Title: Stem Cell Update: Telling Hype from Hope
1Stem Cell Update Telling Hype from Hope
Ricki Lewis November 2008
2What are stem cells?
Self-renew and can differentiate.
3(No Transcript)
43 basic stem cell typesES iPS adult
53 steps identifyisolate/extract/alteranalyze/d
61. The gold standard human embryonic stem (hES)
7Why hES cells?
- To study pathogenesis
- Drug development
- Therapeutics (cell therapy, tissue engineering)
- To compare iPS cells to -- how similar are they?
8NOT to clone humans
9hES cells from fertility clinic leftovers
10Other embryo sources
- From fertility clinics
- failed to fertilize
- early embryonic arrest
- no cleavage
- spindle defects
- aneuploid
11SCNT paved the way to iPS cells.
122. Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells
- Select somatic cell
- Deliver Yamanaka factor genes
- OCT4, SOX2, KLF4, c-MYC
- Add cocktails, get desired cell types
- Use!
- Study development
- Test drugs
- Treat patient
New buzzword reprogram Old term
13Yamanaka factors Oct4 Klf4 Sox2 c-Myc
iPS cells
14iPS cells from 2 ALS patients astrocytes
(red) motor neurons (green)
15Harvard iPS Core
- ADA deficiency/SCID
- Shwachman-Bodian-Diamond syndrome
- Gaucher disease III
- Duchenne MD
- Becker MD
- Parkinson Disease
- Huntington Disease
- Type 1 diabetes
- Trisomy 21
- Lesch-Nyhan carriers
16Do iPS cells hES cells?
- Cell surfaces
- Telomerase
- Gene expression
- Yield cells from all 3 germ layers
- Normal chromosomes
- DNA profile of donor
171rst proof of concept sickle cell disease(NEJM
2/28/08 -- iPS cells in mice)
18Potential challenges with iPS cells
- Low rate of reprogramming
- Many combos possible
- Genetic modification to alter them ( gene
therapy) - Teratoma
- Viral insertional mutation
- Cancer
- Transcriptome epigenetics differ for iPS and ES
- Somatic mutation
19Tailored iPS cells are just the beginning
Recapitulating organogenesis
203. Adult Stem CellsOne source medical waste
- Horse hooves
- Cat dog testicles
- Liposuction leftovers
- Blood
- Roadkill
- Zoo deaths
- Skin after weight loss
- Fluid from knee
- Biopsies
- Extra blood vessels
- Extra brain tissue
21Extra-embryonic structures
- Membranes
- Human amniotic epithelial cells have ES cell
markers. - Become stem-like in culture
- Medical waste
22 Umbilical cord stem cells
- Not cord blood cells
- Like mix of ES bone marrow cells
- High division rate
- Self-renewal
- No spontaneous differentiation
- Medical waste
23SHED best acronym
Stem Cells from Human Exfoliated Deciduous Teeth
Bone, cartilage, fat, mesenchyme BioEden Tooth
Cell Bank 585 89/year
24In praise of fat (Vet-Stem)
253 applications basic research (development
disease)drug discovery/developmenttreatments
(implants, transplants, signals)
261. Basic research progeria
- Progerin expressed in adult mesenchymal stem
cells reveals development rerouted to favor bone
over fat
272. Drugs
- See origins in ES neural progenitors
- Identified glutamate pathway as mechanism of
birth defects
28- Treatments
- Promising Pilot Studies Using Adult Stem Cells
- Batten disease
- Parkinsons disease
- ALS (many
- Epidermolysis bullosa hematopoietic)
- Toothlessness
- Chronic critical limb ischemia
- Muscular dystrophies
- Oral sub-mucosal fibrosis
- clinicaltrials.gov
29- Requirements for stem cell-based treatments
- Ethical source (opinion)
- Cells must divide in vitro
- Cryopreservation without damage
- Pluripotent
- Dont cause cancer
- Self-renewal
- Not immunogenic
30Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
- Cord pericytes
- Self-renew
- Become alveolar type II pneumocytes, which make
surfactant yield type I, which exchange gases
but dont divide
31Eyes a great source of stem cells
32Corneal transplants fail if no limbal cells
- In 10 years, we will have eliminated the need
for cell therapies. If we find the signals to
regenerate the cornea, we can deliver them in
drops. - Sajjad Aahmad
- Northeast England Stem Cell Institute
33RPE (Sally Temple)
- From vitrectomy cadavers (no mice)
- Normally RPE yields 6 types of retinal cells
- ES medium yields all 3 germ layers.
