Title: Better Bricks Low Cost/No Cost O
1Commercial Integration of Solar Power Plants
Presented By Russ Wright Sales Manager,
Oregon SunEdison
- Objectives
- Retail Electricity Overview
- Solar Industry Overview
- About SunEdison Offerings
- Equipment
3- Retail Electricity Overview
4Electricity prices current
- Average commercial electricity prices varied from
3-26 cents/kwh in 2008
Source Energy Information Administration, Form
EIA-826, "Monthly Electric Sales and Revenue
Report with State Distributions Report."
5U.S. commercial electricity prices
- On average, prices have increased 4.76 each year
for the last 8 years
- Source Electric Power Monthly, DOE/EIA-0226 and
Electric Power Annual, DOE/EIA-0348.
6Global energy demand
- Total world demand to increase 220 by 2030 (2
each year) - When energy demand goes up, energy prices go.
Source DOE International Energy Outlook, June
2008. http//www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/ieo/excel/ieoht
7Global Electricity Demand
Global electricity demand to increase 142 by
2030 (1.4 each year)
Source DOE International Energy Outlook, June
2008. http//www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/aeo/excel/aeohmt
8Energy demand drives costs
- Demand drives energy production
- Energy plants are dispatched by (lowest) variable
costs - Utility rate breakdown
- Baseload rate
- Peak rates
- driven by volatile variable
- costs
- Demand charges
- determined by facilitys
- highest energy use
- To save energy ...
- Reduce peak demand from utility
9Price volatility of peak energy
- Cause Effect
- Lower natural gas (NG) production ? Higher NG
prices - Less new NG drilling ? Higher NG
prices - Oil prices increase ? Higher NG
prices - Higher NG prices ? Utilities
raise rates
Source http//www.petrostrategies.org/Graphs/Natu
10Solar reduces your peak demand
11Proven demand savings
- Actual demand savings from one of our solar power
12 13Demand for affordable green energy
- Society displeased with
- Volatile, increasing energy costs
- Dependence on foreign energy supplies
- Global warming use of carbon-heavy fossil
Source DOE International Energy Outlook, June
2008. http//www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/ieo/excel/ieohta
14Benefits of solar energy
- On-peak power
- Power created when electricity is most expensive
- Predictable, competitive pricing
- Doesnt vary with fossil fuel volatility
- Distributed
- On-site generation, decreases need for
transmission - Public Support Jobs
- 90 approval ratings since late 90s1
- Creates jobs 7 job-years for every MW installed
- Reliable
- 20-25 yr warranties can last 45 yrs
- Clean
- No CO2 emissions requires little to no water
Source Mason-Dixon Polling Research, Inc.,
Feb 2007
15Growth of solar industry
- U.S. solar market grew 57 in 07 1
- Solar growth predicted at 60 in 08 1
- Industry has grown 30 per year
- for last 15 years 2
- In 2009, photovoltaics will account for
- 116,000 jobs
- 20 billion in capital investment 3
1 Rhone Resch http//www.seia.org/breakingnews.php
2 Solar Buzz Fast Facts, June 16, 2008
http//www.solarbuzz.com/FastFactsIndustry.htm 3
Navigant Consulting. http//www.seia.org/breakingn
Source Company Analyst Reports, EERE, Solar
Energy Industry Forecast, May 30,
2008 http//www1.eere.energy.gov/solar/solar_ameri
16Insolation viability of solar
- Germany has
- slightly less land than Montana
- far inferior insolation to the U.S.
- 57 of the worlds photovoltaic energy (1,328 MW
vs. 220 MW in U.S. in 2007)
Source Solar Buzz 2007 World PV Industry Report.
17Viable Solar States 2009
18 19So many technologies which one is best?
- Thin film
- Less energy produced / sq ft.
- Less per kW
- Better performance in shading heat
- Flexible and laminate forms
- Types
- Amorphous silicon (a-Si)
- Cadmium telluride (CdTe)
- Copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS)
- Crystalline
- More energy produced / sq. ft.
