Title: Adipostatic action of Leptin: Leptin signals fat-storage sufficiency
1Adipostatic action of LeptinLeptin signals
fat-storage sufficiency
(Nature 404 661, 2000)
2Leptin effect in the arcuate nucleus of the
hypothalamus 1. direct effect
(Science 30463-4, 2004)
3Leptin effect in the arcuate nucleus of the
hypothalamus 2. neuroplasticity
(Science 30463-4, 2004)
4Leptin effect in the arcuate nucleus of the
hypothalamus 3. Neuronal wiring during a
critical post-natal period body weight set
(Science 30463-4, 2004)
5Leptin in human obesity
- Circulating leptin levels are regulated by fat
mass, gender, fed-fasted state. - Although loss-of-function mutations in the leptin
or leptin-receptor genes have been described,
this is likely a very rare cause of human
obesity. - Common human obesity is associated with elevated
circulating leptin levels, which are believed to
represent a state of leptin resistance. - ? Leptin therapy trials are largely ineffective
in common human obesity
6Leptin-induced signal transduction pathways
Overexpression of SOCS3 could be a mechanisms for
leptin resistance (Nat. Med. 10 734, 2004)
(Cell Biol. Int. 28 159, 2004)
- - A complement-related protein secreted
specifically from adipose tissue, reaching high
circulating concentration (0.01 of total plasma
Adiponectin trimeric form
- Low circulating adiponectin is found in patients
with - Central adiposity, Insulin resistance, Type 2
diabetes, Hypertriglyceridemiam, Hypertension and
Coronary artery disease. - Low adiponectin is an independent risk factor for
MI Adjusted RR 0.56 (0.32-0.99, plt0.02) for
highest Vs. lowest quintiles of adiponectin - (JAMA 291 1730, 2004)
8Can low adiponectin be causatively linked to the
metabolic syndrome?
Adiponectin KO mice are insulin resistant...
(J. Biol. Chem. 27725863, 2002)
9Adiponectin signals readiness for (safe) fat
Adipose tissue
10Resistin a putative insulin resistance factor
- Mediates resistance to insulin Discovered
through a search of genes down-regulated by
Thiazolidindiones. (Nature 409 307, 2001) - Controlling fat mass Shown as a secreted product
(termed ADSF) inhibiting adipogenesis. (JBC 276
11252, 2001) - An inflammation modulator Induced during lung
inflammation (FIZZ1). (EMBO-J 19 4046, 2000)
11- A genetic loss-of-function approach
Science 203 1195-8, 2004))
Fasting plasma glucose
12Suggested mechanism for resistin-mediated link
between obesity and diabetes
(adopted from J. Intern. Med. 255 439-47,
2004 MCB 25 1569-75, 2005)
13Open questions on the biology of resistin in
human obesity
- Human resistin is only 64 identical in sequence
to the mouse resistin. - It is expressed in low levels in fat tissue, and
highly in circulating and bone-marrow monocytes,
lung, and other tissues. ? is it really a human
adipokine? - Contradictory findings in humans on the
regulation of circulating resistin levels, though
recent studies seem to correlate higher levels
with insulin resistance and the metabolic
14Fat tissue is a metabolic-endocrine organ. Both
hypo- and hyper-adiposity are pathological.
Metabolic abnormalities? Fat deposition
abnormalities? Endocrine abnormalities? The
Insulin sensitivity
Fat mass / BMI
15Does therapy correlate with changes in adipokine
Metformin Insulin/SU TZDs Weight loss
? / ? ? (weight loss) ? ? / ? ? Leptin
? ? ? ? / ? Adiponectin
? ? ? / ? Resistin
16Thank you!
Special thanks to Dr. Hannah Kanety and to Prof.
Nava Bashan for help in preparing this talk