the leading cancer killer of
women. More women die of lung cancer than breast
23What illnesses do children of smokers experiences
more often?
Colds Asthma Allergies Bronchitis Pneumonia Ear
24What of those diagnosed with lung cancer will
live 5 or more years?
10 of the people diagnosed with lung cancer will
live 5 or more years.
25How much extra do hotels spend per year to
maintain smoking rooms?
Hotels report that they spend 1,000- 1,500 more
per year to maintain smoking versus non-smoking
26Which group averages more car accidents?
Smokers average TWICE as many car accidents as
27Tobacco is predicted to kill how many people in
the 21st century?
28Would every second person please stand up
Imagine that everyone is 18 years old! Estimates
are that 50 of all 18 year olds who are
currently smoking will die from a tobacco related
29Smoking and Impotence
- Video Smoke but No Fire 60 Minutes
- Video No Ifs, Ands or Butts
- What YOU should know
- The most addictive substance
- More addictive than cocaine or heroin
34(No Transcript)
35Teens who smoke are
- 3 times more likely to use marijuana
- 3 times more likely to use alcohol
- 22 times more likely to use cocaine
36- The median frequency of smoking was only
- 2 cigarettes, one day per week
A Gateway Drug
38Why do you smoke?
- Handout Why Do You Smoke?
- Activity Yes/No Rope
- Family Action Plan
39(No Transcript)
40The Cost of Smoking
- Handout How Much Do You Smoke and What Does It
Cost You? - Family Action Plan
41Benefits of Quitting
- Handout The Benefits of Quitting
- Activity Pick Your Corner
- Handout Nicotine Withdrawal
- Handout Dealing with Withdrawal
- Fight the Crave
- Family Action Plan
43- Student Group
- Resistance Techniques
- Family Action Plan
- Parent Group
- Handout Advice to Friends and Family
- Poster Hints to Discourage Smoking
- Poster Thoughts for Discussion
44Thoughts for Discussion
- What will be the hardest thing for me to do when
trying to encourage my child to quit? - What am I doing that enables my child to keep
using tobacco? - If I cant make my child quit, what is my role?
- What can I influence and what cant I do?
- I am a smoker and I wish my child would not
smoke. What can I do?
45Hints to Discourage Smoking
- Do not allow smoking in the house
- Suspend driving privileges if the car smells of
smoke - Dont provide money for cigarettes
- Even if you smoke you do not need to condone your
childs smoking. You are legally able to buy and
use tobacco
46Post Survey
- Youth and Adult Post Surveys
- Certificates and Goodbyes