Title: Centre for Aerospace Systems Design
1Centre for Aerospace Systems Design Engineering
(CASDE), IIT Bombay
- Presentation to the 3rd Meeting of
- Joint Policy Committee
- June 10th 2002
2- Proposal for Continuation of CASDE
3Future of CASDE?
- Success of SE programme depends on the support
from Aerospace Organizations. - Modelling Simulation Lab. has reached a stage
where a specific study can be taken up. - MDO framework and studies are still in their
preliminary stages, needing further work.
4Views of Experts
- Management Committee
- Continuation of SE and Design, Build Fly
Activity - Scientific Programmes Committee
- MAV Related Work to be Taken Up
- MDO Related Software Tools Studies to be taken
up - MAFV Workshop
- Mini Aerial Vehicle Development in 2-3 Years Time
- Mr. Prahladas (JPC Member) Comments
- MDO to be Focal Activity of CASDE, with emphasis
on MDO framework to be used by all interested. - MDO Workshop
- MDO Framework should be given priority
5Proposed Plan of Action for the Future of CASDE
- Creation of Transition Period Until March 2003.
- Completion On-going Tasks
- Formulation of Specific Activities in line with
the Views of Various Expert Committees, Including
the Present JCP Meeting. - Creation of a Work Plan Beyond March 2003.
- Support for SE Educational Programme
- Specific System Level Activities
6Plan for Transition Phase
- Revision of SE Syllabus to make it Balanced
Suitable for Non-Aero. Fresh Graduates also, in
view of 2 year duration and AICTE Guidelines. - Consolidation of Design, Build Fly Activity,
Design Popularization Courses, Completion of
Other Labs. as part of the CASDE Infrastructure. - Completion of Preliminary Studies on INS, GPS,
Path Planning, Autonomous Navigation.
7Plan for Transition Phase
- MDO Framework Development to Version 2.0.
- MDO Studies with NASTRAN STAR CD
- Targeted Studies for Development of Ground Based
OILS and AILS, Towards Development of Mini
Autonomous Flying Vehicle.
8Plan for Phase-II
- Systems Engineering Education
- Revised M. Tech., CEPs, Workshops, . . .
- Integrated Modeling Simulation for System Level
Design Studies - Instrumented Flying Platform
- Mini Autonomous Flying Vehicle
- MDO Framework Software Tools
- MDO Studies
- Students Creativity Centre
9Systems Engineering Education
- Provision for Non-sponsored SE Students.
- Attempt to share special courses with other
educational institutions. - More Multi-disciplinary Courses, e.g. Mechatronic
Design, to be introduced for a wider audience. - Augmentation of Visiting Faculty Pool from
10Integrated Modelling Simulation for System
Level Design Studies
- Instrumented Flying Platform.
- 3-axis gyros, control surface motion sensors,
side slip sensor, sonar for altitude. - Aircraft weight to be kept invariant at 3.5 Kg.
- Specified missions to be flown.
- Planned to be used as an educational platform for
flight mechanics experiments. - Complete digital model for simulation.
11Integrated Modelling Simulation for System
Level Design Studies
- Mini Autonomous Flying Vehicle.
- Identification, fabrication of aircraft
aerodynamic characterization. - Identification of sensors/other on-board
avionics. - Control law design implementation
- Specific flight missions to be arrived at.
- Demonstration of autonomous flying, data
acquisition, processing and modifications.
12Integrated Modelling Simulation for System
Level Design Studies
- Student Creativity Centre.
- A forum for students to work with aircraft models
and get hands-on experience. - A Test Bed for proving new concepts (Discs,
Flapping Wings ). - A facility to introduce students to design
principles and Methodologies. - An exercise to inculcate Systems Engg. practices
at an early stage.
13Integrated Modelling Simulation for System
Level Design Studies
- MDO Framework Development.
- Develop modules for Mission, Controls, Cost,
ilities, etc. - Exploring the possibility of wrapping large
commercial software within the framework. - Support for exchange of complex data structure
distributed analysis
14Integrated Modelling Simulation for System
Level Design Studies
- MDO Studies.
- Aeroelastic optimization with engine model and
flight control. - Realistic problem formulation
15Financial Projections
- Financial Support Needed for Phase-II.
- Research Scientists, Staff RAs - 31
- Travel of Invitees/Students/Faculty - 11
- Workstations, Software, Equipment - 23
- Maintenance/Upgradation - 6
- Consumables and Contingencies - 8
- Workshops, Seminars, Short Courses - 6
- A Total of Rs. 85 Lakhs for a 2 Year Period.
16Financial Projections
- Activity wise break-up is as follows.
- Office Educational Programme - 35
- Modelling Simulation Activities - 25
- MDO Activities - 25
- These are only indicative costs and actual
expenditure may depend on emphasis.
17Current Fund Position
- CASDE has been careful in spending, particularly
for costly items making use of bulk
purchases/educational discounts. - Inadequate faculty/manpower to support many
18Concluding Remarks
- CASDE has been spending at the average rate of
around Rs. 35 Lakhs per annum. - It is expected that there will be a balance of
around Rs. 30 Lakhs by March 31st, 2003. - Total projected expenditure for continuation of
CASDE, for a period of two years beyond March
2003, is Rs. 85 Lakhs.
- CASDE gratefully acknowledges the excellent
support that it has been receiving from within
IIT its faculty and from ARDB, along with a
host of other aerospace organizations e.g. ADA,