Title: All Fishes Regional Perspectives Region: South America
1All Fishes Regional PerspectivesRegion South
- Southeastern Pacific and Southatlantic.
Ricardo Galleguillos Ciro Oyarzún Dept.
Oceanography University of Concepción, Chile
2Area covered in Chile
- Fishes from Chilean continental shelf and slope.
- Potentially fishes from Easter Island and Juan
Fernandez Archipelago and Sub Antarctic areas.
3Number of fish species
4Species used in Chile as fishery resources
5Brief summary of plans for facilitating area
coverage CHILE
- Net contact from north to southern Chile through
universities - MNHN-Chile (Santiago) and Regional Museums.
- Fishery Industries. Central, Southern and
Austral. Mainly demersal and pelagic fishes.
6Has COI sequenced started in this region yet?
7Fish collectors in region
- University of Concepción, MNHN-Chile, Several
colleagues along the Chilean coast We have
regular contact and academic agreement with them. - Ecuador, Peru, Argentina (see next slides)
8Fish taxonomists in region
9Fish taxonomists in region
10Fish taxonomists in region
11Deposition plans for voucher specimens
- In the case of tissue samples we can offer space
in the new Center for biotechnology at University
of Concepcion, and the Genetic Lab. in the
Faculty of Agronomy at University of Chile. - Fish specimens will be stored, previous
agreement, in Museums and Fish Collection in
12Funding sources (present if any potential future
- Potential future funding CONICYT (National
Commission of Science and Technology). Grant for
applied science and technology (FONDEFF, FONTEC)
with supply money from the industries. - Small Grant from internal Research Direction at
University of Concepcion and others. - FIP (Funds for Fisheries Research)
- We have Grants to work in stocks definition,
mainly on Merluccius species, on Genypterus and
Clupeiforms - South American countries could apply to
respectives national agencies for research
13Other comments Fish taxonomy
- In some Southamerican countries there are
extensive works solving taxonomic problems for
the major groups of fishes. - Chile. During the last 25 years, the Chilean
Association of Ichthyology has been working to
join and coordinate samples collection.
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17Other comments Genetics
- In South America there are facilities for working
in genetic markers. (Funds for short visits
training in COI amplification and sequencing). - Capacity Building
- U. of Chile, has specialized laboratories working
with molecular markers and genetic improvement
applied to aquaculture (salmon species),
population genetics. - U. of Concepcion has experience working with
population genetics of marine fishes and
mollusks, using both protein electrophoresis and
DNA (mtDNA and microsatellites). - In the near future a new Center for biotechnology
with modern equipment. (Biological Resources
Bank) - Genetic Biodiversity (Developing group).
18Future Regional actions
- To create a coordination initially between Peru,
Argentina and Chile to - - Funds regional (CPPS), national
- - samples and standardize labs protocols.
- The next step should include Ecuador, Uruguay and
19The End