- More per kW
- More prevalent
- Time-tested
- Types
- Mono-crystalline silicon
- Poly-crystalline silicon
20We dont invest the best find us
- Our intentional neutrality makes us a magnet for
innovative technologies - We determine panels, racking, balance
- of system by analysis design to
- minimize costs
- maximize production
- complement site characteristics
- Pilot projects with manufacturers
- 3 studies for unreleased technologies
- currently underway
21Space required for 1 MW ground-mount
- Crystalline
- Fixed panels, 5 acres
- Single-axis trackers, 8 acres
- Thin Film, fixed
- Fixed panels, 10 acres
Estimates based on latitude of 38 (Washington
DC) module angle of 20
22Space required for 250 kW roof-mount
- Crystalline
- fixed 20 tilt, 37,000 (useable) square feet
- Thin film
- fixed 0 tilt, 50,000 (usable) square feet
Estimates based on latitude of 38 (similar to
Washington DC)
23Mounting solutions roof
- Tilt angle of 0-20
- Racking Types
- Ballasted
- no penetrations to membrane
- 5-10 lbs/sq. foot
- Penetrating
- Roof penetrations verified by original roofing
contractor - Adhesive (thin film)
24Mounting solutions ground
- Fixed
- No moving parts
- Takes less space
- Tracking
- Rotates on axis
- Create more kwh
- More OM (moving parts)
- Can be more or less economical depending on
- Converts direct current (DC) to alternating
current (AC) - UL rated, IEEE approved
- Outage protection
- Warranted by manufacturer
26 - Incentives
- Financing Models
- Federal Investment Tax Credit - 30
- Currently sunsets at the end of the year
- Extender bill pending
- Oregon Business Energy Tax Credit 50
- Accelerated Depreciation - Modified Accelerated
Cost Recovery System - Federal 50 1st year in 08
- Energy Trust of Oregon
- Cash Incentive
- Paid at completion of project
- Based on size of project
- Funded by utility public purpose charges
28Financing Models
- Cash Sale
- Large capital outlay
- Monetize own tax credits
- Responsible for Maintenance and Insurance
- Approx. 5 yr ROI
- Flip
- Form LLC with Investor - some capital investment
- Investor owns 95 initially
- Host pays for energy produced
- Ownership interest flips at predetermined point
in time - 6-7 years
- Host buys out remaining interest
- Responsible for power production, maintenance and
29Value Proposition of the SPSA
- Simple
- Customer just pays for energy
- Financially efficient
- Incentives are fully maximized
- Predictable long-term pricing
- PPA rate is equal or below
- utilitys rate
- Aligns interests
- We benefit from maximizing
- system output for entire contract term
- Service based
- We perform monitoring, operations, maintenance
Predictable SunEdison prices vs. Volatile energy
30SPSA Direct sale
- Purchase energy
- no capital expenditure
- SunEdison maximizes incentives
- sells tax credits, RECs to interested parties
- provides (discounted) solar rate
- SunEdison holds responsibility
- monitors system performance, operations,
maintenance, etc. - Evaluate savings on SPSA rate vs. utility rate
- Purchase entire PV system
- pay cash upfront, asset on balance sheet
- Customer tries to monetize incentives
- uses incentives to offset capital
- expenses over appropriate payback period
- Customer holds responsibility
- self-performs maintenance operations - or
hires a servicer - Evaluate ROI on PV System
- vs. ROI on core business investment
31- About SunEdison
- History, Offerings, Experience
32Marketshare solar energy installers
- SunEdison holds 37 of the marketshare in the
U.S.s largest solar market
Source CSI Data, June 2008.
33SunEdison Today
- North Americas largest solar energy services
provider - Experience with 36 module types
- 1.4 billion in supply contracts
- 153 commercial sized systems installed
- 47.9 MW under management
- Operating across a global
- marketplace
- 477 employees
- 11 U.S. offices
- Offices in Canada and Spain
- and expanding quickly
SunEdison installation data as of 08.22.08
34What we do
- Our fully managed service includes
- Program design
- Financing
- Design
- Construction
- REC certification sales
- Rebate processing
- Promotional support
- 24/7 monitoring verification
- Operations maintenance for term of agreement
35 36Solar monitoring tells you
- How much energy is produced
- every 15 minutes
- Your demand charge savings
- Level of PV system performance
- If there is an outage
- Payback period return on your investment
37Without a solar monitoring solution
- You wont know about
- Production losses / lower energy generation
- Inverter failure or voided warranty
- Mechanical integrity failure
- Aluminum/steel rack corrosion, etc.
- Roof deterioration or voided warranty
- Safety risks
- Electrical risk of shock or fire
- Equipment detachment due to wind
Not a SunEdison Installation
Unattended solar systems can deteriorate beyond
repair, impacting a buildings structural
integrity or worse turning an asset into a
38Solar Monitoring Benefits Analysis
- Verify demand offsets (kW)
- Verify energy savings (kWh)
- Track environmental benefits
39Thank you! Questions?
Russ Wright rwright_at_sunedison.com 503-297-6408