- Divide in culture up to 11 times.
- In clinical trials to treat Parkinsons disease.
34Cardiac not ready for prime time
- Stem cells must differentiate as smooth muscle,
endothelium, cardiac muscle - Must synchronize
- Lack adult K channels
- Ejection fraction improvement too little
- Could be natural recovery/healing
35Neural stem cells
- 1912 discovered in rodent brains, dismissed as
36Neural Stem Cells
- 1960s -- newborn guinea pigs have stem cells near
brain ventricles. - Hypothesis if these mammals, born able to walk,
need neural stem cells, so do human infants.
371980s birds learning songs gain brain cells,
near ventricles. Have counterparts in mammalian
38Neural stem cells
- 1990s neural stem cells found in tree shrews,
marmosets, rhesus monkeys
39Brain marrow
- 1996-1998 BrdU in brains of cancer patients
- 2001 Neural stem cells in cadavers
- 2006 Neural progenitors from epilepsy surgery
40Human neural stem cell resource
- Stem cells from different brain parts, different
diseases - From cadavers surgeries
- Available to researchers
http//www.nhnscr.org/ Childrens Hospital of
Orange County
41Hype !
42Proliferation of companies
43Banking cells
- Umbilical cord
- Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells
- Future???
44Hair skin replacement
- Male pattern baldness
- Facial rejuvenation
- Leg ulcers
- Hair follicle stem cells to smooth muscle to
vascular grafts
45Neostem very small embryonic-like stem cells
(note typo)
46Neostem spokesperson Suzanne Somers
- my own stem cells will be banked as
bio-insurance. Now I am prepared for my future as
the beneficiary of medical benefits while I am
7500 to extract 750/year to store
47menstrual stem cell service
48Cellerant Therapeutics
- CLT-008 will keep people
- alive after a nuclear attack.
49(No Transcript)
50For athletes, the next fountain of youth?
- NYT, 3/29/07
- MDs speculating
- No info, no news
- Banking stem cells for future injuries
- Not performance enhancement because self
51Selling hope
- Companies (most not in U.S) sell treatments that
use - Cord blood stem cells
- A patients own cells
- Fetal cells
52Stem cell company red flags
- No clinical trials
- Testimonials
- No follow-up
- Not done in U.S.
- PubMed no-show
- Too many claims
- Evasive or repetitive language
- Errors in basic biology
Medical Tourism
53 In memory of Glenn Nichols
54False promises ALS
- Patients treated with the companys NurOwnTM
therapeutic cells are expected to enjoy a rapid
recovery and much enhanced quality of life.
55False promises
- The company is initiating a series of efficacy
and safety studies toward a cure for ALS. - (SOD mice on rotarod)
56A case of mistaken identity
- ALS embryonic stem cells from cell
suspensions obtained from growth zones of
cadaverous embryos systems and organs.
Cells from 4-8 week embryos are not hES cells.
57A look into the not-too-distant future
Signals instead of cells
For study guide www.stemcellsymphony.com
58- Stem cell activity
- Choose disease or injury
- Identify affected molecules, cells, tissues,
organs - Identify genes proteins
- Deliver!
- Troubleshooting
- How to not cause cancer
- How to target effects
- How to prevent adverse effects
- How to monitor response
- 6. Write an ad for your product or treatment.