Title: St. Stephen’s Day festivities at Marwah Studios
1St. Stephens Day festivities at Marwah Studios
2Films have always been an important part of my
life. I express great confidence in artists,
their pursuit of excellence and their willingness
to share their gifts to shape and uplift the
Indo-Hungarian ties said Sandeep Marwah
President of Marwah Studios Indo Hungarian Film
Association at Marwah Studios, Film City Noida
celebrating St. Stephens Day with media
students. The two countries have strong
potential to facilitate a comprehensive growth of
enriched relation added Marwah giving importance
of the day. August 20th is the greatest national
holiday for Hungarians. It commemorates the
foundation of the Hungarian state. On this day
Pope Gregory VII canonized St. Stephen 1, the
first king of Hungary and founder of the Kingdom
of Hungary in 1083.