Title: Recent Developments in Analyzing Infrasonic Signals Observed at I55US
1Recent Developments in Analyzing Infrasonic
Signals Observed at I55US
- Kenneth M. Arnoult, John V. Olson,
- Charles R. Wilson, C. A. L. Szuberla,
- and D. Osborne
- Infrasound Group, University of Alaska Fairbanks
Presented at the Infrasound Technology
Workshop Scripps Research Institute, UC San Diego
2I55US Windless Bight, Antarctica
I55US, the CTBT infrasound site, is located on
the Ross ice shelf approximately 30 km from
McMurdo base.
3CTBT Array Geometry
The UAF CTBT installations are constructed using
8 sensors in the form of a pentagram surrounding
a triangle. This provides broad-band coverage of
the k-spectrum. Data are taken at 20 Hz.
4Previously Explained Signals
- Strombolian Signals from Erebus
- Signals from Vee Cliffs
- Mountain Associated Waves (MAWs) from New Zealand
- Microbaroms
5Strombolian signal from Erebus
Mt. Erebus, located approximately 25 km from the
infrasound site, is an active volcano producing
occasional small strombolian eruptions.
6Strombolian signal from Erebus
- Statistics for 1 year
- 182 signals observed
- ( 1 signal every 2 days)
- Trace Velocity
- 320.5 /- 6.32 m/s
- Azimuth
- 336.5 /- 0.39o
- Duration
- 5 s
7Vee Cliffs Ice Avalanche
- Common Characteristics
- Trace velocity
- 327.4 /- 1.5 m/s
- Azimuth
- 19.0 /- 2.0o
- Duration
- 10s 30s
8Mountain Associated Wavesfrom New Zealand
- Common Characteristics
- Frequency
- 0.015 0.100 Hz
- Duration
- Hours to Days
- Low correlation
- Seasonal Variation
- Common Characteristics
- Frequency
- 0.2 Hz
- Low Spatial Correlation
- Seasonal Variation
Inner 3 Sensors
10Recently Explained Signals
- Signals from Erebus Tremors
- Signals from Ice Shelf/Island Interface
11Signal from Erebus Tremors
- 4 Signals Observed
- Trace Velocity
- 329.5 /- 3.0 m/s
- Azimuth
- 340.0 /- 0.78o
- Average Amplitude
- 0.01 Pa
Inner 3 Sensors
12Ice Shelf Signal
- Common Characteristics
- Azimuth
- - Highly Variable
- - Usually Northern
- Duration
- 5s 30s
- Highly Variable Waveforms
- High Correlation
13Locator function
- Assumptions
- Spherical wave propagation
- (Temperature is constant and uniform)
- No wind
- Earth is flat
- Precise Tau Precise Location
- Sampling Delta Tau Ovals
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- Erebus Study
- Recently Explained Signals
- Signals from Erebus Tremors
- Signals from Ice Shelf/Island Interface
- Near Field Source Locator